Mod shorting issue

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Root Down

Full Member
Oct 3, 2013
I've got a sigelei Zmax that I'm having some short circuit issues with. This doesn't happen every time I put a battery in and I'm having trouble tiring the issue to specific batteries or whether the issue is the mod itself. About every other battery I put in (after functioning properly for about an hour) it will say short on the screen and drain the battery all the way down. Do I need new batteries or a new mod? If it's the mod can I fix it? Thanks in advance for any help! :)


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Dec 10, 2012
Northern Indiana
I'm going to guess the Zmax is at fault, but that is just a guess.

Might be helpful if you others know let what kind of batteries you have, and if it is the same batteries repeatedly or just random batteries.

Once the batteries get drained below 2.5 volts they can be damaged, have you checked them with a multimeter? Preferably before and after charging and after the short message.

Do you have another mod to try, and if so does it do the same thing?


Ultra Member
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Dec 10, 2012
Northern Indiana
I had to replace a Zmax a while back for this exact same issue.

I'm thinking the O.P. will have to do the same.

Just curious, what topper(s) are you using when this happens, any big juice spills, and does the Zmax cutoff at the low vol warning?

This could be dangerous if it is discharging the batteries rapidly. You might want to get a different device as well as batteries, hard to say if the batteries have been damaged by this.

Root Down

Full Member
Oct 3, 2013
This is happening with Iclear 16s, protanks, and a Cisco spec 2ohm atty. it doesn't happen every time but I do have what appears to be a few damaged batteries from it (they won't recharge up to 4.2v). I use the Sigelei batteries that came with it and bought some trustfires as well. I haven't had any major juice spills to speak of. I think I'm going to play it safe, chuck everything, and get a different one.
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