Ok, new good post, "what do you like most about ecigs?"

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Aug 28, 2009
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 21, 2009
Indianapolis, IN
You get a difference in your eyes when you've been tobacco free for awhile? Cool! What sort of difference, and how long have you been off analogues?

Oh yeah, the dark circles that have been there seemingly forever just aren't there anymore! I thought they were just the way I looked. WOW Another thing is that my eyes have been perpetually red--blamed it on allergies, but they aren't red anymore either. The difference is amazing! It's been a couple of months now. I looked in the mirror last week and exclaimed "where's the dark circles!?!", turned on different lights to see if that made a difference, but nope, they are gone.


Full Member
Aug 4, 2009
The fact I no longer have to kid myself that my wife isn't on to me when I say "I'll be right back - I just need to get this out in the mailbox." The fact I can vape in the bathroom when the entire family is just outside the next room and never have them know I just got my dose of nicotine. The fact I no longer have to buy or chew gum - a clear sign to my wife and others I just had an analog. The fact I don't have to waste gas or time anymore going to fetch a pack at the store. The fact that no longer feel like an ashtray when I wake up in the morning.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2009
I have use of both of my hands again and don't have to wait the alloted time to finish a smoke. Also, there have been times when I was smoking a cig and then left the house in a rush, got down the road and wondered if I had really put it out or not. No more wondering if the house is going to burn down while I'm at the grocery store. :)
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