Marrying batteries

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Marrying batteries I have heard a lot on the subject of making sure you marry your batteries.

I have just found that a mod are use GX 350 has one battery that is not all holding charge as well as the others, so I am thinking of a divorce!
I wonder if battery mooch has any thing to say on the subject?

I’m thinking of slotting in another battery into the combo which is about the same age and hopefully will manage to keep up with the others.

I also have found that a number of new mods seem to balance charge for the USB port so therefore I think it is a fairly safe way to charge in this instance. Particularly Smog Mag. I know the word instruction manual is a dirty word among some people especially us men. But I think it states in the manual does a fast charge through the USB port and balances the batteries quite nicely. In this case I think it would actually be better charged in the mod. I don’t want to start the flame war that just sayin’


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 3, 2013
Blue Rapids, KS, US
Marrying batteries I have heard a lot on the subject of making sure you marry your batteries.

I have just found that a mod are use GX 350 has one battery that is not all holding charge as well as the others, so I am thinking of a divorce!
I wonder if battery mooch has any thing to say on the subject?

I’m thinking of slotting in another battery into the combo which is about the same age and hopefully will manage to keep up with the others.

I also have found that a number of new mods seem to balance charge for the USB port so therefore I think it is a fairly safe way to charge in this instance. Particularly Smog Mag. I know the word instruction manual is a dirty word among some people especially us men. But I think it states in the manual does a fast charge through the USB port and balances the batteries quite nicely. In this case I think it would actually be better charged in the mod. I don’t want to start the flame war that just sayin’

Well, several points to mention to help you understand a bit more.

1) Marrying batteries - Like marrying a spouse IRL, with batteries, when you marry them into a set, the rules of thumb are as follows (example scenario, a 3 battery mod)
A) Same Manufacturer - example say LG, all in the set have to be made by LG
B) Same Model - example the LG HG2 3000mah 20amp CDR <- Same model number, same mah, same CDR value, this makes them close to almost equal capability
C) Bought together as a set, charged together as a set, used together as a set, never using them alone or with another set, once a battery is taken out of the set, the remaining set can be used in a set, example 3 battery set initially, take one out of the set, the other 2 can be used in any 2battery mod, can not introduce a newer battery into the set for a 3battery mod. You can do it and you can not, if the batteries are about the same age, does not mean they have the same wear and tear (charges and discharges) on each battery, this wear and tear, say 2 batteries in a set have 30 charge cycles on them, add a 3rd battery that you bought at the same time but used solo has 120 charge cycles, the last battery will be weaker (more worn out) will not hold its charge as long as the other 2 with only 30cycles on them, this puts undue stress on either the newer stronger batteries pulling up the slack of the weaker 3rd, or the weaker 3rd is pushed past its capable CDR (remember Mah of a battery is 1 of 2 figures that determine a battery's true CDR, how long a battery hold charge is a reflection of that Mah figure, older batteries say an HG2 though 3000mah, at 120 charge cycles, potential Mah could be only 2800 or less Mah)

2) Charging batteries, with multi-battery mods, it is very, highly advised only charge them in an external dedicated charger. External charger does only 1 role, charge batteries, condition, and maintain them to optimal charge and life cycle. USB port charging inside a mod, only rely on that form of charging in an emergency, say forgot to charge the batteries night before and you are at work and that is the only mod you have, or traveling, for a short period you can charge them a bit in the mod, not fully charge them. Even if a mod says it has balance charging, do not rely on it. You still need to take the batteries out, rotate their positioning in the mod battery sled, EACH, charge cycle you do, this a manual user battery balancing, making sure the battery closest to the control board and battery furthest away from the control board in the battery circuit way are not all over discharged (generally 1st or last battery in the circuit) as well as not over stressed, battery closest to the control board has technically all power pushed through it to reach the control board. This is why it is sternly suggested use an external charger, that charger monitors each battery sled individually and charges each battery independent of the other batteries being charged at that same time, once a battery reaches full charge it shuts down charge on that battery slot while continuing the charge on other batteries. Another factor is that USB charge ports, especially Micro-USB (Android port), are very, very fragile and wear out quickly, once that port breaks or is worn out, can't charge anymore, nor can you upgrade the firmware anymore, thus use the USB port sparingly, update firmware when needed, and only charge when in an emergency.


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Jan 25, 2018
I agree with everything @IMRFire3605 said.

I will also say that the smok products I used never was good at charging batteries through the micro USB port even though the all the manuals said they were. When I did test it, and charge them in the mod then removed and checked voltage on them, they were never balanced. One had more of a charge than the other every time. Single battery was OK in a pinch, but I agree with IMRFire3605 again and say not to do a full recharge of removable batteries through the mod.


Dulce de Leche to rule them all
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Jun 17, 2017
Fort Worth Texas
In non-funniness mate, I bet if you pull the battery and switch them around you will find that it will not change on the icon really you are better off getting an external charger like everyone has said another good reason for doing that is that you can charge one set and vape another


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 10, 2016
Ottawa area, Canada
Marrying batteries I have heard a lot on the subject of making sure you marry your batteries.

I have just found that a mod are use GX 350 has one battery that is not all holding charge as well as the others, so I am thinking of a divorce!
I wonder if battery mooch has any thing to say on the subject?

I’m thinking of slotting in another battery into the combo which is about the same age and hopefully will manage to keep up with the others.

I also have found that a number of new mods seem to balance charge for the USB port so therefore I think it is a fairly safe way to charge in this instance. Particularly Smog Mag. I know the word instruction manual is a dirty word among some people especially us men. But I think it states in the manual does a fast charge through the USB port and balances the batteries quite nicely. In this case I think it would actually be better charged in the mod. I don’t want to start the flame war that just sayin’
I've got several models and brands of mods, which I've charged via their port for a few years, tested the batteries once in a while and they're been fine.

I know that there's the myth about mods being the devil for charging, but unless you have a crappy mod, many mods are just fine. Just try and see if it's been tested/reviewed properly for it's charging capacity if you're worried, otherwise, test it yourself... put a fresh set in it, use and recharge 2 or 3 times and then on the next time, use them about half-way than check them then. If there's a variance that's really noticeable, then you'll k (edit: NOTE: do not forget that you might actually have one bad battery and that the mod might be 100% fine for charging, so if unsure, try the same test with another set of batteries)...

And also note that 2-3 charges that are a bit out of whack (IF it does happen), is not going to affect the batteries, just get them charged evenly/properly after this test and keep them married.

If it's fine, just test the batteries every once in a while, rotate them, and enjoy life.

And married or not, some batteries can simply be bad, go bad, or be worse than another battery that you bought at the same time, same place, same brand, etc. (and married it).. there's no such thing as a perfect battery, and some can just end up having a chemical imbalance and that's the end of it. It just happens and your best "protection" is to check them every now and then.

Chargers can go bad too, some short out, burn out, mess the batteries up, etc. and the more you're handling your batteries, the more you're probably going to snag them, and while being handled is where most of the time that people have had a bad situation with their batteries. So using chargers have it's own risk factor, and that's something that most "USB port is the devil" group tend to put their heads in the sand over.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 10, 2016
Ottawa area, Canada
I have never married batteries, just made sure they were the same brand. I don't punish my batteries with subohm demands...1.4Ω builds and batts last a long time. How you treat them does way more damage then early death to batts than not marrying them can do.
Sorry but no... just no.

I mean no insult or disrespect, but I will be blunt and direct here as it involves battery safety:

It's not a question of brand, it's a question of trying to have two batteries that will be balanced together, that will charge equally, that will discharge equally. Regardless of strain put on them.

That's the same saying to mix old and new batteries in a device and not understanding how the chemistry of the batteries work.

A bad/weaker battery will impact the set, you can cause one of the batteries to vent, cause the newer one to die prematurely, etc. just bad stuff all around.

I won't mix even alkaline batteries in any of my devices, I change all the batteries together with fresh ones every time I change them. Have you seen a remote or flashlight with a bad set of batteries? they burst, they vent, they leak, and that's a VERY mild reaction... A lithium battery venting is a very bad thing, a good 1,000 times worst than a AA or AAA battery going bad here....


Ultra Member
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Jun 7, 2015
Toledo, Ohio
Just another opinion: I use usb only in emergency situations. A good brand of charger does more for your batts than your mod will.
Number one reason though is there is no way I am waiting while my mod charges, and even if it has pass through they get hot hot hot sometimes.
I would never use the usb on a smok mod just because that company is known for poor quality control (my job lmao) and they seem to turn into hand grenades pretty easy.
Yes you have to handle batteries and someone stated that's when most major issues seem to arise, but I would state that is not due to handling but MIShandling....
Any device can fail. I've never heard (not saying it can't happen) of good batteries venting in a charger, but I have heard of batts venting in mod while charging...
And yeah I always keep my batts married, eliminates guesswork on how old a battery is and I can compare performance more easily.


Vaping Master
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ECF Veteran
Apr 25, 2014
toledo ohio
Well, several points to mention to help you understand a bit more.

1) Marrying batteries - Like marrying a spouse IRL, with batteries, when you marry them into a set, the rules of thumb are as follows (example scenario, a 3 battery mod)
A) Same Manufacturer - example say LG, all in the set have to be made by LG
B) Same Model - example the LG HG2 3000mah 20amp CDR <- Same model number, same mah, same CDR value, this makes them close to almost equal capability
C) Bought together as a set, charged together as a set, used together as a set, never using them alone or with another set, once a battery is taken out of the set, the remaining set can be used in a set, example 3 battery set initially, take one out of the set, the other 2 can be used in any 2battery mod, can not introduce a newer battery into the set for a 3battery mod. You can do it and you can not, if the batteries are about the same age, does not mean they have the same wear and tear (charges and discharges) on each battery, this wear and tear, say 2 batteries in a set have 30 charge cycles on them, add a 3rd battery that you bought at the same time but used solo has 120 charge cycles, the last battery will be weaker (more worn out) will not hold its charge as long as the other 2 with only 30cycles on them, this puts undue stress on either the newer stronger batteries pulling up the slack of the weaker 3rd, or the weaker 3rd is pushed past its capable CDR (remember Mah of a battery is 1 of 2 figures that determine a battery's true CDR, how long a battery hold charge is a reflection of that Mah figure, older batteries say an HG2 though 3000mah, at 120 charge cycles, potential Mah could be only 2800 or less Mah)

2) Charging batteries, with multi-battery mods, it is very, highly advised only charge them in an external dedicated charger. External charger does only 1 role, charge batteries, condition, and maintain them to optimal charge and life cycle. USB port charging inside a mod, only rely on that form of charging in an emergency, say forgot to charge the batteries night before and you are at work and that is the only mod you have, or traveling, for a short period you can charge them a bit in the mod, not fully charge them. Even if a mod says it has balance charging, do not rely on it. You still need to take the batteries out, rotate their positioning in the mod battery sled, EACH, charge cycle you do, this a manual user battery balancing, making sure the battery closest to the control board and battery furthest away from the control board in the battery circuit way are not all over discharged (generally 1st or last battery in the circuit) as well as not over stressed, battery closest to the control board has technically all power pushed through it to reach the control board. This is why it is sternly suggested use an external charger, that charger monitors each battery sled individually and charges each battery independent of the other batteries being charged at that same time, once a battery reaches full charge it shuts down charge on that battery slot while continuing the charge on other batteries. Another factor is that USB charge ports, especially Micro-USB (Android port), are very, very fragile and wear out quickly, once that port breaks or is worn out, can't charge anymore, nor can you upgrade the firmware anymore, thus use the USB port sparingly, update firmware when needed, and only charge when in an emergency.

Thank you for elaborating in such a way that even I can understand. I’ve read, I’ve YouTubed, but it’s often worded in such a confusing way. I suspect that’s why my batteries simply eloped.
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Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
All jokes aside, marrying batteries is a good idea and in almost all cases safer. If your battery is discharging unevenly (and you are charging using an external charger) label one F (female) and one M (male) and rotate and swap them each charge, so you know that if there is anything causing one to discharge unevenly, they'll be consistently swapping places in the mod.

If the difference is severe, I might retire the bad one and keep the other for any single battery mods or your ohms reader or whatever.

Charging internally can sometimes cause married batteries to charge unevenly and I would avoid doing it unless you absolutely have to and etc.

Best of luck,



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Sep 7, 2013
marrying your batteries could result in a genetic anomaly like this two headed baby
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