Little chuck info?

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jul 13, 2009
New York
Hey very interested These chucks look fantastic!! I was curious is the little the same price as the big one? when ordering do i email the pic before or after purchasing? someone wanna give me a step by step ?
Yes im slow at this stuff lol still kinda new with the atomizer the
901=dse901? 801=? 510=joye 510? im i correct on that part! and carts would be ordered according to atty right thanks for info everyone!!!!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 19, 2009
Yuba City, California
Hey very interested These chucks look fantastic!! I was curious is the little the same price as the big one? when ordering do i email the pic before or after purchasing? someone wanna give me a step by step ?
Yes im slow at this stuff lol still kinda new with the atomizer the
901=dse901? 801=? 510=joye 510? im i correct on that part! and carts would be ordered according to atty right thanks for info everyone!!!!
Prices are the same. Send pic before or after it doesn't matter. Order carts for the atty you use.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 19, 2009
Los Angeles County, Ca
amajn, if you're new to vaping, you might want to order a 510 connector and the adapters for 510-901/kr808, and 510-801. This way you can try most combination's of atties and cartomizers to find you're sweet spot.

Even if you're not new to vaping... This is a great idea anyway (IMO)
But I love to switch attys around for different juices and such. :D
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