Possible allergic reaction?

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Feb 21, 2014
United States
I've been vaping for about 3 months now, recently I started getting severely chapped lips, and my face / neck felt like it was on fire. I tried doing some research, and I found people talking about it being a PG issue. I had been using the same juice for 2 weeks at that point (50/50 blend, and it was caramel apple and red hots...so good!!). I put down all my 50/50 blends, and I bought a bottle of 100% VG from Virgin Vapor's White Chocolate Raspberry. I also order from Heather's Heavenly Vapes, some Cinful Apple (from their Purity line also 100% VG). I feel like I am still having some sort of issue or reaction to even the 100% VG stuff, my lips are beginning chapped again, and my face feels like I was in the sun all day.

Since the "breakout" I have started smoking again, I have been trying to weigh all the options, I don't know with both smoking and vaping, if I am getting too much nicotine, and that could cause it or not. Regardless for 2 months now I have been on 12mg Nicotine (down from 18mg when I started).

I am stumped on what to do, or where to go at this point, I have never been allergic to anything in my life (outside of poison ivy) that I've come in contact with. I just need to find a solution I do not want to give up vaping, and I would like to go back to 100% cigarette free.

On a side note, my diet, and face and body products have not changed in the time I have been having issues.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 21, 2014
Syracuse, IN, USA
First thing I'd do is make sure I'm getting enough water to drink. You want to stay very hydrated when vaping. It has a tendency to dry you out some. It's probably not the nicotine. It could also be just the time of year. I sometimes get chapped lips and stuff during the year when the seasons change. Try some allergy stuff from over the counter. If that doesn't help, go see a doctor unless your getting some really bad symptoms that you think require you to go immediately. I'm no doctor, so I can't really tell you anything specific on what is causing your issues or what you should do. I just know what I'd try first. Now that I think about it, I have had that red face on fire thing once before, but not sure what caused it. Was long before I started vaping. Have you been in the wind a lot lately? Your face can become chapped just like your lips in heavy wind.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 4, 2013
Washington, DC
as others have said you may need to ingest more of this



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Jan 20, 2012
You need to drink much more water with vaping as the pg/vg are humectents & the affect the body's hydration levels.

As far as allergic reactions, generally when you are experiencing an allergic reaction to something it will be accompanied by a rash or itching in some area & that rash &/or itching will increase with continued use. You will also probably experience swelling somewhere if it's an allergy problem.

I would suggest trying some 100% pg juice just to see if you experience any problems with this. Some people have sensitivity to VG. Some have sensitivity to PG. Some also have had sensitivity to some of the ingredients in certain flavorings. Since you've already tried some 100% VG juice trying some PG would be a good next step.

To get more definitive answers you would really need to see a doctor about it.
I agree you might want to try to drink more water. It wouldnt be the VG unless you are a vegetarian because there is vegetable Glycerine in pretty much everything you eat. There have been cases where people are allergic to PG but if you cancelled that out and still getting the same result, you might want to lower your nicotine. A pack a day smoker normally starts out at 18MG.


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Mar 4, 2013
Austin, TX
I am stumped on what to do, or where to go at this point, I have never been allergic to anything in my life (outside of poison ivy) that I've come in contact with. I just need to find a solution I do not want to give up vaping, and I would like to go back to 100% cigarette free.

On a side note, my diet, and face and body products have not changed in the time I have been having issues.

Just because you weren't allergic before doesn't mean you aren't. Allergies run amok in my family and the thing I've noticed is they like to change over time. Fun stuff.

First I agree with everybody else to up your water intake. You don't have to carry gallon jugs around but do get more water. PG and VG both create vapor by absorbing moisture. Some of which they "steal" from you.

The other is also try 100% PG. Some folks seem to react to one or the other but rarely both. And even if you, say, react to VG, you may still not have a severe reaction if you use a lower VG level in a mix (or the other way round). Hard to say. But I may have a mild (even trivial) allergy to VG. Sometimes getting a 50/50 vapor in my nasal passages will set off a sneezing fit. But I also have seasonal allergies. So is it actually the VG or the pollen and the vapor just sort of "tickled" my nasal passages or... I dunno?

Try "isolating" things. 100% VG. 100% PG. Unflavored maybe as some folks react to flavorings. Allergies can be a pain to nail down. Trust me. Oof.

And, as I noted earlier, allergies can change over time. Such as, when I was a kid (in, oh, second grade I think), I used to get near flu like sick in the fall. I think ragweed? But now I couldn't tell you when ragweed is high. Doesn't do anything to me. When older--though still young--pine pollen used to be rough. Now... nothing. Mold? Just get my grave ready for me. :D

Then there was the ever so fun time recently now that I've hit my 50s where I started having really awful gastric distress sometimes in the mornings. Took me a while to realize, I'm becoming lactose intolerant. Which, turns out, isn't unusual for adults. I thought, all these years, that you were either born lactose intolerant or not. Well, no, that's wrong. It's not the least bit unusual for people to become lactose intolerant as adults.

Not changing things doesn't mean something hasn't changed. I've had to do this, "change one thing at a time" process a couple of times in recent years to pin something down.

Though there was that time I started trying to figure out what had caused this sunburn like rash on my neck only to realize it had been caused by this thing called "the sun". Yeah, I'd stood outside on a sunny day running my yap talking to somebody and then couldn't figure out why I had a rash that was so much like a sunburn.



Full Member
Mar 3, 2014
Allergies are developed, even if you didn't have allergies to something your whole life, you may eventually build an allergy to it. Good examples are allergies to latex or seafood that suddenly develop even though you were never allergic to them.

What your experiencing doesn't seem like an allergy to me. Burning in the face and neck can be related sinusitis or a problem with your ears, nose &/or throat. Also as mentioned above, you may have light sun burns. Also drink plenty of fluids, you sound very dehydrated.

A visit to your local healthcare provider will do you good. Let them know what your feeling, not what you presume you have.
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3mg Meniere

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 24, 2013
Tomah Wisconsin
as others have said you may need to ingest more of this


Dihydrogenmonoxide? Very bad advice. That is a dangerous chemical. Here is information about it. Facts About Dihydrogen Monoxide Particularly insightful given recent government information about the dangers of vaping.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 7, 2009
I have been vaping for 5 years now - I began to develop some 'symptoms' after about 2 years; itchy rash on my face and chest and flaking skin on my face as well - I ended up settling on a liquid mix of 70% VG and 30% PG with a nicotine level of 12. If I order extra flavoring, the rash comes back. Recently I've noticed that my lips are peeling; not so much chapped - but the skin peeling (sorry, I know it's gross). I can only assume this is related to the e-liquid. It isn't so horrible that I'm willing to give it up though...just annoying.
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