OMG!!! Unbelieveable

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Jim Davis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2009
Retired in Houston, Texas / USA
I *Have* to share this with ya'all.

I'm going on 3 months without a single analog, and now realize they are a thing of the past. My wife has two brothers in New York who smoke. They're the type who would throw away an e-cig when the battery went dead, and by a pack of analogs, so I won't try to convert them.

I still had 27 packs of analogs in my dresser drawer, and told my wife to send them to the boys, before they rot. She got a funny smirk on her face, and left the room. When she came back, she had 19 cartons of analogs plus my 27 packs.8-o She had bought them for me when the prices started going up, and never told me about them.

After my shock eased up, I said, I wondered how much money was there at today's prices. She said, "I'll make a deal with you." "I send these to my brothers, and you place another e-cig order."

So I'm waiting for another order to come in :) Cool.

Jim Davis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2009
Retired in Houston, Texas / USA
Your wife is an awesome lady!! I wish I were as lucky ~ you do still promise not to tell my hubby on me - right? ;):D:lol: Oh and you are un upstanding guy, too! Did that work? :)

You're secret is safe with me.:thumb:

As long as we have the extra cash, we each just order what we want. I get frightened when I go near the closet. I'm scared to find out how many pairs of shoes are in there.8-o


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2009
Argyle Wi USA
Great story Jim! Your wife is a thinker. I just got an email today from the supplier I used to buy our roll-your-own tobacco from. He was having a big sale to give his good customers and good deal. The per pound price on Golden Harvest used to be $11.35.
Today he had a mark-down sale of 1 lb $40.75 subtract 20% = $32.60 Save $8.15! The poor guy is going broke.
So your Wife was really thinking ahead of this giant Govm't RIPOFF. I hope the poor kids covered under the SCHIPS programs can get a good price on bandaids, because guess what, the govm't raises taxes on things and then they go out of business. You know, like govm't cars!
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