Learning curve...

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New Member
Jan 9, 2012
As I told a few in past weeks, vaping was more trouble to learn than playing the sax. Started with a throw away from a gas station just to try it. OK, I can quit with this was pretty apparent. Then, on to a "starter" kit from an outfit I will not name. They did their best, the Riva 901 battery (s) just seemed to be crap! Defective out of the pack, work a few vapes and just sit and blink, etc. Again, they replaced them again and again,they did do their best.

I next made an order from HOOSIER ECGG SUPPLY. Got the KGO 1100 mAh kit. WOW.. head and shoulders above what I had. The quality was apparent when I opened the box. I had called them before I ordered for suggestions and I got quick answers to my questions.

Hoosier ecig Supply has a customer for life. ( or until I shake the vaping habit as well)


Vaping Master
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Aug 27, 2011
Philadelphia Burbs
With vaping it's not unusual to go through some different set ups to find what you like. I had success with the Riva kit when I first started but have since tried some other things that I like better.

Most importantly, you've quit smoking so congratulations! Welcome to the ECF. Make sure to post any questions that you have - we all love to help.


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Jan 20, 2012
Twin Cities, Minnesota
Ditto all the above posts..... WELCOME, this place is a fountain of wealth for information and I am still learning so much more from it. Anything to get the ball rolling off the analogs is great. I spent alot of $$$ in my smoking career, spending as much if needed to stay off them is worth my own health and to my wife, kids, grandkids, and all those whose lives I touch and touch mine. I hadn't planned on spending the $$$ amounts that I have put it to it but this is the best and most successful attempt yet at it. And most of all I've never felt better in doing it...!

Good luck to you and stick around.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 12, 2011
I find a good approach is to just take it a little at a time. If you try to do everything at once it can be extremely overwhelming. I consider vaping to have different styles that have their specific techniques: (analog style, big mod, dripping, cartos, tanks, DIY), everything has subtleties that you can really only learn by experiencing. I remember when I first started out, I would always just focus on noting what I liked most, and what I hated most, and focus on improving the thing that was bothering me the most. I also learned to stop ordering large quantities of things I think I'll like, just to save on shipping.

My process was:
510-t, hated the tank
Tried boge cartos, wanted more battery life
Bought more 510 batteries, wanted more battery life
Provari, wanted more cartomizer life
Smoktech Dual Coil carto tank, wanted better wicking
Switched from 50/50 to 70/30 VG, and bough a saddle-valve, wanted to burn through less juice
J-tank, and Chibi Tank: wanted to be able to sample more flavours
LR 901 Atomizers and Empire drip shield...can't stand spending so much money on juice
Want to Learn how to DIY

Just figure out the one thing you are most dissatisfied with, and focus on finding a solution to that...It'll get to the point where you have 3-4 things staggered in the mail. It's a good way to stay motivated. If you don't like something right now, something in the mail, might be the next game-changer...

Baby steps my friend:)


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May 2, 2011
Florida Keys, USA
Vaping is Easy button.jpg
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