New User, my experience so far.

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Full Member
Dec 15, 2011
Hi Folks! I wan introduced to e-cigs by a friend recently & thought I'd give them a shot as I had planned to give up analogues & this seemed like the best alternative for me. I've had my Ego-T for a week but only today did I receive my first batch of Nic. juice. Now I'm keen to see how the PV can replace my need for analogues & where the physical & psychological battlelines are drawn. Most of all I am trying to be relaxed about the whole venture notwithstanding the high expectations of my partner. It will be an interesting transition...

I think, also, that there is a strong tendency to want to convert other smokers around you so as to feel less alone in the process. To socialise the experience & have others that you can chat with about vaping. I guess that's why I'm hanging out here atm!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2011
Yes, it seems that finding the flavours for me will be the interesting part. I've started with 4 dekang flavours in 18mg. The vanilla I got in PV & VG as a point of comparison. I think I need to have a get-together with my 2 vaping friends just to sample juices! <---Er, that could sound a bit odd outside of the context of this forum!

Vape meet ups are good for that too. People show off their mods and you get to sample each others flavors. It saves a lot of money on finding a juice flavor but costs you when you get severe mod envy. There are some pretty amazing PVs around and many make their own.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2011
That was another question on my mind atm! That is; is it presumptuous to buy a smoker a PV starter kit for Xmas? I was thinking about the inlaws. I would hate to see it relegated to the cupboard like the 2 digital photo frames we got last year...

I have had no luck buying kits and converting. Seems people have to invest in it themselves to take it seriously. Bring a few extra batteries on your next visit and maybe they'll want to try it. There was a thread once where someone had great success loaning ecigs because the time limit made them actually try it.

What is it about those digital frames? Always see them at stores and no one actually uses them. Maybe they get used in offices.


Super Member
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Dec 7, 2011
That was another question on my mind atm! That is; is it presumptuous to buy a smoker a PV starter kit for Xmas? I was thinking about the inlaws. I would hate to see it relegated to the cupboard like the 2 digital photo frames we got last year...

I would suggest bringing your PV along the next time you see them and if you don't mind, let them try it for themselves first. My sister and her husband came over for Thanksgiving and at first he was like "those things are crap". He said he tried one before (yeah I can imagine a mall kiosk type here) from one of his friends in the Army. After about an hour he did try mine. And he was hooked.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Nov 16, 2011
That was another question on my mind atm! That is; is it presumptuous to buy a smoker a PV starter kit for Xmas? I was thinking about the inlaws. I would hate to see it relegated to the cupboard like the 2 digital photo frames we got last year...

I would let them try it first or at least ask and see if they are receptive to the idea. Several of my smoking friends are growing more curious about them now that I have quit but still refuse to actually try it. The Christmas kits I bought are for those that have come over and actively ask to try a new flavor of juice. Blind buying a kit for a smoker....I guess if you have them return it to you if they decide not to use it so it can help someone else....


Full Member
Dec 15, 2011
Hmm, Thank you for your wise & considered words. I think everyone has reinforced my gut instinct to show them the PV, let them try it & take it from there. The Forum here is definitely a great place to point people towards if they happen to show an interest. So many nice, dare I say it, enlightened people here. Seems a shame to tell the inlaws...

Serge Marx

New Member
Dec 15, 2011
Hey M.Strange,

glad you've got your nic juice sorted and can give getting off the analogues a red-hot go.

Also, being the one who put you on to vaping, I can say you're my only success story - people seem to have to find it for themselves I guess. That or just vape something mind blowingly delicious.

Good call on joining the forum, I've lurked here long enough - so here's my first post.

Cheers all for such a supportive group!


Full Member
Dec 15, 2011
Serge! Fancy seeing you here ;)
I'm not convinced I can be referred to as a success story just yet but time will tell. Like yourself I spent a lot of time 'lurking' on the forums but after getting my juices this afternoon I had to relay my enthusiasm to somebody. Alas, the folks at home didn't quite mirror my excitement. Well my special lady friend was happy but openly disappointed when I explained to her that this didn't mean an instant leap off analogues. Never-mind, I guess we all have to manage our expectations.
It's almost like a missionary compulsion, isn't it? Although I would advocate vaping before any religion. LOL! Can you see Vapers going door to door extolling the virtues of vapor over smoke?

In anycase the best way to be informative is to be informed. Learn all you can and try not to let what others think interfere with your right to do what is right for you. You've made a decision that is healthier not only for YOU, but for those around you. Feel good about that. The rest will come.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Nov 16, 2011
It's almost like a missionary compulsion, isn't it? Although I would advocate vaping before any religion. LOL! Can you see Vapers going door to door extolling the virtues of vapor over smoke?

We need to find a distinctive dress before pursuing the door to door vape ministry. White shirt and tie has been used so how about an old smelly smoking jacket and some nice silk slacks with obvious cigarette burns in the legs?
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