My menthol smoking coworker is interested... but what should I give her?

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Feb 18, 2012
I'd strongly suggest giving Rawr Vapor a try....part of what KEPT me vaping was the amazing flavors and the huge variety. So although it was a tobacco juice that got me off the analogs to begin with, it was all of the great flavors the KEPT me off of them. Rawr is an amazing vendor, and they are huge on adding menthol to their juices. Their fruit flavors are absolutely can either order some without menthol, and buy their "Angel Tears" which are their menthol drops and add yourself, or add menthol to any of their flavors upon ordering.

Here are a few I STRONGLY suggest that go really great with menthol: (one puff of some of these flavors and a cigarette will never be appealing again!)

Truth Serum

There are a ton more I could mention, but I think those are the best ones combined with the menthol, IMO.

Oh..and for 5% off at Rawr, use the code VapeTV

Good luck!!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 22, 2011
Here's a tip to give to your friend. No way will an electric cigarette or e-juice duplicate her favorite cigarette. Don't bother spending boo-koo dollars trying to find its twin in electric form, it doesn't exist.

She needs to really want to stop smoking and realize that vaping on PV's probably offers the best solution to accomplish that goal. If she finds that by vaping that she really might be able to stop, ecourage her get backup batteries. Or, if she decided upon the Volt cig-look-alikes, encourage her to try one of the X2's. If she is at all like me, she'll probably tire of changing out batteries every couple hours; even tho it's cigar sized, the X2 batteries will give her 6-12 hours between charges. Tell her the best success comes when you stop trying to look like you are still smoking an analog, and go with a bigger battery. Just my :2c:

I totally get where you're coming from, but at the moment she's not trying to switch to vaping. She's just interested in this "thing" (as she calls it) that I'm smoking and wants to try it in "a menthol". So she's not serious, just curious. My hope is that it will be a good enough experience so that when she becomes serious one day, she'll think of vaping. At that point I'll probably have "the talk" with her... lol, you know "its not a cigarette, try other flavors, doesn't have to look like a cig, etc"


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 22, 2011
I'll chime in for a fifth (fourth?) consecutive statement that most smokers I know get into menthols because they don't like regular tobacco flavors-that being said, all of them loved the few 'classy' mint smokes out there way more than their menthols. I get that you already ordered some flavors, but in case future e-liquid archaeologists find this post, try a mint instead of a menthol. It won't let them down by not tasting like their smokes, plus like I said, I find most of them prefer a mint either, as sort of a cleaner taste.

Oh, did you want to know SPECIFICALLY which mint liquid to get? Oh....uh....I.....hey look, a dude over there is giving away free Provaris! <runs for it>

Yea, that's ultimately why I got the samplers. Has a menthol, yea, but also a mint, cherry, grape, watermelon, etc... I'd be willing to bet a dollar she'll like one of the "other" flavors better.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 7, 2010
I'd strongly suggest giving Rawr Vapor a try....part of what KEPT me vaping was the amazing flavors and the huge variety. So although it was a tobacco juice that got me off the analogs to begin with, it was all of the great flavors the KEPT me off of them. Rawr is an amazing vendor, and they are huge on adding menthol to their juices. Their fruit flavors are absolutely can either order some without menthol, and buy their "Angel Tears" which are their menthol drops and add yourself, or add menthol to any of their flavors upon ordering.

Here are a few I STRONGLY suggest that go really great with menthol: (one puff of some of these flavors and a cigarette will never be appealing again!)

Truth Serum

There are a ton more I could mention, but I think those are the best ones combined with the menthol, IMO.

Oh..and for 5% off at Rawr, use the code VapeTV

Good luck!!
Okay, I will try it man!


Vaping Master
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May 15, 2012
Dallas, Tx
I guess you could say she is "vape curious". :D

I think you're approaching this the right way. I also have had some friends who were vape curious, and if their first hit is bad they are turned off to the whole idea.

I'm not sure why so many people, at least initially, insist on it looking like a cigarette and tasting like one. I never felt that way. But, that's the way it is whether I understand it or not.

I totally get where you're coming from, but at the moment she's not trying to switch to vaping. She's just interested in this "thing" (as she calls it) that I'm smoking and wants to try it in "a menthol". So she's not serious, just curious. My hope is that it will be a good enough experience so that when she becomes serious one day, she'll think of vaping. At that point I'll probably have "the talk" with her... lol, you know "its not a cigarette, try other flavors, doesn't have to look like a cig, etc"


Vaping Master
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May 2, 2012
Clermont, FL
I guess you could say she is "vape curious". :D

I think you're approaching this the right way. I also have had some friends who were vape curious, and if their first hit is bad they are turned off to the whole idea.

I'm not sure why so many people, at least initially, insist on it looking like a cigarette and tasting like one. I never felt that way. But, that's the way it is whether I understand it or not.

A lot of people .. I won't say fear change in this case .. but when making a big transition, having the comfort of familiarity is helpful. I used a look a like for my first 2 weeks until the battery life drove me nuts. But it felt the same as smoking, and that helped with the initial hurdles.

Dr. Blots

Senior Member
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Jul 10, 2012
Baltimore, MD
I immediately thought of Orchard Frost (wild berry menthol tobacco) and Conundrum (menthol fruit salad - no tobacco), both of which are from BWB.

After being a menthol smoker for half of my smoking life, I would have to wholly agree with the Orchard Frost. I am afraid of Conundrum, because I don't like pineapple in anything but pineapple. But I am sure it is good!


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Jul 9, 2012
Narrows, VA
I smoked Kool Milds (blues) for years. If I didn't have or couldn't get them, I would go for Marb menthol lights or Camel menthol lights. Been using PVs for a little over a year now and still can't find a menthol that I really enjoy. Yes, I've done the drops in different mixes, but nothing really hit the spot. I've ordered hundreds of dollars worth of juices, mainly in sampler packs or sample sizes, to find what I enjoy. Believe it or not, it's an Apple flavor that I go to every time now. Sure, I'll use other flavors, but I always go back to Gamer's Apple from iVape. It is the ONLY flavor that fulfills me. It's weird, but, everyone is different. After reading this thread, I may have to place an order for some options mentioned here.

Good luck converting her! Hopefully she will find something that suits her taste buds and drops those analogs.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
The Smokeless Image Ice Menthol is what I credit for getting me to stop smoking the Marlboro Menthol Lights.

Once I started exploring other vendors and other flavors, my interest in vaping increased tenfold. Over time, I found my top two juices, then it became my top 5, and my top 10. I learned to enjoy variety in my vaping. Looking back, it's amazing to me that analog smokes have so few truly different flavors, yet maintain such a hold on our bodies and psyches and literally demand brand loyalty.


Senior Member
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May 17, 2012
Mountain House, CA
The short (skip the rest if you like):
What do I offer my menthol smoking lady friend?

The long:
I'm a new vaper and I just started vaping at work. My menthol smoking coworker is curious about this "thing" I'm using and wants to try it, but wants a menthol. What should I give her? She smokes those skinny Misty menthols.

I never smoked menthols so I never really researched much on the menthol eliquids. I tried one or two at the suggestion of the ECF, but didn't work for me. I know there are probably a 100 threads on "what is the best menthol", but that could take hours and I'd probably still pick the wrong one. This lady isn't looking hard at vaping like many of us were when we got started -- She is just interested and wants to try it. So, we've probably got just one shot here. Whatever flavor I let her try, that's going to be her first impression, and if she doesn't at least semi like it, then that's probably it until she decides she's serious about trying to quit. When that day comes, I'd like her to at least remember this and think, "you know, that ecig wasn't half bad".

So, if you are an ex-menthol smoker (especially the ladies here), and had just one shot at this, what would YOU offer her? Also, keep in mind that being a current menthol smoker, she's got it in her mind that it HAS to be a menthol (you know you remember thinking like that), so I can't pitch her a watermelon or cherry-cola something or other...

I'd suggest letting her try a bunch of flavors, and add menthol to them. I think Alien Visions sells just the menthol juice at just add 5-8 drops and let it steep a little and you're good to go!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 22, 2011
Just an update:

Well... it was worth a try. She was excited when I told her I had some menthol samples for her. She had asked about it several times the past week or so. She looked over what I had, which was a SI sampler containing Ice Menthol, Menthol Blast, Mint, Cappuccino and Classic Grape. Also on hand were two cartos filled with Orchard Frost and Conundrum from BWB. She picked the Ice Menthol (all on her own... I didn't steer her one way or another), and she took a little puff for taste followed by a real drag... at which point she coughed and choked hard. After she'd regained composure, I asked if it was too much menthol to which she answered "no". I asked what it was, and she said "I don't know it was harsh". I tried it myself, and while I hate menthol, I thought it was pretty smooth. I asked if she'd like to try another flavor, or if I needed to turn down the power and she said, "no, I don't think it's for me... it burns". Very disappointing. Oh well....

I did have the Provari cranked up to 4.8v but when I was trying to quit I thought that setting actually provided a nice smooth drag that was much more like an analogue. All the juices were only 6mg nic, so that wasn't it. All I can think is I had the voltage too high for her. Any thoughts?


Ultra Member
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Jan 7, 2010
I think she should just try some fruity vapes with menthol/mint in them. I was a menthol smoker and I just really liked the cool feeling. I didn't like the taste of non-menthol cigarettes, but I would smoke them if I didn't have menthols around. As a vaper now, I like both, but most of my favorite juices are still minty or have menthol in them. I tried a few juices from Mister E's that has menthol in them, the ice line is pretty good. I really like the lemon, coconut, and strawberry ice.


Senior Member
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May 17, 2012
Mountain House, CA
Just an update:

Well... it was worth a try. She was excited when I told her I had some menthol samples for her. She had asked about it several times the past week or so. She looked over what I had, which was a SI sampler containing Ice Menthol, Menthol Blast, Mint, Cappuccino and Classic Grape. Also on hand were two cartos filled with Orchard Frost and Conundrum from BWB. She picked the Ice Menthol (all on her own... I didn't steer her one way or another), and she took a little puff for taste followed by a real drag... at which point she coughed and choked hard. After she'd regained composure, I asked if it was too much menthol to which she answered "no". I asked what it was, and she said "I don't know it was harsh". I tried it myself, and while I hate menthol, I thought it was pretty smooth. I asked if she'd like to try another flavor, or if I needed to turn down the power and she said, "no, I don't think it's for me... it burns". Very disappointing. Oh well....

I did have the Provari cranked up to 4.8v but when I was trying to quit I thought that setting actually provided a nice smooth drag that was much more like an analogue. All the juices were only 6mg nic, so that wasn't it. All I can think is I had the voltage too high for her. Any thoughts?

Did you tell her how to vape? I've simply let some people hit my ecig knowing they'll choke because I'm kind of a jerk to some people. But usually I tell people to first put the vapor I'm their mouth, open their mouth and inhale through their nose. Until they get used to the throat hit.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 22, 2011
Did you tell her how to vape? I've simply let some people hit my ecig knowing they'll choke because I'm kind of a jerk to some people. But usually I tell people to first put the vapor I'm their mouth, open their mouth and inhale through their nose. Until they get used to the throat hit.

Ah... maybe thats it. I know I've only been vaping for a while, but this is already becoming second nature. I had forgot I had to sort of learn how to vape, as you say. But, shouldn't there be almost no throat hit on the 6mg juice I got her?
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