KR808 Questions

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Jun 23, 2010
Dude you DEFINITLY went the right way by going the route you are on. Take it from me, I did at least 40 hrs of researching companies and comparing different starter kits before I choose Smoktip as my starter kit. Also, for the record, I'm just an ordinary guy and I'm not working for any e-cig companies or trying to plug any specific brand. I just ran across this blog while I was searching for mod parts and it caught my eye. Well before I get to all that SCARY stuff like mod parts, let me just tell you why. It caught my eye because I went the EXACT same route which tells me that youve done your research too. 1st off I hope you ordered online cause as you may already know, they replace batteries free for life on online orders. That by itself is freakin awesome because throughout all the reseach that I did, I NEVER saw another company offer that. And YES I had a battery crap out on me, And YES they knew it was my fault that it crapped out, And YES they sent me a replacement out BEFORE I sent it in with absolutley no questions asked other than "besides this incident, how is our product working for you?". So ok, now with that said, Lets move on to Vape4life. Once again, BRAVO on your chioce. They have decent juice, good quality blank carts, and longer batteries. ALL COMPATIBLE WITH SMOKETIP! I personally have been using thier coolcarts on my Smoketip and it works PHENOMENALLY! I just ordered 2 packs of WOW blanks and Ive read they fit just as well and vape a little more. As far as the best overall e-juice for me is R,s) The price is SUPER CHEAP and better still you can customize the juice blend and/or buy bulk e-juice up to 5 gallons (YES I SAID GALLONS!) then mix flavor extracts in them, which they sell for cheap too. OK now to the SCARY ....: Juices, mixing, filling blanks and the like. Personally, I fill my V4L blank cartos with V4L and Vaporrenu's juice, (I blend different flavors together and its nice)then screw the carto on my smoketip battery. LOVE IT !!!!!! I know this can be intimidating at first, but Ive only been into this since mid june of this year and listen to me I sound like I invented the damn things. Just kidding, But my point is that its VERY easy to learn all of this stuff. Im already messing with mods which are e-cigs parts build to work with larger li-ion batteries which hold charge 3-10 times as long. I made one which is universal. It will run on a 3.7v 14500 li-ion 900mah battery, OR plug into a USB port OR plug into the wall. Sorry, if thats too techy, not to insult your intelligence but 3.7v is the voltage youll be dealing with by using Smoketip/V4L batteries. I believe theirs is around 250-360 mah wheras you can see a 900 mah would last at least 3 times longer. I built mine out of 1 broken passthrough, a dual compartment AA batt box, and a momentary button switch which cost all of 8 bucks at radio shack minus the 15$ original cost of the broken passthrough which I only used cause the wire broke and I tinker. You can get more step by step how to's by searching "mods" in this forum. Ok now as far as filling cartos go, like I said I use V4L carts. I failed to mention that the end caps are nice, rubbery, and easily removeable/replaceable. DUDE IF YOU HAVENT FIGUERED IT OUT BY NOW,(took me a bit to relaize too but I finally did) FILL THE BLANKS CARTS WITH E-JUICE!!!!
Its soooooooo much better than thinking you have to buy replacement prefills from Smoketip. Even though I love their actual e-cig as my #1 recomended starterkits, I dont care for thier prefilled replacements. They were alright, but only go up to 16mg nic. Oh yeah, 2 packs of newports a day? Youll end up going through at least 3 cartos the first day then get discouraged. Dont get discouraged, you can refill their prefilleds for a while with e-juice. Just make sure your careful removing the hard endcap before you fill or you can always use the ever-famous carto-condom fill. AND YES ALL EJUICES ARE COMPATIBLE if you didnt know. I hope that Ive KEPT you on the right path but not confused you too much. BTW, I used to smoke 1-1.5 packs a day of KOOLXL greens. I would spend right at $200 a month. Now, I spend between $60-$70 a month plus I can vape ANYWHERE!!!! OH 1 more thing, you being a 2 pack a dayer, might want to start off with 36mg nic juice and work down. 16mg will probably just piss you off at this point. Remember! DONT GET DISCOURAGED! confusious say: stronger nic juice make for longer vape. think about it.
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Full Member
Jun 23, 2010
Originally Posted by juju8212
As far as refilling carts, Im very hesistant to do this. It seems like alot of work as far as mixing and pg vs vg etc. When I looked at V4L they make it sound like u just add a few drops to the cart where it connects to the battery and your good to go... Is it really that easy? Will this give good results?

dude its so easy youll .... your pants!:D
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Aussie Pup Wrangler
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Jul 9, 2010
Beautiful Baldwinsville (CNY)
Juju -- Yes, refilling is easy. Find a flavor and strength (mg/ml of nicotine) you like, then buy a 30 ml bottle. (V4L sells pre-filled cartos, and also sells juice of the same flavor and strength in 30 ml size).

Condom method: Take a rubber end cap, one without a big spire sticking up the middle of it. Fill it about 75% full with liquid. Slowly push it down into the rubber cap, battery side face down. If a little liquid comes out the top (the mouth end), wipe it off with a tissue.

Pull the carto back out of the rubber cap. Wipe the body of the carto to get rid of liquid on the outside of it. Blow through the mouth piece, with a tissue over the battery end to clear excess juice. Wipe the battery contacts with that tissue, and throw the tissue out.

That's all -- it's ready to use, or you can put a pair of the rubber caps on it and save it for later. Takes under a minute.
I will admit that I smoked a couple of analogs tonight, infact I had 2 after dinner. I tried to keep vaping and I do find it very helpful but there is something about a regular analog im still missing at this point... Did you experience this? I mean I have the hand mouth habit and the smoke (vapor) and th, but is it the lighter and ashtray ritual I miss? idk just is a little weird that I still want the analogs to me. Anyhow, I can't wait to try some other flavors and I plan on ordering some of the sampler packs from V4L and see if I can find one that really hits the spot for me.

I also have a slight headache and a dry mouth ... Does anyone else hold their vapor in? or do you just take a hit and blow it right back out?

I still smoke about 3 analogs a day, and I hear many take a lil longer to totally quit. I'm thrilled with going from 2 packs to 3 ciggs a day ... no complaints from me! I want to get to zero analogs, and zero nicotine eventually, but I won't put any pressure on myself. Quitting is a hard thing, and when the time is right, I will. I'm taking baby steps for now ... but I know I will get there with the help of vaping.

I also had headaches for about 4 days, then they just stopped. I don't have issues with the dry mouth, but hear it is very common. Everyone says to drink a lot of water.

I vape pretty much the same way I smoked ... I exhale after a second or two. But I'm sure everyone does it differently.

Well glad you are enjoying vaping! Keep up the good work and let us know how your trip was.
1st off I hope you ordered online cause as you may already know, they replace batteries free for life on online orders. That by itself is freakin awesome because throughout all the reseach that I did, I NEVER saw another company offer that. And YES I had a battery crap out on me, And YES they knew it was my fault that it crapped out, And YES they sent me a replacement out BEFORE I sent it in with absolutley no questions asked other than "besides this incident, how is our product working for you?"

I didn't know that, thats awesome!! I dropped my ecig in water tonight, should I bother calling them??? or any chance it may work again????


Full Member
Jun 23, 2010
I dropped my ecig in water tonight, should I bother calling them??? or any chance it may work again????
yes i did the EXACT same thing. dont use it OR charge it for a while. Also pop the top cap (fake plastic ash) off the battery and shake the battery holding the connection end to get out any eccess water out. Dont worry the end cap. It is not glued or anything and goes back on easily. Just use a small paperclip or needle to pop it off. Mine worked fine after about 4 hrs and it still works fine. :vapor::D


Full Member
Jun 23, 2010
Also, if after it works but not like new, send them an email and wait for them to send it out to you then mail it to them. That way you are not down to only one battery. Like I said in my other post, Smoketip has been awesome to me and even thought they say they need to receive the battery before they send out a replacement, they did tell me that as long as your account is in "good standing" (whatever that means)then they will send it out 1st.
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