Koopor primus and tfv not working right

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New Member
Jul 1, 2015
Hello, I have recently sold my smok x cube 2 with my tfv4 because the liquid I was using started tasting funny and stopped producing hardly any vapour also my coils that were rated at 80-150 ohms started burning a lot more at that rating than it used to. I have tried replacing my coils and also cleaning the whole tank out with no luck.
Anyway long story short I got rid of my old x cube and tfv4 and upgraded to the koopor primus and the latest tfv tank and using the coils rated at 0.15ohm 50-260w but I'm having the exact same issue I currently have it on 90 watts and it burns like it was on 200 and the liquid tastes horrible and burnt and I get a nasty nicotine hit.
I have tried the following -
Replacing coils (done this multiple times)
Cleaning tank
Chaining the ohm settings in my device

The only thing I haven't done is changed the battery's I currently have 3 purple efests
2 are 3000mah 35a 3.7v max continuous discharge 20a max pulse discharge 35a

And an older looking battery without the glossy Finnish that says 3.7v 3000mah high drain rechargeable battery. Discharge current 35a

Thanks for any advice/help you can give I feel like I've just wasted money on this thing


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Apr 5, 2013
First of all, there's no such thing as a 35Amp battery. It doesn't exist. Pulse ratings are also useless and should never be considered when choosing a battery.

Efest is known for misrepresenting what's under the wrapper. In some cases, dangerously so.

What happens if you lower the power? What e-liquid are you using, and what is the nicotine content?

Topwater Elvis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2012
Sounds like you're using a Temp control mode on the power device for a non TC coil wire material or using watt / power mode for a wire material that should only be used in a TC mode.

For safeties sake the batteries need to be identical matched & married sets.
Same age, same recharge / discharge cycles, same mah, same cdr amp rate.

The only TF-v4 replacement head (TF-Q4 40w -140w) that is .15Ω is kanthal wire. Kanthal should only be used in power/watt mode.

As far as I know Smok doesn't say what type of wire is used in any TF-v8 replacement head.
V8-T8 .15Ω (50w -260w)
v8-q4 .15Ω (50w - 180w)
V8-X4 .15Ω ( 60w-150w)

So, because you didn't state which 'TFV tank' / delivery device you're using we can only assume you're using the TF-V8 with the V8-T8 replacement head.

Nic mg/ml?
PG/VG ratio?
Are you properly priming the replacement heads?
Are you starting them off at a low power setting & gradually working your way up to 'break in' the new head?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 18, 2012
Each coil is unique, some are better than others, some worse.
This is why it is important when using a new coil for the first time (or a new device) to reduce the power settings very significantly to start and edge your power up gradually over time.
Once you hit a level where the flavour starts to taste off or a little burnt, it means it's near it's limit as far as how much power can be applied to it. No matter what it says on the casing or no matter where you were able to run your previous coil.
Over time you will likely be able to edge the power higher and higher.

Also, running odd batteries in a 2 or 3 battery device can lead to battery failures. You do not wanna be anywhere near a battery when it fails. Best to get 3 new high quality batteries at the same time and only use them together at the same time to avoid failures/injury. Cheers.


New Member
Jul 1, 2015
Here's what I have it if it helps
Smok koopor primus (mod)
Smok tfv8 with the v8-t8 coils
2 pair of purple efest 3000mah 35a battery's with one old one from my old smok that has a different skin but still like same mah and amparage
I'm using my device in watt mode
The device is telling me it is running at 0.15ohm
Im using 70/30 heisenberg juice and have also tried elements fresh squeeze all at 3 and 6mg nicotine

And how exactly do I prime them I pour juice into the middle of the coil and into the holes with the cotton before use and start off on about 50w is this correct?

Thanks for the help!

Topwater Elvis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2012
70 pg / 30 vg?

Again, the batteries need to be matched & married, I would not use a cobbled together set in a high watt power device.
Efest is notorious for overstating battery specs, in some cases dangerously so.
There is no such thing as a 3000mah 35a battery, none, zip, zero, zilch.

Prime by dripping drops of liquid on the wicking material until fully saturated.
Start off about 30w ish, probably wont get much vapor but better than scorching the wicking material & ruining a new head.
Gradually increase power over at least the first tank full.
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