Ok, tried 20 flavors.....

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Feb 15, 2012
And I still keep going back to Island by Johnson Creek. They're did something right with this juice/flavor. Using an Ego-C and it vapes beautifully. Tried it in the Vision Ego/Vision Stardust carto and it rocks with that as well. Island by JC was the first VG flavor I ordered. I didn't like their PG. Their Tennessee cured flavor is good too.

How many flavors did you all try till you found one you liked? I want more variety. Even though I can vape this flavor all day, I want something else. I have tons of little samples and full bottles that I've bought and they're just going to sit there. Just placed an order for that Bob's Bounty or whatever its called so we'll see how that goes. So far I've tried these vendors

Virgin Vapors (I think they give me a headache - just arrived today so too soon to tell how I will like them)
Dekang?? That popular chinese one - Instant headache

What else should I try? I dont do PG. If anyone is familiar with the characteristics of JC's Island VG flavor and really enjoy it, I'd be very interested to know what else you enjoy.

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Dec 28, 2009
East Central Ind
For me buying and trying to find great juices has been my biggest expense. I have spent several thousand dollars over the past 3 years on juice. If I had it to do over I would have learned how to DIY and saved myself alot of money. For the past 14 months I have only found 1 juice that I liked well enough to be a daily vape- Backwoodsbrew espresso. Good luck on your search.


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Feb 15, 2012
Thanks for the advice. Was thinking of homebrew myself but I still need to figure out a good flavor I'd like to mix. What are these flavors made out of? Can "flavors" be bought in retail stores? I have some plain VG/H2O mixture and like to take a stab at making something myself. Where do all these flavors come from? What else are they used for? Making candy?


Resting In Peace
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Oct 14, 2009
Outside of the Philadelphia Burbs, NJ & Fla
you heard what jnnfrlsw said right,,, I agree, and I started DIY'ing long long ago, best advice I can give ya is to start loading up on small bottles of flavorings and from different sources, Tobacco's = flavourart.it,,,they have other good ones too but Capellas,, TPA,,, Natures flavors,,,, I would start buying from some of these suppliers and get yourself set up with some good 100MG VG Nic base and glass bottles, syringes and anything else you would need to DIY. Then start reading through some of the better DIY post and just start at it diving in head first. Before you kow it you will be making killer juices and for .15c-.20c per ML and save yourself a good bit of cash in the long run. I still do buy a few juices and the Boba's, Gorilla, and Raf are 3 of them, one or tWo others the rest is all DIY


Full Member
Feb 10, 2012
Lancashire, England
I was really lucky that the supplier of my very first pv threw in 5 10ml bottles of Dekang juices with the order.

I tried Ry4, DK Tab, Gold and Silver,Black Tobacco and Flue Cured Tobacco all in the first couple of days. I went for Flue Cured and within a week started ordering all sorts of other flavours. I've even started DIY'ing.

I still come back to the Flue Cured though, it's an amazing flavour :)

If only I could find Flue Cured concentrate for DIY!


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Feb 15, 2012
I still think that if you vape VG and dig fruity flavors you have to try JC's Island flavor and then tell me if anything out there compares to how smooth it vapes. Nice TH and lots of vapor. Nothing that I tried burns like this liquid. I have to know if anyone else thinks so. Maybe I just happen to like this flavor alot but it seems special and nothing else I've tried tonight even comes close to being as well rounded.


Vaping Master
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Dec 12, 2011
Revisit them juices in a month or 2...the very 1st batch I`ve ever bought sat there unloved and despised for 2 months,then I tried them again...I am actually vaping the whole lot.

Silent steeping or buds getting better,no idea...but they are indeed better...much better.

VG typically smooths out juices,PG add harshness like throat hit.


Full Member
Jan 17, 2012
So far I have only tried 12 different flavors. 7 different Dekang flavors. Out of those i really like the turkish blended, and Cohiba cigar, although I can't do the Cohiba all day because it is pretty rich, more like once or twice a day. I have two different nic levels of RY4, both seem really perfumy, I cant handle them, maybe they need more steeping...

I have 2 from Joyetech..tried their coconut once, never opened the bottle again, probably the worse I've had so far. I like their tobacco flavor pretty well though. I've been enjoying some Gorrilla Juice this past week...and I've got some Long Bottom Leaf and Shire Malt scheduled to be in my mailbox in the morning!
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