Making my own DNA75 single 26650 mod

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Senior Member
Mar 4, 2015
I am toying around with the idea of making my own 3d printed DNA75 driven single 26650 mod. My question for the community is if anyone is using 26650 with vv/vw currently. I would like to know how they feel battery is compared to a dual 18650 dna200 setup. Of course I am assuming that all outside factors are the same and the wattage and/or temp is identical.

My second question is for anyone that owns both a dna75 and a dna200 board. is the quality of vape the same given the same test conditions?

Thank you,


1.21 GigaWatts!
ECF Veteran
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Feb 26, 2016
Don't have a DNA75 device, but I do have both a 26650 sx350jv2 and a dual 18650 sx350jv2 both from boxer.

The dual 18650s last longer than the 26650. Mod reads about 35000joules upon weak battery for dual and around 25000joules for 26650. Could also be the battery as mine are from Boxer (says 60A pulse'd 40A CDR with 4200 mah, but yea most likely NOT a 40A CDR battery) which Mooch should be testing pretty soon. Dual 18650s are LG HG2s. Both vaped the same tank at around 52W.
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