One week, no analogs!

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 19, 2010
Amarillo, TX
It has been a full week with no analogs! This is a miracle for me, a 2 PAD smoker. I still have no desire to smoke analogs.

I have been trying various configurations with my eGo. The original atty/cart combination worked ok, but I was constantly refilling. Tried the cylinder egomega aty and carts, but they don't seem to last all that long and when they go empty, it seems to be suddenly and, wow, what a nasty taste. Right now my preferred setup is a 510 carto with a drip tip. Seems to last ok, although I would like something longer. I have ordered some actual eGo cartos from CigNot, should be in today or tomorrow. I am hoping they will be the ones.

Tried a sampler from Johnson Creek. Pretty mild but I like them pretty well.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 12, 2010
Congratulations, J! It's pretty exciting when you realize this is going to work, isn't it?

It's taken me a while to find what works best for me. I really like to drip. I've learned exactly what my juice tastes like just as it's going dry. I don't know that I can explain it, it's just sort of off. Not as full, maybe. It might be harder to tell when using cartos, I don't know. I just drip into the atomizer.

Good luck finding your favorite way!


Full Member
Jun 6, 2010
Congrats !!! Remember things are now changing...your body is changing. It's healing its self at a rapid rate. Listen to your body. You may need to increase or decrease nicotine levels, flavoring.

Try different flavors from different companies, different attys, have fun with it. You are still saving a ton of money on your car insurance.

In a few more weeks your body is going to explode, things will taste better, smell better. Energy comes back. I walked by a pizza place the other day and almost passed out it smelled soooo good.

Stick with it. If you feel the need to go back to cigs, change something. It's just mind tricks the 4000 chemicals have been playing on you.

Congrats !!!


Super Member
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Jul 21, 2010
Here are some good vendors of juice...don't think you'll be disappointed:
My tops is Backwoods Brew:
Caramel Cappuccino
Malty Toffee
Tasty Vapor has some good ones too:
Irish Cream
Tasty Finger
My daughter is quitting analogs also but she has one every once in awhile...especially around smoking friends. Some great people on this forum suggested that we don't look at the fact that we are still smoking, but rather to look how many regular cigarettes have not been smoked. When you look at it that way, all you can do is the "Happy dance". :banana:
Congrats on your 1 week anniversary! And tell your wife congrats for cutting down on those nasty analogs...she'll be off em in no time.


Full Member
Aug 22, 2010
Central Florida
Congratulations! I also have been off analogs for 3.5 weeks and I am amazed.
I was a 30 year marlboro light, 2 pack a day smoker. I even smoked at work at my desk.
My coworkers are so amazed that I have not had an analog since I found e-cigs that they have all been taking hits off my e-cig, and have now all purchased starter kits.

My taste buds are starting to come back and I am definitely enjoying vaping flavors that I wouldn't have touched the first week or 2 so have patience with yourself and try different things, flavors etc.

My spouse is doing pretty well an analog a day or so but not fully moved over. I am just trying to keep giving her different things to try till it hits just right.
Congrats again!


Full Member
Aug 8, 2010
The important thing to focus and concentrate on is how many analogues you have not smoked. I think that there are some of us (present party included) who have a little more of an addiction than just to the nicotine and if you can stick with the ecig getting rid of the analogues will eventually happen. I know that it will for me because with each passing day my attitude about analogues is ever changing. I can tell you that I am down to 4 a day now and I have never been more aware of conciously making the effort to stay away. The fact that I have been able to stay at this level for 2 weeks and 1 day amazes me to no end. The fact that I can actually go 9 hours during the day at work without one flabbergasts me. I would have never been where I am now without my 510.

jmanning, your wife will get there. My husband is one of the biggest smoking haters I know. I'm surprised that he put up with it as long as he did. However, since I have had the ecig those times that I do go out to the porch he looks the other way. At one point I tried to explain that I will do it, I just need to go through the process my way. He's supportive and understanding which is what makes me want to get rid of those 4 forever. I will do this!

So happy that this has worked for you, it will for your wife too, give it time. :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2009
Argyle Wi USA
jmanning, Congratulations! It's BIG, isn't it! The first week. That's the best thing, the forward motion.
Your wife will go forward on her own inertia, but what Lisa 2112 said, "I will do this!" is the key ingredient needed.
I had to stop smoking, or I would have been stopped permanently!
The first couple months had an awful lot of intense energy, and so hungry I could hardly stand it, but it gradually faded and now I can say "I did this!" Vaping is so do-able as a CRT (Cigarette Replacement Therapy), and you can take it as far as you want to go.
I found in very easy to cut back on nicotine as well. The Grip is broken. After 44 years, 2-3 PAD, that's really something.
Welcome, and best to you both! and everyone else on the early road. It does get even better.


Aussie Pup Wrangler
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Jul 9, 2010
Beautiful Baldwinsville (CNY)
Way to go :)
For me, I made the last pack harder to get at (left it in the car), bumped the strength (mg) for that first vape in the morning. Absolutely didn't set a hard quit date goal -- one day I realized "to heck with it, I am getting what I need from vaping", finished the last 3 smokes off that day just to be done with them.
I do, however, make sure to keep some high test (24 mg or better) liquid around, for stress points. I'm in no rush to reach 0 nic.
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