MVP 2.0 and jpge nimbus rda

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 12, 2014
Nixa, Missouri, USA
Okay, so I've been dying to get into RDAs after reading on here constantly. It seems like every post you read says that there is no comparison when it comes to flavor over tanks.

So I stopped into a brick-and-mortar yesterday to check out what they had. The guy deal with there is always super helpful. He has me try a tank. Then with the same flavor juice, has me fire up his mech mod with the Nimbus RDA. Holy cow! There was absolutely no comparing the flavor at all. The flavor difference was amazing. I was sold. Granted he had his own coils and cotton for wicks.

So now here's my question. I know I have to watch the ohms on the MVP as it won't fire below .08. I also know that I'm limited to five volts or 11 W.

No idea what kind of resistance or power he was running on his mod. I do know that the vape was warm but the flavor was incredible.

Any ideas if I can achieve a similar outcome with the MVP? Will be trying some coil builds and Cotton this weekend. (A first for me).

I'm thinking like a 32 gauge kanthal. But as I said this is the first and I'm still new at this and learning. My reasoning for this is for the higher resistance since I know the MVP should not go too low. If I'm wrong or there are better ideas I am definitely open to hear them. I also know that although the Nimbus is a dual coil I do not have to build two coils.

The stock wicks and coils that have come with it are nice but I am definitely not getting the flavor that I experienced yesterday at the vape shop.

I'm hoping I don't have to break down and buy another device such as a mod. While I'm definitely not against that idea I'm trying to keep my costs low right now.

I used to think that mods were only for the cloud chasers. I think I might've been wrong on that one. Lol.

My goal is for flavor. Maximum flavor. I do know the mod seemed to achieve that quite well yesterday. I'm hoping to achieve similar or close results with my MVP.

Thoughts or suggestions?

State O' Flux

Vaping Master
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Jul 17, 2013
Hi... low...

So now here's my question. I know I have to watch the ohms on the MVP as it won't fire below .08. I also know that I'm limited to five volts or 11 W.
The most important value, when drawing comparisons with unregulated mech mods, is amperage... and you have a 3 amp limit with a MVP2 - hence the recommended minimum resistance of 1.3Ω+/-.

No idea what kind of resistance or power he was running on his mod. I do know that the vape was warm but the flavor was incredible.
If it was "warm" it was below 1.0Ω, and probably made from 24-28 gauge wire. 32 gauge wire isn't going to get you there, unless you perhaps twist 3-4 strands together.

Say for example he had a dual coil atty running at 0.4Ω... a very reasonable, sub-ohm resistance. With an unregulated mod, voltage is a relative constant. You can use peak of 4.2v, or a more realistic value of 3.9v "average".

So... using Ohm's Law, 0.4Ω at 3.9v "requires" a minimum of 9.75 amps... at 38 watts. Add a 10% margin of safety for the "battery maximum continuous current output", and you need a good 18500 or 18650 battery, like an AW IMR 18490 rated at 16.5 amps.
If you really wanted to push the ragged edge for a margin of safety, one of the new 10.5 amp Efest "purple" 18350s would work, or... increase your resistance a few 10ths to reduce amp load.

Any ideas if I can achieve a similar outcome with the MVP? Will be trying some coil builds and Cotton this weekend. (A first for me).
No. The best you can do - and utilize the 3 amp limiter to best effect - will be to build 1.2Ω coils... that pretty much pins it for the MVP2.

My goal is for flavor. Maximum flavor.
Buy a unregulated mod. Click on both my sig line hyperlinks below... and start reading. Ohms Law, battery maximum continuous (and peak "pulsed" outputs too - but that's a discussion for another time) outputs and resistance parity are the key factors at play for the safe use of unregulated mech mods and low resistance RBAs. ;-)

Have fun!
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