Out of Curiosity

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2010
Fredericksburg, VA
Has any one had a problem with their chests hurting a bit in the morning? It could be from my over-excitement of finally getting ecigs, I admit - I sort of played with one for about an hour straight. But the past couple of mornings my chest has felt like it has some pressure on it. Nothing painful, just uncomfortable. Has anyone else experienced this?


Moved On
Dec 21, 2009

I've just started vaping and so far - 13-14 days without a smoke. I felt generally crappy when I made the switch - so your chest might just be de-toxing if you've just stopped smoking analogues.

I hit the vape pretty hard for the first 3-4 days and the only side effect is a slight overdose on Nicotine when I go to bed (room-spin) and a dry throat, but as I say, I did not feel right for about 9-10 days until all the toxins were out of my system. I drank a lot of water - and that sped things up for me.

Anyone else experienced this?


Trippy Tip Hoarder
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Nov 11, 2009
*The Swamp*
You could be having spasms from taking in too much air. Try to not open your lips too much when you inhale. Also, I found that I vape more than I smoked and you could be overworking the muscles associated with pulling when vapeing(vaping). Heck, I'm no doctor and did not stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night either!!!!


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 24, 2009
Harwich, Ma
What doots said!
Never take chances with chest pressure or pain. (I learned this the hard way when I was 26 years old!)
I've only been vaping for about a month now, still having the occasional cig. (down to 2 to 4 cigs a day. Been a smoker for 39 years) The only side effects that I've noticed are, once in awhile, if I'm vaping to much, is some sinus congestion. I don't cough at all anymore. Which is the best side effect! :)
Take care of yourself.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2009
Texas, USA
Has any one had a problem with their chests hurting a bit in the morning?...
Nod, with me it's not a morning thing, but if I've been smoking analogs... (I know, naughty, naughty - waiting on supplies. :oops:)

Uh anyway... if I've been smoking analogs & then swap to vaping for a bit, I do feel it. Doesn't hurt, no racing heart or anything else worrisome... So, I think it may just be a matter of inhaling differently and/or inhaling something different. I'm still getting used to vaping & figuring out the techniques & all, soI think I do sometimes over-inhale. It's occurring less as I get used to vaping & inhaling more consistently.

If it continues or gets worse, of course, see a doctor.
Then your lungs will start stretching out again and the tar will phlegm out for a few days. The process is a bit scary but then you get to take this big inhale of air and you actually feel your lungs filling up.
That is exactly how it feels to me. Like my lungs are expanding more than I'm used to! I remember the feeling from being in choir long ago & learning to control my breathing for singing. It did kind of make me go "Huh?" at first, but it didn't seem bad, just...like... whoa this is new.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2010
Fredericksburg, VA
I haven't been coughing anything up (gross as it sounds, the last time I quit analog cigs I was coughing like I'd been smoking 2 packs a day for 20 years), which is probably a good thing, so maybe the pressure is from over-inhaling. Thinking about it now, the first few times I drew on the ecig pretty hard. Maybe that's the issue...


Moved On
Dec 21, 2009

Yeah, best get it checked out with a Dr if you are not sure... but I will say that when I was smoking I had chest pains, throat pains and coughed in the morning - and any headache, pain or tension - was certainly a result of tar and the other gunk in analogues. Also, because I knew it was bad for me - I worried about the long term effects.

I feel a lot better now, and without the worry of the dreaded "c" it's a massive weight of when vaping - I can now just enjoy it and cut down on the nicotine gradually...

Just got loads of kit through the door - so I'm off to test it all out! :)


Super Member
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Aug 4, 2008
Sparta, Greece
m40x is known to have harder draw than most other e-cigs. There are two ways to take drags on e-cigs: direct lung inhale or mouth inhale and then inhaling. I'd say that if you are now doing direct lung inhale and find mouth inhale uncomfortable to do on your e-cig then it is quite possible that inhaling too hard is giving your lungs bit of a work out.


Vaping Master
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Nov 1, 2009
Mtns of Tennessee
Theres a thread in the health section that discusses the " changes" that alot go thru when weaning off analogs to the vape. Might be a useful thread for you to read.

I went thru the coughing, sore throat faze...still have it at times...i do think its a transition period.

on that note..I agree , any chest pain should be checked out.

Good luck and Enjoy the vape !
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