only 5 days..but going strong

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Full Member
Oct 30, 2010
columbus ohio
5 days, no analogs!
it has been hard to not bum a smoke when i see someone fire up. and it smells good when its burning..but the smell on there clothes is rank! LOL

so far i have resisted, and just took a big ol vape when i get the mega urge!!

i think the turkish juice really helps...the flavored stuff is good, but dosent really satisfy my cig urges!!

so if i stick with the turkish baccy flavor and take big vaps when geeking..i can get thru!!!
and of course with support from the forum members here :)


Vaping Master
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Sep 14, 2010
Burnt Hills NY
Redbeerd hang in there. I found the first week to be the hardest. One habit I have gotten into is to reward myself when I reach milestones. I do this by placing orders w/my favorite suppliers for flavors, atty's, batts, Mods etc. I am not sure when it finally happened but now the smell of a burning cig is not pleasurable for me. When I first started vaping it still was but now ----YUK. Maybe place an order for some new juices now and it will be there when you cross the one week mark!!! Best of luck to you, you CAN DO it!


Ultra Member
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Dec 23, 2009
Los Angeles
thank you for the encouragement :)
and i think i may just go ahead and pre-reward myself

What I've found helpful is to purchase and have on hand a stronger level of nic as one of my flavors of juice.

I typically use 18 mg of nic, but I also have 24 mg for those times I REALLY have strong cravings. A few drags on the 24mg juice (I drip, so it's easy to switch between juices...) and I'm over it! Perhaps order one bottle with slightly stronger nicotine level.

Good luck!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 17, 2010
Oceanside, CA
that aint a bad idea Shel :)
i love the tobacco flavored ones, so far very few of the ''flavor'' ones have done it for me.
they taste good, but too sweet :)

Yes, I know what you mean by being too sweet sometimes. I DIY my juices, and when I don't want sweet, I make myself some Toasted Almond - very tasty.

Congratulations on the analogs you did not smoke, and I agree with the previous poster in that the first week was the roughest for me. The first 3 days were no sweat, but then I got a little depression and reached out for an excuse - silly me. I'm in control now. I've been vaping now for almost 8 months, and have had only one slip-up. They just taste so horrible that it was not hard to get back to vaping. Welcome to ECF and happy vaping.:)


Vaping Master
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Dec 19, 2010
Tyler, Texas
No need to make a new thread. This one will do nicely.

Today is day 8 for me.

When I first got my 510 kit, I stopped analogs for 2 weeks, b/c I preferred vaping. But the 510 started to frustrate me. I couldn't get carts or cartos to work just right. So I went back to analogs when I lost my patience with my 510. I still cut my habit to at least half of what it was previously, but I wanted that consistent, low maintenance vape.

I spent many hours here at ECF reading reading reading. I decided the Reo Grand looked to be the mod that did what I needed a PV to do. I got lucky on Rob's first sale once I had made up my mind to buy one. I had to look at that Reo for a full week until my batteries and charger arrived! It's been vaping Nirvana, ever since. All that's left for me to do now is maintain my attys and keep up my supply of tasty juice.

Many of my smoking co-workers have seen me puffing on my Reo. Two have expressed interest and want to know more. I gave each a brief run down of what it is, why it works, and then tell them if they want to give PV's a try, not to buy ANYTHING without talking to me first. I e-mailed them links to MissNomad89 and cozzcon youtube channels and instructed them to just watch a few of the e-cig related videos and then get back to me with any questions they might have. I'm trying to bring them into the community without inducing the information overload that so many of us encountered when we first started.

Right now, I think the eGo Tank systems are the starter kits I will recommend they try first IF they get back to me and tell me they want to jump in. I don't have one myself, but it looks to do everything a PV should do for someone that wants to transition to vaping from analogs. Just get them the right flavors of juice with the right nic levels and let them run with it. I would save them the headache of carts and cartos if I can. And if they decide they want to fool with those, I figure they can give either or both a shot without a huge additional investment.

My analog of choice for the past few years was the Black & Mild cigar. I'd smoke 5 or 6 a day. I still have one sitting on top of my dresser and I look at it everyday. I can honestly say I have no desire to unwrap it and light it up. I KNOW that it tastes nasty and smells nasty and will produce a bunch of messy ash and drop embers to burn holes in my clothes. No. Thank. You.

One week isn't a huge milestone, but I feel great because my craving and desire for burning tobacco is gone and I don't see it returning. I don't look at smokers with disdain. I look at them as potential converts. But they have to want to take the first step. Then I'll do everything I can to help them find that near perfect transition without breaking the bank. The two folks I've talked to so far both work in law enforcement and therefore don't have huge sums of money to toss away indiscriminately!

I'm enjoying the ride. I give ECF and all its participants 90% of the credit. The other 10% is split between me and the great suppliers with whom I've done business. (so far)

/end rambling


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 2, 2011
I had gone back and fourth between analog and digital for almost a year due to poor equipment. A little over a month ago I found the 510 and absolutely loved it. Yesterday, when I got out of work my car was buried in snow and it was still coming down hard. I didn't want to damage my 510 so I decided to bum an analog from a co-worker. I nearly barfed. I am so happy that I made it to this point. I don't think I will ever go back. I am going to forget that I even attempted an analog yesterday and just keep my counter going. So as of right now I have gone one month and 3 days analog free!!!
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