Kawfee beanz, DIY and assorted Shenaniganery :)

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Aussie Pup Wrangler
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Thanks all!

DW gave me her cold for my birthday [emoji5]

A lazy day at home, bitter cold outside. Time for some French press civet poop [emoji5]

For a prezzy I got The Bob Hope Ultimate Movie Collection [emoji5]
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Resting In Peace
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Sep 1, 2014
Thanks all!

DW gave me her cold for my birthday [emoji5]

A lazy day at home, bitter cold outside. Time for some French press civet poop [emoji5]
Sorry you're sick for your birthday Mark. :( Stay warm!!
I French pressed one of your latest coffees yesterday morning. OMG it was so good!! I'll French press the 2nd one Saturday morning since I'm off work Saturday. Thank you!!


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I am not a fan of Excel. I know how to use it but I still don't like it. It makes things easier and like tracking things with it but hate making and updating the worksheets. I have a PS4 that I bought for the grandkids when they visit. Well, I got hooked on one particular game when it came out on the PS3 and they just came out with it for the PS4. It is Gran Turismo Sport and it is addicting. I made a spreadsheet to track my track times and vehicle used, etc. Everything was going great until yesterday. They did an update and added a couple new tracks and a dozen new cars. That meant I had to update all of the spreadsheets. I just finished getting it all updated and working right. Now I can get back to some serious playing. Oh, I should also mention that I really suck at this game. However, I really really enjoy it.
I'm with you on excel. It definitely makes things easier to track, but not real user friendly. Part of that is that I sorta know how to use it, but not good at it. Many years ago I used it when I ran a food pantry to figure out our orders from the food bank. I had never used it before and had to learn by trial and error and looking stuff up. Took me 6 hrs and much frustration to do what would have taken someone else 30 minutes maybe, if that, but it did make figuring out the orders much easier once it was set up right. Glad they had the game for the new one. It's ok to suck at it so long as you have fun. :p

Zucker Park is cool. I've only been once. They have the giant "tree" mafe of lights. You go stand in the middle & look up, & turn round & round & the lights seem to spin, or spiral above you. Fantastic optical illusion!

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oh kewl. Definitely on my wanna do list.

Merry Christmas, Deb!

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Thanks darlin..........hope you had a good one! Hope everyone else did too!!

Also hope all those who are sick get well quickly!!

Every year,we struggle with what to get my dad and stepmom for Christmas,so we usually go with gift cards so they can get whatever.This year,thanks to Diver inspiring me with his pen pics,this will be their gifts this year.My dad is an avid hunting and shooting fan,so i found a pen kit that looks like a bullet with bolt action mechanism that he should really like,i built it with a walnut center section since a lot of gun stocks are made from walnut.I also made him a regular pen from cherry,then found a cool pen case that looks like a rifle case to put them.I made a few for my stepmom as well,hers are red alder and mahogany in a very nice rosewood case.I think they will appreciate these quite a bit more than the normal gift cards.
Wow! Those are gorgeous.......and the rifle one with the case is so kewl. What wonderful presents you were able to do for them!

and one set of Kopi Luwak (aka civet poop
I love the movie the bucket list! and really love the part where he tells him it's civet poo and they both laugh til they cry.

To a sloth, that means ice skating on the lake :)
I've never seen a sloth ice skate........I loved doing that when I was a kid. Most of mine was done on ponds. But.......I did see a sloth swim earlier today. It was a show on netflix about nature.......had to watch the episode that included the sloth. He heard a lady sloth on the other side of the river, lake whatever it was bellowing out a mating cry, and man you never saw a sloth move so fast! hehehe I figgered the way he was moving (for a sloth) that by the time the poor thing finally got there, he'd be too pooped to accomplish his purpose. Not sure if he ever found her or not, the first one he found wasn't her. She already had a younglin and wasn't the least bit interested. :D

We've stayed in the low 50's pretty much. Some days last week were in the 70's, which was nice. I see we're supposed to get to the low 40's later this week, tho. Guess I need to make a mail run on whatever day is warmest this week.
I'm trying to rev myself up to make Hoppin' John for New Years. I think I'm in hibernation, tho.

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Hoppin John........yummmmm and some good cornbread of course. Did you not get the 30's and even one night of 20's we've been having? I think we have some more coming.

As you know DH and I don't do Christmas any more but I got an unwanted gift anyway… a rotten cold…just being sarcastic but I feel like crap.

On the 2018 plans… not much…going to Savannah for a couple days in March, attending a couple of Orchid shows, trying a few new tomato varieties in the garden and enjoying retired life.
Really hope you're well soon! The orchid shows sound kewl as do the new mater varieties.

Get better Bea! You too whodat.
We had good time Sunday night, and Monday morning. For the third year in a row, LRHG declared "this is the best Christmas ever!" :) I was so worn out, I slept most of yesterday afternoon.

To top it all off, I won the GBOX contest last night. :)
Wahooooooooo on your win!!! and even better, glad y'all and especially LRHG had such a wonderful Christmas! Hope you're recovered from it now.

I haven't been sleeping well the week or so. Yesterday, I had put the turkey in the oven and sat down at my desk to get caught up on email and such. The next thing I remember I look up and the TV and laptop had turned off. I guess I had dozed off sitting at my desk and was out of for 3 hours. Guess I needed it.
Hope your sleep improves. I've been going through the same. It's been prolly 4 days or so since I've actually "gone to bed" I am in the bed, but propped up on stuff. when I go to bed I get rid of the proppy stuff and put my pillow on the bed and lay down. But for the last 4 days or so, have just been falling asleep for couple few hours at a time, propped up while watching TV. It's usually when the pain pills kick in enough that I actually can sleep and before I know it, it's a few hours later. Really hope it improves for both of us. And hope the turkey was ok :)

For a prezzy I got The Bob Hope Ultimate Movie Collection
kewl! Some I've seen were super corny, but some are cute. He was just adorable most of the time no matter what he was doing.

Happy Birthday!!!! (sorry bout the cold)



Vaping Master
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Aug 14, 2014
Texas, USA
Get better Bea! You too whodat.
We had good time Sunday night, and Monday morning. For the third year in a row, LRHG declared "this is the best Christmas ever!" :) I was so worn out, I slept most of yesterday afternoon.

To top it all off, I won the GBOX contest last night. :)
Whoop! Congrats!

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Vaping Master
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Aug 14, 2014
Texas, USA
As you know DH and I don't do Christmas any more but I got an unwanted gift anyway… a rotten cold…just being sarcastic but I feel like crap.

On the 2018 plans… not much…going to Savannah for a couple days in March, attending a couple of Orchid shows, trying a few new tomato varieties in the garden and enjoying retired life.
I'm playing catch up, but hope you are better!

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Dec 9, 2013
MS Gulf Coast/NOLA
Sorry I missed it yesterday @markfm so :bday: a day late!...and hope the sick goes away quickly for you, extra healing vibes for you!

I had to go get my son who hasn't been home for almost 2 years:w00t:...long trip there and back, but so good to finally have him home! We'll be doing a belated Christmas celebration today with him! :D
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