New and need some advice on 2nd ecig!

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Sup guys in josh and im in Queensland Australia. I've had a 510 riva for about a year now and I'm just thinking I should upgrade? I'm not very good at electrical stuff so idk if I should get a variable ecig like provari cause you get wierd carts and stuff like the weird big tank thing he had on his lavatube review. Sorry if I sound stupid but all these different attys and stuff confuse me so the riva was easy for me cause it's simple.

So, what ecig should I get now for good vapour production and flavour, of you suggest a variable volt one please suggest all the custom adding I should buy to have the best kit. Thanks.

P.s. If any Aussies out there have info on where to get good nicotine juice e.g. Health cabin please tell me of they are good. Thanks guys :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 3, 2012
The "510" of your riva will fit any other threaded 510 so whatever you are using to deliver your ejuice on the Riva will work on the others. You mentioned variable volt (VV) and specifically the ProVari. If you have the money, I would suggest going for that. If you want to work up to it and get more comfortable, you can't go wrong with the eGO twist. Both of those devices are 510. Whichever one you get, you will need a charger. If you get the eGo twist, get two of them that way one can be charged while you use the other one. If you get the ProVari, buy the charger and 2 batteries so you can swap one out when they die.

The reason we get the weird big tank thing is because it delivers more. You just fill the tank and vape away for a longer time! You will have to buy the juice to go in one, and the tank itself. Yes, there are fancy ones but a very good starter for either of the 2 above (again, it is 510 threaded) is called the Vivi Nova Tank. It has a screw in head you replace when it starts tasting funky or burns out rather than buying a whole new unit. Two replacement heads come with it, and you can buy them for a few dollars. Other than screwing in a new head, you should clean these so they last longer, some people every 3 tanks, some people x amount of days, I do mine after every tank cuz I like to change flavors. It is easy peasy and will get you started on the tank thing. Give it a try, you might love it like I do, and as you can see I have only been vaping for a bit over a month! It isn't all that hard, really. It just LOOKS fancy.

This is what was recommended to me, so just paying it forward. I have the eGo and the ProVape, use them both (but of course LOVE the ProVari for home the eGo to go out with) with my Vivi Nova.

I hope this helps you.
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