My Vaping Experience so far...

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New Member
Jul 29, 2010
Hi everybody! Long time lurker of the forums here posting for the first time.
This forum has been a great resource for beginners, the wealth of information is very helpful and the sense of community is very welcoming!

I stumbled upon e-cigarettes over a posting on a local forum, a google search later led me to a multitude of Youtube videos and this forum.

I started off with Joye 510's and atomizers, which soon turned to cartomizers. The sensation of the vapour is amazing, quenches my craving for the analog, but really, the sensation of having smoke/vapour pass through my throat/nostril was a big plus.

The short battery life of the 510's led me to the Riva/Ego. Not having to swap batteries throughout the day is a very liberating experience!! Mixing your own e-juice can be a bother to some but the DIY nature is appealing to me.

I'm happy to report that I've effectively been off analogues for about 2 months now!!

Thank you and keep up the good work folks!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 14, 2010
Hi, we're at about the same spot, time-wise - I'm at about 2 1/2 months. It's awesome to see and hear others doing as well as we (hubby & I) are - it wouldn't even cross my mind to take a drag of an analog - I'm a non-smoker, period.

I kind of enjoyed the learning curve because I'd already gotten the biggest one out of the way since I started dripping with an ego, which pretty much left "which of 3 million juices do I prefer?" as my trial and error period. Trust me when I say I'm working through them as fast as I can. ;)

My husband, on the other hand, vapes freedomsmokeusa's RY4 and ONLY ry4 - all day, every day, and has been tapering down to lower nic levels as he goes. His goal is to quit nicotine altogether, while mine is to follow the reduced harm idea - I'll vape for as long as I want, maybe forever.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello and give a shout-out to the newbies around, good luck to those of you trying to quit analogs, and happy vaping to everyone of us. ;)
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