Nice site I found

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2009
T-Town Oklahoma
I thought these were just for weed....


Hmmm I wonder if all vaporizers would work.....


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Mar 26, 2009
Tyne & Wear, UK
The GG website, is no secret, its been in my signature for long enough...

And as for, yes they sell some interesting PV's. The Volcano, you posted a pic of, sells mainly to top Restaurants, and the Iolite is a very popular device.

Many ECF members have the Iolite...


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 31, 2009
Stanwood, WA
And as for, yes they sell some interesting PV's. The Volcano, you posted a pic of, sells mainly to top Restaurants, and the Iolite is a very popular device.

OK.... usually I can figure out things by just using logic..... However, this time I'm stumped! What would a resturant do with a Volcano, Christena?
Unless, of course, the resturant is in downtown Amsterdam! LOL:rolleyes:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 31, 2009
Stanwood, WA
Well Chris, it appears that the Volcano is used by top chefs, they place a bag over the top, plastic, and then use the aroma to add to recipe's.

Here is an article on it... I think it was John Christof Novellie I saw using it.

Article on Volcano

I thought you were pulling my leg here Christena... Catching the aroma??? What will they think of next??
slowly shakes head...


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
The volcano is probably the finest tobacco vaporizer money can buy. It constantly amazes me how few people here know about tobacco vaporization!

You can read my guide to the Iolite HERE

Frog, that's a great guide but I just wish they'd hurry with the liquid made for the Iolite. I've tried Tim's method, I've tried tobacco, I've tried tobacco with e-liquid and still the hit is too strong and almost no vapor.

Now, if you tell me this is a totally different experience and I will not get vapor, but I will get the flavor and throat hit and of course my nic fix then OK, I won't expect vapor.

If I remember, and it's been a while, Tim got vapor didn't he? If he did, why can't I? There's someone else that has just put on a video here in ECF of the Iolite and he didn't really get any vapor either. He sure choked a lot, bless his heart, so, can you help?

Are we talking about a horse of a different color? Or are we talking apples and oranges, or would that be horses and camels? Please, don't get me wrong, I am NOT discounting the Iolite. I have it, I wouldn't mind getting another one, I just want to figure out what I'm doing here, what I should expect and how to vape it without choking.
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