Play To Win: All NEW!! Weekly GotVapes Ultimate Contest Prize Giveaway & Chit Chat Hangout Thread, Come Hangout and Have Fun!!

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 25, 2012


(Game started 4/14 @ 6:51 AM EDT)

As of Monday 4/21 @ 7:31 AM EDT
GotVapes Arises Again -- Round #31
Pick 2 number(s) from 2001 - 2400

Please include the round number with your picks!

1....JUST one set of pickins per round

Check the board for available numbers:
Link to Gotvapes Game Board!

Colored cells are taken.
Winning number(s) are chosen via at game end.

1st Prize:
innokin iTaste 134 vw Gatlin/18650 Battery, Aspire Mini- Nova, Oakley XCube/18350 Battery, Gemini, Bucky Balls, and 4 Bottles Flux juice

2nd Prize:
$25 Gift card and 1 bottle of Flux juice

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

A 'liked' post does not mean you've got that number (or that you yourself are even liked). The first person to pick a number gets that number whether it's marked on the board or not. When we 'Like' your picks that means one of the five helpers are marking them on the board. If there are any mistakes/conflicts, we will reply to your post. So check back a while after you pick to see if we noted any problems.

Please do not edit your pick posts.

If someone already took your number, or an error was made, please wait for a helper to post the error. Please "Reply With Quote" to the helper's post with your new pick.

A helper will announce a new round of picks at random times, so check back often and keep track of what round you've already made picks in.

Rounds may last anywhere from 16 seconds to 36 hours based solely on our whim. There are no rules. Life is unfair. Good luck!

We call it a "reset" when we go into a new round. You still keep all of your previous picks. If you miss a round you do not get to back and make up picks. You can make 1 set of picks for the current round ONLY

The game ends when the sheet is filled. We then announce the winning pick.

Play to win! There will be no PIFing of number picks. The winner of any contest can PIF the prize if they choose to do so Here.

ALL Birthday Poopies will get additional picks on their ECF listed Birthday :w00t: (1 birthday per year please :D)

Theses aren't rules. They are guidance. And they may change at any time. Without prior notice. Maybe even without ensuing notice.
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