Not exactly "new" but feel like it - BAD REACTION

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Full Member
Oct 24, 2010
I read this forum on occassion when I have something I want to research before buying or when I'm having some sort of e-cig issue... which would be now.

I use the joye ego and alternate between mega carts and dripping. I'm running low on my fav liquid and decided to expirement with some of the trial sizes I had bought awhile back from Johnson Creek... several of them I didn't touch because I didn't like the smell. So... I tried the valencia, despite the fact that I was pretty sure beforehand that I would hate it.

It was the most awful thing I've ever tasted/smelled... so I cleaned the atty, filled it with a different juice and the smell/taste was still VERY strong. I puffed it out until it was running on that burnt smell... then left the atty to dry and opened a brand new one.

So here's my delimna... I feel HORRIBLE, (headache and body aches).. I can't get rid of this burnt awful valencia smell. It's been like 3 hours and I still can't vape (new ego, new atty, new cartridge)... there's no way I have valencia in the mix here, so I'm getting a little concerned that I'm having some sort of chemical reaction to either the JC or maybe trying to puff on a dry atty until I got the JC out of it...

Anyone experienced anything like this? :blush:


Full Member
Oct 24, 2010
Was the nic level higher (too much at one time) or lower (withdrawal) than your normal vape? That's the only thing I can think of, aside from PG or VG sensitivity of which I know nothing about.

Mudflap it was straight VG and not higher than I always use. I've been mixng pg/vg but prior to that I was using straight VG because I couldn't handle PG... I had to slowly get into the mix but I've never had an issue with VG before so I don't think it would be that... who knows.


Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Dec 19, 2010
Tyler, Texas
I've had some luck with drinking water with a splash of lemon juice to help clean my palate. Drinking a lot of water might help flush out your system whatever is making you feel bad, but I'm not advising you to do that since I'm still new to vaping and certainly no doctor. I'm no help. Sorry!

How about this: I HOPE you feel better soon!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 5, 2010
If you are still smelling the valencia after using a different atomizer, check your eGo's battery connection, if it smells like the juice, clean it out with some dry paper towels, is the smell is still present? Try some Q-tips and isopropyl alcohol, repeat till clean or you pass out from boredom. :sleep: Disregard prior comments. :oops: I didn't realize the flavor was stuck with YOU, i hope you feel better soon.
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Full Member
Oct 24, 2010
UPDATE... I'm almost convinced when I was smoking out my atty trying to get rid of the 3 drops of JC, I burnt my throat/nostrils/tastebuds (or something)... I seem to have temporarily lost my sense of smell and taste. Even perfume smells like burnt valencia right now. I read somewhere on here awhile back that some were having issues getting rid of a burn taste after a bad huff of a fume-like substance that came out of dried up mega-cart. So maybe i burnt up my atty and inhaled something that didn't agree with me.

I'm sure it will be gone by morning, i'm doing the lots of water thing in the meantime.. thanks for the suggestions and nice comments :)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
valencia - is that orange? Orange is usually an oil-based flavor and can stick to attys and carts more than water-based or pg-based flavorings.

So you are now using a different atty and different cart or different drip tip? Did you try brushing your teeth too? And did you move the smelly juice and atty away where you can't smell them while you are vaping? Make sure the smell isn't on you anywhere? You'll taste whatever you smell.


Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Dec 19, 2010
Tyler, Texas

Why does this avatar make me giggle?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2011
Oklahoma City, OK
Could you have accidentally spilled some juice on you or got some on your hands? My sister constantly had a bad taste in her mouth when she was going through chemo and the nurses told her the fastest way to get rid of a bad taste is to eat a dill pickle to cleanse the palate. Of course with her it only provided temporary relief but for you it might get rid of the taste for good. Just an idea in hopes you can get rid of that terrible taste and smell you are experiencing.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 16, 2011
So you won't be recommending that particular juice flavor then? :)

Good luck getting rid of that. I have I think 17 total flavors incoming from 3 different vendors (none of them JC) in the next few days. I am expecting to have a pretty unpleasant reaction to at least 1 or 2 of them. It's probably all part of the juice sampling "fun."


Full Member
Oct 24, 2010
I'm back to vaping without issues, I had soaked the atty overnight but it still smelled like valencia today so I threw it out... and half way through the day today started noticing my taste buds and sense of smell were returning to normal.

Yes valencia is orange... the oil thing makes sense because it certainly attached itself to the atty. Oh well, not the first strange reaction and probably not the last I'll have from trying something new.

I actually like Johnson Creek's Tennessee Cured flavor and have had no strange reactions to it. I don't like it by itself but I mix it with various flavors I get from american e-liquid. So, I'm thinking I'll just stay away from experimenting with their fruity stuff from now on.

Pickles? who would've thought :)
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