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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 19, 2011
Ardmore TN
Congratulations on your new venture! I've been "vaping" since mid March. I've smoked for 30 years, tried Chantix and lasted about 4 months. My brother hyped me up on this. I figure if he could do it, I know I can. He smoked for 50 years, the last 7 yrs he was up to about 3+ packs a day. Could hardly breathe, walk, and you could not have a conversation with him because he coughed constantly. No one ever thought he would stop smoking. Finally, he found out about the E-cig from a nurse in his doctor's office. He has not touched a smoke since the beginning of March!!! His oxygen level is back to normal, he doesn't cough, he walks 1/4 mile a day now and he feels sooooo much better! When I started, I went 2 weeks withough smoking. I had a pack sitting on the shelf. So I let temptation override, I lit up and it was horrible!! You could taste all the chemicals in the analog which about made me ill, that did it for me, I don't smoke at all. vaping is too fun, as well, as all the different flavors you can! I have recently upgraded to a different series of E-Cig and I am getting more satisfaction. Good Luck and let us know how you're doing!!


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jul 7, 2011
TIP: When you throw away your cigarettes you need to always be prepared -- extra batteries, save your empty carts and order at least 1 small bottle of juice. Crappy Smoketip screwed me on my 40 cart shipment and 30 of them were blank so I almost had to start smoking again. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SPARE carts/juice for shipping/order emergencies.


Full Member
Jul 12, 2011
Thanks Ralikar for the advice. I did order a starter kit that has 2 batts and 5 carts. Then I did order 10 more carts. I am hoping that will work for the time being. I am not sure of the flavors that I will like as of yet so I am not to sure what to get in juice or which kind will work in the e-cig I am getting. What I ordered still has not come in yet(it so need to hurry up and get here lol....Im like a little kid waiting on Christmas to get here LOL)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 25, 2011
So great to see you so excited! I am really new, but I have cut my smoking WAYYYYYYY down. I am getting to where I don't sound like Mrs. Bighead from Rocko's Modern Life anymore.
Everyone is giving you great advice, and here's mine.

First of all, vaping is different, but wonderfully different. You may have to learn how to "smoke" all over again. You will get the hang of it.

Secondly,when you start vaping, don't make this an all or nothing thing. I still smoke at work, because for now, it is just easier for me. I consider vaping HARM REDUCTION, instead of a cure-all. When I have a good system in place for work, I will probably go analogue free. But don't beat yourself up if you smoke a cig. Lots of people do both. I have found that the analogues do taste pretty nasty now.

A great incentive to help you realize what those cigs were doing to your body and life is to clean your old smoking area thoroughly. I have never seen such nastiness in my entire life. I even had to change my curtains and throw away my blinds! It was an eye opener.

Lastly, please realize that this is a transition in your life. Some days may be better than others. If you compare vaping to cold turkey, your worst day vaping is going to be a million times better than you worst day of cold turkey.

Welcome to the forum. Everyone is great here. Good luck, and we can't wait to hear from you when you get your kit!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
....... Some days may be better than others. If you compare vaping to cold turkey, your worst day vaping is going to be a million times better than you worst day of cold turkey........

+100 for that, just think back to your last "cold turkey" try when your battery dies and the worst possible moment, or a carto leaks......:)


Full Member
Jul 12, 2011
Just stopped in between shifts to tell you all thats so far I am 3 day analog free......WOOO HOOO!!!! I love my Volt e-cig. I know that is not many days, but that is the longest I have ever been smoke free. Not saying haven't had my trying moments, but I didn't give in. Well I need to go, I will Post more later when I have time( weekends are busy). Thanks to everyone for the encouragement and for all the info that is here.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 8, 2011
Syracuse, NY
congrats to you both, I was a 2 to 3 PAD mini cigar smoker when I stopped and started brother and I both bought the same kit through a 'cigar supplier catalog'.... he still couldn't quit, yet I had...I never went through withdrawals, no irritability, no cravings...stopped vaping in a few days with the crappy 'mall-type' e-cig both of us overpaid for, and since discovered the 'real' pv's and community thanks to a friend and my brother (he and I both now own roughstacks)... my brother recently has finally stopped the cigarettes :headbang: it's been a real enjoyable experience with all the gear, different flavor juices, the looking at other mods too...5v, much out there to try out :evil:


Full Member
Jul 12, 2011
Sorry, mate. I hope I'm not late for my opinion here. Lol. Well, I just started off vaping as well. Around 1 week ago.
My girlfriend prefer me vaping than smoking! So far so good, I haven't gotten any withdrawal symptom. We shall shout loud and say that "We are analogs free!"

Cheers bud.

That is great newbieb0y and WE ARE ANALOGS FREE!!!!!


Full Member
Jul 12, 2011
Just to warn you before you read this, that my skills in writing are nil. So I want to apologize here and now for the lack of proper grammer, spelling, and punctuation. I have had my e-cig since Thursday. The day I got my starter kit my daughter took my unopened pack of analogs and hid them(she says somewhere in my car lol). Well on Friday I left to go to work and found what I thought was an empty pack in my car ,but it wasn't. It had one analog cig in it. So I lit it up and started to smoke it. Now I didn't get the "ewww this is gross" taste, but I didn't get the"ahhhh that's what I needed" either. But I did throw it out the window because I thought my self that if I let myself smoke this one analog, then I would let myself smoke the next one after that, and then the next and so on. Now I wasn't beating my self up here. I just know how my thinking works. So I just threw it out. I was also worried about this weekend at work and that I would be tempted to smoke a analog. You see most of my friends at work are smokers and we would go out together. Not that they wouldn't support me on this. It was just more the habit of it. But as it turns out I was worried about nothing. I didn't go as much as I usually do, when I started to get a nic fit I would just get my e cig and vaped right there in my department(as long as there were no patients in the rooms), but when I did go outside, I just took my e-cig and vaped away and In fact some of my friends were curious about the e-cig and wanted to know more about it(not that I know much myself lol) Actually one friend of mine went out this last week and bought him and his girlfriend a e-cig, because I mentioned to him a week ago that I was going to get one and told him what I read here,which is cool!!! So this weekend at work went really well and I am sooo happy that I got the e-cig!!!!! I do have my trigger times when I want a analog. Like driving, talking on the phone, morning coffee time, but the worst time seems to be right after eating. I dont think its because of the nicotine craving, I think its more of the habit. Does any one else have a time that triggers them? Just wondering.

I do like vaping. I like the fact that I can change the flavors lol. So far I have had limited samples of flavors but right now I do like the RY4 from Smokless Image the best.My funds are limted right now, but I can't wait to be able to try other flavors. Any suggestions? I also like not smelling like smoke too. My kids are very happy that I stopped smoking analogs too(that to makes it all worth it)!! So I am thinking that analogs are going to be a thing in the past for me.

So that all for now. Thanks for reading this far!! Hope to hear any suggestions from you all. have a good day


Full Member
Jul 12, 2011
Keep some high nic juice in a carto ready for your "trigger" times, and vape your head off. If after 15 minutes of vaping you still want the cig, have it.....(bet you won't :) )

And congrats on your success !!!

LOL.....ohhhh trust me I do vape like crazy at those times!!!!!! They do pass.(Your right.... I won't:D)

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