obsession with vaping but still stumbling around

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ECF Veteran
Aug 18, 2009
USA, Chicago area
Hey everyone. I've been struggling back and forth with vaping and analogs. I've made several purchases and done lots and lots of reading. Seems like the more I know the more questions I have.

So here's where I'm at. I have a 510 (manual) and a 901(actually 4075 atomizers and automatic batteries with one slb manual batt). My 901 batteries weren't charging, but Travis and Jessica at vaporstix hooked me up with a new charger for free. Yay. So now my batteries are all working.

In the mean time, I developed a comfort level with the 510, and now when I try the 901, it feels like I have to suck so hard and long to get the same amount of vapor. But it does have better flavor with certain juices. I'm wondering if my atomizers are clogged, or if it's just a difference of models. I was thinking about getting an actual slb atomizer, like my manual battery for the 901 from healthcabin, but don't want to spend the $$ on shipping if it's just a variation of the 901 and 510 that others with both have experienced. If that's the case, I may be looking to trade my 901 batteries, charger, and cartridges for 510 supplies.

Then I got a 6 bottles of sample juices from nhaler. Drew sent a couple extras and yay again!! french vanilla coffee, pear, orange, vanilla, sleepytime green tea and pina colada in all different nic strengths to go with my ry4 and 555 and menthol. Will definitely order from Drew when I need to replace the pear an coffee and try new flavors.

I hate the taste of analogs but when I have them around I choose them because the hit is different. More final in a way, I guess. Especially because I'm not taking time outside for peace and quiet and reflection when I vape. So when I need that, I have a ciggy. :( At this point I am way too invested to just go back to analogs, so I'm gonna go a few days without buying any and just focus on changing my habits.

Oh, almost forgot, I tried the teabag mod. I like it, no little stringies, but sometimes I get juice dripping through the cartridge hole into my mouth. Any tips/tricks to prevent that?

My husband says I have an obsession. We've talked about it a couple times and he says he thinks I should keep with vaping. The look is enough to fool him. But he doesn't think he's interested in switching also because the learning curve for me has been so long.

I like ecigs but not fully content with them over tobacco. Do I need to just pony up and force myself to not smoke analogs so I can pass the difficulty period? What do you do when you really want an analog? How long does the craving last? Is it easy for every vaper to simply stop, or are some struggling like me, even though they prefer vaping? When are times you can talk yourself out of an analog? When do you indulge in one although you also vape?


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Apr 1, 2009
Hi Coralie and welcome! First off, the 510 and the 901 are two different animals. The 510 atomizer has a very easy draw because it has more air flow around the battery where it connects to the atty. The 901 atty only has the one hole in it so the draw will be harder. I also think the 901 draw is harder with an automatic battery. I have both and think the 510 is the better atty. I still like the 901 because of better flavor and use it with a manual nicostick which uses a bigger battery. If you feel the draw on the 4075 (which is a good atty) is just too hard, try blowing the atty to see if any juice comes out...that may help. And I don't think the 4075 is that much different than the true 901.

I am not one of those that immediately gave up cigarettes. I still smoke 3-5 a day. I believe I will quit them completely, but until I do I don't beat myself up about it. Hell, I was smoking up to 3 packs a day before I got my first e-cig...so 5 is almost a miracle in my books. :)

All of this is very personal and very subjective. The longer you keep at it the better you will be able to figure out what is best for you. Keep in touch here in the forum and you'll find lots of information and answers to any questions you might have.

Good luck...success is just around the corner!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 14, 2009
The first week I used a PV I went from smoking 2/3 to a pack a day to only smoking 3. I would smoke one in the morning, after lunch and before I went to bed. My attys broke and went back to smoking. Just received a pack of attys and am back down to 3. I fully agree with you that smoking an analog feels more 'final'. I still want an analog from time to time, but the PV certainly helps calm the cravings while satisfying my smoking desire.

I started with 18mg, and have now moved to 24mg. I notice I am not using as much liquid. I would suggest you purchase a small amount of higher mg liquid to try out.

As to the PTB mod. I use the stopper method outlined in the cart mod section. I have not had any leaking problems with this method. However, make sure you do not overfill. If you do then you will suck the excess liquid into the breather holes of the cart. If this happens remove your cart and blow through it. It will force the liquid out of the air flow section of the cart. I also draw really slow for the first few. This way if I do over fill the cart I do not suck the juice into the breather holes.

Yes this can become an obsession. It was/is for me as well. I have only been using a PV consistently 3 weeks (not concurrent), and I just placed an order for a mod. I figured if I am going to do this I might as well move up to a real PV (and save on batteries). I get tired of the battery dance that comes with the 510, and the USB pass through is a pain in the car.
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I'm the same coralie and I got really worried and annoyed with myself when I first got my e-cigs because I didn't give up/want to give up fags straight away - thought there was something wrong with me!!
I'm about 3 weeks into my 3 models too. For the first few wks I just felt overwhelmed trying to figure out stuff like when I needed to replace the bats, getting used to diff tastes, when to change carts etc etc but this weekend I seem to have taken a different tack and am being a bit more patient and kinder with myself.
I've finally ruled out one e-cig as "not for me" and am starting to enjoy the other 2 I have; one tastes fantastic and is easy to hold - while the other one does smoke really really well but tasted yuk; Just through trial and error I'm starting to appreciate each mod for it's own merits until the clear fav. comes out and getting a teeny bit better at filling and experimenting with tastes.
I have gone from 40-45 cigs a day to anywhere from 31; 25 or 20 per day. But like I said, much happier since yesterday so confident that I can get that down even more....and I actully want to get it down now that I'm a bit more confident about my models and enjoying them more.
Another thing I was obsessed about...OMG I'm just vaping continulessly!! Thought it would surely be easier for me to go back to fags because at least I knew how much nicotine I was doing each day with them....but.... read that others vaped all the time in the beginnig too so being kind to myself and allowing myself to vape when I want to until that too levels off -and I know that I'll prob only vape as and when I want to; ie: eventually use them as a sit down, pleasure, 5 mins peace kind of thing?
Stay with it....I think you're doing fantastic: already trying the teabag method!! wow; I'm no where near ready to try that yet!

My guess (for me anyway) is that wanting to not smoke an analog will come more naturally with a bit more time but if you're already smoking less analogs than you were -you shouldn't beat yourself up about it.
Good luck :)


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2009
Denver Co
I, like you am still smoking a few analogs here and there even after vaping for a week now. Usually the first thing in the morning and right before bed, maybe after a meal.

I smoked much more in the beginning but I think it was because I had a carton and a half of analogs and was still getting use to the Npro. As soon as I got a few days under my belt and started using some juice and getting better hits, I really started cutting back the analogs.

I'm nearly down to that last carton and I'm not going to open it. I can get rid of it and buy more supplies for my e-cigs. I think once I don't have any available I will be fine with vaping instead.

The hardest one is always the morning but I think if I have a freshly charged and topped off unit ready to go , that I'll be fine.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 19, 2009
West Chester, OH
I'm still smoking some analogs too, but there's a lot less tar and other crap going into my lungs, and I'm already breathing much better. What you might try for your husband is what I'm doing to get my wife to replace more analogs with vapping is to get a PV all ready for her and when it needs refilled or a freshly charged battery, I take care of tht too. She's not completely off the analogs either, but in our case, less is better.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jun 12, 2009
Lancaster, CA
It seems like you are well on your way Coralie. If I read through your post you have good flavored e-liquid, an e-cig that provides an easy draw with lower flavor, and an e-cig that provides better flavor but harder draw.

The most important thing I noted is that the "hit" is what draws you back to analogs. I know exactly what you mean by "hit". A strong suppression in the lungs that releases some tension/torsion in the chest with a large inhalation. I've found that it's a voltage issue with the regular models that can be remedied with a 5v - 6v battery mod.

If you are crafty you can build your own, there is a ton of info on how to do this in the modder's forum. If you are not-so-crafty, like myself, you can buy a manufactured mod. A cheap and easy way to see if this is the remedy for you is to grab up a 5v passthrough (I believe Prodigy sells one), if this is the answer to your issue then you can work on getting a more mobile version. This will also give you time to research the specific mod that you want to fit your needs and style.


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ECF Veteran
Jun 9, 2009
Everett, WA
I found that putting my tobacco in a harder to get to place helped. The neighbor's house?:).... glove box in car.... anything that forced me to think about going to get a cig.
I would tell myself - I'll have one.... later and load a yummy flave or a bit higher nic content juice in my cart. Eventually I'd say - sure - think I'll have a smoke and while going to get that .... log I'd be carrying my p/v - and vaping away.

That first drag... when I had waited long enough - was/is YUK.
taste, headache - YUK.

Remember we are/were also addicted to much more than just the nicotine.... so there is a withdrawal time associated with all the other poisons in cigs. Did you know cigs have stuff in them to cover the body's bad reaction to other stuff in them?

Anyway - I still roll a cig occasionally - and the taste is....
well caramel, vanilla and chocolate tastes so much better than burning stuff.

There is a link at the bottom of each post I make. The page has a .pdf list of all that .... logs have in them..... and a variety of other information you might find useful. The page can be printed out to share ... when people are interested in the information.

Keep in mind - e-cigs are not marketed for quitting cigs... and at the same time every time you choose a vape instead of a 'puff' - that's less smoke in your lungs.


30 years of smoking...
Vaporized by my ScrewDriver!


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I quit tobacco right away. I used to get about 4 or 5 urges a day to smoke, but I just held tight and vaped like a wild man. Its been over three weeks now and I still have an urge to smoke tobacco, but they are fewer and fewer. I still have 9 packs of Djarum specials in the fridge, but I will not smoke them. I had been smoking for thirty three years about a pack to a pack and a half a day. I smoked on the patch, I smoked and the gum and the pill had worse side affects than smoking. E-cigs will work, but you do need a little fortitude to get off the "real thing". I hope you will be able to win this fight. I am ruteing for you!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 27, 2009
I think part of your reasoning for keep going back to the analogs is because your hubby is still smoking. Me and my husband quit together the day we got our PVs I have had one and he has had a few since then but we do not beat ourselves up about it. I still get the urge to smoke but like some of the suggestions here i switch to a higher nic juice or just switching juice does it for me sometimes. You just have to figure out what your triggers are and prepare for when you have the urge with a PV all ready to use.

For every analog you do not smoke just means your one step closer good luck.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 3, 2009
Northeastern Oklahoma
I have had a great success with E cigs. I was smoking 3 packs a day for 8 eight years. The day I got my 901 I gave away the couple packs of camel menthols I had laying around, I had no desire for them. It was so amazing! Well...about 3 days after starting vaping I had a massive craving for an analog...I broke down and bought a pack of cigs. I took a couple hits and as much as I wanted to smoke the darn thing..it just tasted and smelled horrible! I couldnt do it! So now when I get a craving(which is really not often at all after that experince) I just think about that. Plus...( I dont know if this is true or not) but I remember watching the news a few years back and there was a doctor on there saying that it didnt matter if you smoked 1 cig a day or 60 a day..as long as you were smoking(even just 1) you were putting yourself at risk for cancer and all the compliciations associated with smoking. So even if that is not true...I think about that and it helps me not want to just have "one cigarette" To me it's a mental thing, I feel like if I have one cigarette I am throwing away all the days I went without and have to start right back where I started that first day. But that's just me!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 18, 2009
USA, Chicago area
Thanks you guys for all the replies. I would have given this up the 2nd day if not for the encouragement and support on this forum.

In another thread CZEdwards said something to me about stress level at the time of making the switch. I think for me, that's a factor. Just started back to school and am potty training the 2 year old. Also sleep issues with getting both girls back in their own beds in the middle of the night. In the midst of the increased needs for attention from my girls, I tend to get more overwhelmed and need a break. Also someone mentioned that cigs have MAOI inhibitors according to one study which has the effect of lessening feelings of nxiety, stress, and depression. So while they give me a headache, close off my chest, my brain thinks they are giving me a positive feeling and a sense of peace.

Deadcat2 and Porphy, That closing off my chest is part of the hit, and part of why I need to quit. On days when I smoke more and vape less, I feel worse. I take shallow breaths and my muscles in my chest and back ache more. It's a punishment to myself. I know it's bad and I hate it but there's some tendency to continue. Smoking has always been hugely psychological for me, for many reasons. Vaping helps, and I go back and forth between thinking I need to be harder on myself for not making the most of this opportunity and thinking I need to just be laid back and let it happen naturally. I think maybe mimicing the hit might help. I will direct my obsession to research in that specific area. What mods have you tried, and what would you recommend?

Crankyfuzz, the fact that hubby smokes is definitely part of it because he's the reason I started initially anyway. Not because he asked me to, of course, and in fact he didn't smoke at the time anyway. It's kind of a long story. But yeah. But I fear I use that as an excuse too often at the

moment of truth. Vaping is totally working for me during the day. I'm no longer coming home for lunch for a cig or coming home immediately afterwork for a cig, which is good. I am free to pick up my kids without stinking and take them to the grocery store, park, post office... Home is the trigger for a "real" cig. How do I change that short of moving? Preparing for a craving has been my downfall each and every time I've tried to quit in the past. This time, I will overcome it somehow. Soupervapor and Laterskater, I intend to vape like a wild woman if that's what it takes.

rjp44, taking the lead with the dh is a good idea. I mean I sort of have already, but I think as I get more comfortable with it, he'll do so too, or he'll lessen smoking even without vaping. Either way is fine for me, but I'd pick vaping for the chance to chat outside sans children. Part of the allure of smoking anyway--quiet and adult conversation in a house filled with 2 little girls dominating conversation.

Annacoop, I think I need to remember that while I feel worse with more cigs, breathing wise and such, that any is having to start over and having just one is a setback, and a risk that isn't necessary to take.

Thanks again everyone. Sorry for the novel of a response.
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