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Apr 12, 2013
Columbus OH
Greetings and Salutations.

I have been vaping for a couple months now, and have discovered benefits that go beyond just quitting smoking- I have also lost 10 lbs. I am a night/automatic eater (I sit at night and put my hand to my mouth constantly with some sort of food in it) and I have found vaping at 0- very low mgs a great substitute for chips and Lifesaver Gummies as well as the evil analogues.

I currently have 2 cig-a-like batts from V4L (titans, manual & automatic) and the V4L passthru. I am starting to fill my own cartos and have an atty on the way so I can start sampling many different juices. I am a foodie and very picky when it comes to flavor. I now have a dial-a-volt from V4L on the way, and a Provari fund started.

I think I will probably stick with cartos when I'm out, and probably at home as well unless I find I totally don't mind dripping. I did a lot of research on 808d cartos and 3 names came up over and over- Bloog, Boges, and Kangers. I haven't tried the Kangers yet because as near as I can tell they are not Made in the USA. I try to do everything I can to stick to Made in the USA products, not just because of quality issues but also I have issues with other countries' labor and human rights practices.

So a few of questions to ask of those more experienced-
1. Is there a thread on here that I haven't been able to find with links/advice on sticking with USA products? I tried searching but too many scattered results.

2. What is going on with Boge? I have read several threads talking about a quality issue but don't know what exactly it is. This is what happened to me- I was using a clear 30/70 vg/pg from KBV called Stargazer (which is a delightful flavor I might add) and I just kept getting burnt carto. I filled and let them sit overnight because of the thickness and tightness of the polyfill, but I've been through 3 so far with this liquid. I used the same liquid in V4L blank cartos and a Bloog and didn't have this issue. I also used a Boge for a 40/60 vg/pg Mint from Copper Creek (alright) and have had no issues, have even refilled it 3x so far with no problem. Is the burning the issue people have had with them recently or was it another issue? And can anyone confirm that they are USA made?

3. What ohms are the Bloogs? So far they are my favorite carto, especially with the auto batt. But they do seem to drain it more quickly, and some of my juices taste "hotter" with them. Or I just hit it more because they are so smooth! And can anyone confirm that they are USA made?

4. Do cartos turn eliquid brown even when not burnt? I am a tinkerer and have pulled apart a couple of cartos after they got clogged or wouldn't fire anymore- and although I never got the ewww burny taste they are dark, dark, brown even when the juice isn't, especially near the battery end. Also I had a 1.5 ml ct from V4L and the before mentioned Stargazer turned dark brown when I got a couple mm above the punched holes, though again no burned taste.

So that's my first round of questions, I'm sure they'll be more to follow. Thanks in advance and I also wanted to add I love this forum. I usually research things to death and this site has been a huge asset to me.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 12, 2013
Columbus OH
I don't want to burst your bubble, but almost all, if not all, budget friendly equipment is made in China.

I have found that most of it is yes, made in China. I know the Boges and the Kangers are made in China, and probably my batts from V4L as well. I know it is nearly impossible to avoid, especially in this industry as the ecig originated from there. The Provari I plan to buy in the future is USA though, and I'm pretty sure the Bloog carts are as well (but please correct me if I'm wrong). I would love more info though as to ecig products that are USA if anyone has it. I don't mind paying more if it is.

Thank goodness the juices have such a good USA foothold.


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Mar 4, 2013
Austin, TX
1. Is there a thread on here that I haven't been able to find with links/advice on sticking with USA products? I tried searching but too many scattered results.

Far as I know, there's nearly zero. While the first patent for a vapor device was apparently filed decades ago, the first commercial success was from a Chinese company. They pretty much dominate the market.

2. What is going on with Boge? I have read several threads talking about a quality issue but don't know what exactly it is. This is what happened to me- I was using a clear 30/70 vg/pg from KBV called Stargazer (which is a delightful flavor I might add) and I just kept getting burnt carto. I filled and let them sit overnight because of the thickness and tightness of the polyfill, but I've been through 3 so far with this liquid. I used the same liquid in V4L blank cartos and a Bloog and didn't have this issue. I also used a Boge for a 40/60 vg/pg Mint from Copper Creek (alright) and have had no issues, have even refilled it 3x so far with no problem. Is the burning the issue people have had with them recently or was it another issue? And can anyone confirm that they are USA made?

Boge? Nope: Boge Technology Co., Ltd.. In fact, they're in Shenzhen where just about all the e-cig companies are.

And I just use straight cartos, no tank but, yeah, I have some problems with Boge now and then. Not terrible but irritating. Still rare enough to be at "gripe" stage but not "never buy again" stage...


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 12, 2013
Columbus OH
Good to know. See, I knew you guys would have the info. So does anyone know of any carts made in the USA or not China? As I said before, I know it would be nearly impossible to avoid all Chinese products, just as it is for anything. I want to state that I am not knocking China in general, I just try to keep my spending on products from there to a minimum for political reasons. I know I saw that it was an ECF member that helped Bloog design the carts, and I looked through their website but couldn't find exactly the information I was looking for. Thank you.


Vaping Master
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Apr 14, 2013
Good to know. See, I knew you guys would have the info. So does anyone know of any carts made in the USA or not China? As I said before, I know it would be nearly impossible to avoid all Chinese products, just as it is for anything. I want to state that I am not knocking China in general, I just try to keep my spending on products from there to a minimum for political reasons. I know I saw that it was an ECF member that helped Bloog design the carts, and I looked through their website but couldn't find exactly the information I was looking for. Thank you.

You might have to do some homework but you could check into some of the clearomizers instead of cartomizers. There are some that are not much bigger than cartomizers. There might be an aftermarket US manufacturer for those.
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