My first post...Impressions and my Journey so far.

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Oct 18, 2010
upstate ny
Hello fellow vapers and perhaps future vapers.

I am new to vaping. Its been one month now since I purchased my first e-cig. Before I purchased any equipment I did a google search on e-cigs which led me to this forum. I spent a week occasionally poking around on the forum to gather information that I thought would help me with my decisions concerning whether I wanted to start vaping and if I did what equipment to start with.

I was a 2 -2 1/2 pack a day smoker for over 35 years. I've tried everything to quit from hypnosis, cold turkey, patches and stop smoking groups. I would sometimes quit for a while but always found myself back on the cigarettes.

My first purchase was a Joye 510 kit. I added 30 ml of juice and 5 cartomizers to this order. Since my first puff on this outfit I have not touched a cigarette. That in its self is amazing. Not one cigarette in a month!! I don't even have a desire for one. I now find the smell of burning cigarettes yucky, for lack of a better word.

I was a heavy smoker and now I am a heavy vapor. My 510 was/is nice but I was constantly charging batteries and filling cartomizers or the carts. It was not convenient at all but I sure liked vaping more than analoges at this point. Because of this I then purchased an eGo battery with the USB connection as I was at my computer much of the time. Wow, this thing was great. I still was filling my carts and cartos much of the time so for my next purchase i ordered the mega atty (cylinder type) and the matching cartridge. This outfit seems to work for me. The battery lasts a long time and the outfit holds a lot of juice. This has become my everyday vap. I still carry my 510 with me as it now serves as a backup.

I was a mentol smoker so I have been vaping menthol juice. I have tried 50/50 pg to vg and straight pg. PG seems to be better for me. I tired some vanilla flavor but the flavor was so light that I could barely taste it if I used some imagination on my part. I will continue to search for some alternative flavors even though I am quite happy with the menthol.

I could go on here but I'll save some of my impressions and my journey into vaping for another thread or two but I have to make a list of why I like vaping, or the advantages of vaping over smoking before I finish this thread.

Off the top of my head here are the reasons I like vaping.

1. My lungs and breathing are better and still improving.
2. Its less expensive than cigarettes. In NY cigarettes are $9 a pack!
3. My taste buds are working again.
4. My nose is working again
5. My smokers cough is almost gone
6. I smell better. I don't stink of cigarettes anymore.
6. I don't have to go outside to smoke anymore. I can vap inside. Living in upstate NY this can be an adventure in the winter time.
7. I dont burn holes in my clothing anymore or burn holes in my car seats.
8. My teeth and breath thank me.
9. I am not breathing in tar and carbon monoxide and all the other terrible stuff that comes in a cigarette.
10. I am not harming those around me with second hand smoke.
11. I dont have dirty ash trays to empty.
12. I dont have to make sure I have my lighter with me.
13. I dont have to make midnight dashes to go out to get a pack of smokes.
14. I just enjoy e-cigs a lot more than cigarettes. I like the equipment, the technology, the look etc.

I hope this helps some one looking into using e-cigs or someone that is new to vaping. Vaping I find is a journey, an experience that keeps moving along the more one does it...experimenting, trying new things and working on techniques that work for you...thanks and happy vaping!!
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