Life without the cloud

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 11, 2009
South Florida, USA
Forgive me, I attempted to post this in the "The E-Cigarette in Public" forum and was denied (new member I guess).

Like many who arrived at e-cigs by way of analogs, I think we are looking to satisfy the same stimulus to which we have become accustomed. The TH, the flavor, the nic, and of course, the cloud.

Without the cloud, however, the e-cig is very stealthy, and could be vaped anywhere, in public or in private. I think I could even sit in an airplane, vape away, and get away with it. But once the fog comes rolling out –everyone knows something is going on.

For some reason, probably attributable to my history with analogs, a long plume of fog makes me think like I took a monster puff. Does this have to be the case?

I am not sure if a medium could be had with reduced vapor visibility (PG, VG, etc). But if so, the rest of the world would have no idea what “that dude holding a pen in his mouth” is doing.

BTW: The smell may be a factor too. A heavily flavored juice may produce a fragrant by-product. Hard for me to tell, I am usually the one vaping, so I can’t determine what the other, non-vapers, are smelling.

Just a thought.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2009
Denver, CO, USA
I've been vaping in "no smoking" bars and restaurants, sports stadiums, etc., since I gave up analogs.

Am I trying to get noticed while vaping hardly! Public awareness of the product is still minimal. I cover the led on the end of my 510, and vape away. Am I trying to completely hide my use? hardly! If someone catches me in the act, then I show them my 510 and explain that it is a nicotine inhaler, and emits only a harmless liquid vapor.

I think the product will get more mainstream exposure over the next year, but I doubt I will sit an my airplane seat, vaping away. (Don't think I won't sneak off for some vape sessions in the bathroom though! For a transatlantic flight during the night time hours, I'll vape away in my seat also!)
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