New user, Problem with Nhale..

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New Member
Jan 26, 2010
This really sucks complaining about a well reputable supplier, and being my 1st post, but i'm having some issues here and I need some help.

I ordered a bottle of my 1st juice, Marlbro, from Drew seeing as he is the best supplier on the boards from what i've seen, 8 days ago. And I still haven't received it. Right now I have a brand new, fully charged 510 with nothing to put in it.

I've messaged him multiple times on his site, PM through the forums, and even sent him an email DIRECTLY from mine, but the only response i've gotten was on the 3rd.

" Shipping takes anywhere from 2-5 days depending on your location. Thanks."

Soo, help?


Ultra Member
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Verified Member
Feb 2, 2010
Fremont, CA
I've been scanning this forum and associated links for this past week (being "talked into" vaping last Sunday and so doing a bunch of research), and have noticed that there seems to be a growing tsunami of new users flooding the vendors. I suspect he's simply backlogged with more work than he ever thought he'd have... things appear to be reaching critical mass in the vaping world. I mean, heck, even Walmart is selling e-cigs now!!!

In the meantime, try contacting another vendor and asking up front if they are back-ordered - I gather from my vaping friends that "you can't have too much juice (with in reason)", and from my experience with the couple vendors I've dealt with so far, they are all friendly and willing to help out.

But my suggestion is don't let a shipping glitch - especially one with no previous history of problems - turn you off to this vendor. Speaking as a production control guy who's got caught with his pants down more than once, sometimes stuff happens and I strongly suspect that "Drew" wants YOU to be happy even more than you want him to make you happy. ;)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 16, 2009
Hi SpaZMan, welcome to the forums!

Wow, that's frustrating. I'm sorry I can't give you any advice. I've never ordered from that supplier. I'm sure you're anxious to start using your 510!
I had a similar experience, but not with the same supplier. I was running out of e-liquid - I just didn't know to order more with my initial starter kit so I placed an order from a supplier here. In my case it turned out that the post office has it marked "delivered" - but I never received it. I'm out the money - but I did place an order elsewhere and had it in 2 days.

Maybe place a small order with another reputable supplier? I've received super-fast shipping and delivery from a couple of suppliers here. It may get you vaping while you try to resolve your issue with the other vendor.

In any case - good luck! I hope you are able to get resolution to your problem.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 15, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
Spazman if you pm'd him it's unusual for him not to respond within a day. I've only ordered from Nhaler a couple times but got both orders within 4-5 days with a weekend order at that. I would phone him tomorrow if it's been that long, the number I show for him is 732-256-9185 something doesn't sound right and I believe you got the generic message returned about shipping time. Nhaler is pretty good about service and has handled my problems reasonably. Good luck


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 7, 2009
NW Ohio
Call him...or email him with you order # and get your tracking #...he uses and you don't get an automatic tracking email notification but he does have a tracking # for your order..
He'll work it out for you and make you happy..I gotta say I've ordered the vast majority of my liquid from him and have never been displeased..his customer service usually is top notch
EDIT: I know he was away for a couple of days and getting caught up with new products and stuff yesterday..anyway contact him tommorow and see what info he can give ya..
Then I would also turn around and contact the girls at cignot..they're there in Chicago and if you get your order in early enough they might let you do a pick up of some liquid that day..
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