New member introduction and a few questions

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Well, I have been creeping through the forums for about 6 months now and felt it was time to join in.
I have been vaping since August 2013 and absolutely loving it, I started out with the KGO and CE4s. Really did not enjoy the CE4 so tried plenty of cartotanks and cartomizers before finding the ones I like. Loved the smoktech resurrectors from crystal clear vaping for testing out new flavors. Currently using the metal mini vivi nova on my smoktech SID and waiting on the mvp 2.0 and sentinel m16 clone as well as a Protank and a few rba's so i can start getting into mech mods and building my own coils.
Okay, so thats the intro, here are my questions:

Has anyone experienced issues while vaping in cold weather? I work outside and have noticed my liquid gets to be a molasses consistency when the temp outside is under the mid 30's. While it does not seem to be a problem for cartomizers, The vape quality from my tanks and clearomizers suffers greatly.

How would one vape safely in the rain? As previously stated I work outside and also live in Oregon so that is not a good combo.

Here is a third bonus question: I have been buying liquid exclusively from MTB but would like to branch out since i have found my favorite flavors from that vendor, any suggestions for where to try next?

I am super excited to finally be a member of the forums and get to participate in the great community here.



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Knit a cozy for your mod and device?

People do it for pets, why not a mod. To save face say its a wrap.......


I heard higher PG juices do better in the cold weather, but who wants to risk that, right? It hasn't seemed to effect my actual vape yet(I do snow removal), but I'd say it messes my wicks up quicker.

As for vendors try backwoods brew. They're great and have great service.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 22, 2013
Salem, MA, USA
HI and Welcome to ECF :)

I too have issues in cold weather. It helps to keep it in an interior pocket of some sort so your body heat helps it out. It also will vape a little better if you go up .5-1 in watts or .1-.2 volts if your in volts.

As far as rain - if its unavoidable and you have on long sleeves I would put the device inside your sleeve while your vaping to protect it from any rain. Just have the drip tip poke out enough to get to it. Im merely guessing on this and Im sure someone here probably has a way better suggestion. Maybe a sealed ziploc bag - unseal a corner just when you need to vape for your drip tip to protrude? Thats all I got on that one.

You will get a million suggestions on vendors. Check out general-e-liquid for some review threads on vendors people list and find the ones that seem the most suited to you. My addition to the list of possibles....Goodlifevapor and Mister-E-Liquid.

Good luck and happy vapings!


Full Member
Sep 8, 2013
Have not tried vapin in the rain! But I live I Minnesota gets quite cold here & I work in a refrigerated warehouse! The pocket works good! Can't leave it in the car when it's -25! Bottom coils leak a lot when it below 0! Since the juice warms from the bottom cold stuff pushes it out! Guess I'll be dripping for the rest of the winter! All this talk about global warming! It ain't here! -11 right now!

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I live in Michigan and it gets mighty cold here too. I have not notices a lot of leaking due to the cold, however I have had some. I try to keep my gloved hand on the tank to help keep it warm when I vape outside. Otherwise I keep my MVP 2 in my inside coat pocket and have no problems. As far as rain goes, a little water shouldn't hurt a thing. Besides, I would trade rain for all of this snow any day. :)
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