New to the vape world

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Hello vape world! I'm new to the forum and thought i'd put my info out. I've been a regular smoker for over a decade (i think they call them "analog"). I tried the e-cig Blu when they first came out but quickly dropped it because i thought the hits were weak and weren't doing much for me. Now i'm back to try it again and i just bought a TREX mega tank. Don't know much about it except that they're highly recommended by others and theres not alot of modding i have to do (so i'm told). So if anyone can tell me more about it and the quality with comparison to others better or worse. Thanks, keep up the good vaping!:evil:


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Nov 29, 2012
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Jan 23, 2011
Portland, ME
I am unfamiliar with the T-Rex specifically, but it looks to be an eGo-T clone based on what I'm seeing on Sharp Smoker. I had one of those for a while, it's certainly a good starter PV. I'm not sure what you want to know about quality? It's a good device and should last a while, and the tanks are pretty much no-fuss. A big downside to that style of tank, however (using a specific atomizer for the tank), is that those atties tend to be pretty good for about four or five days and then start to get tight and simply stop producing as much flavor. At a certain point (which tends to come much sooner than I'd like), it's like sucking molasses through a straw. You can remedy this some by washing the atomizers in pure grain alcohol or boiling water, but to be honest I think it's a flaw in the design.

Your kit appears to come with everything BUT the liquid. You will have to get some. It says so right on the Sharp Smoker page, "***Pick up a bottle of e-liquid to fill your nicotine cartridges with." By cartridge, I guess they mean tank. Other than the actual juice, though, it comes with two batteries, two atomizers, USB and wall charger and some tanks. That's pretty much all you need, however, I would recommend picking up some extra tanks and maybe some 510 low resistance Boge cartomizers. Cartomizers are pretty low fuss too, and I really think those atomizers your new e-cig comes with will be less-than statisfying (depending on how much you use them) sooner than later. YMMV.

So, get some juice and let us know if you have any more questions.

EDIT: Sharp Smoker appears to sell the eGo as well, so to be honest I'm not sure what's different about the T-Rex (if anything). It's definitely 510 compatible, like the eGo, looks like an eGo, has pretty much the same capacity battery... so yeah, the rest of my post still stands.
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ECF Veteran
May 5, 2011
The kit you got is a good starter kit. It does not come with e-liquid, so you will have to purchase that separately. For starters I would suggest you get several small (5-10ml) bottles in different flavors to find the ones you like. Also be aware that most people go through 2-5ml of juice per day so make sure you have enough on hand.

Also be aware that atomizers will not last forever. The atomizers in this kit appear to be similar to the eGo-T atomizers. When I used them they only lasted for about a week. I strongly suggest you pick up some cartomizers to replace your atomizers when they stop performing. Boge cartos are a good start. Make sure you learn how to fill them - there are a lot of videos on YouTube on filling cartos. Other options are the Stardusts or the mini Vivi Nova. Both of these are somewhat similar to the tank system you bought but work much better. The heads on these are replaceable and the heads will last for several weeks with regular cleaning.

Good luck...
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