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Question about the Ego drip tip and some issues I am having. help please

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 8, 2011
Toronto Canada
I have the ego t and decided to try the drip tip. I was very disappointed. I got absolutely no flavour, no throat hit, nothing. I was wondering if maybe I was doing something wrong. The longer I go without an analog the less satisfied Iam with vaping. I am using 18mg do more eh with a few drips of 32mg. I have been using the tank, but it seems like its getting harder to draw. I spend up to 8 seconds sucking to only get a very minor throat hit and even less taste. I also find I am vaping non stop the entire day and if I draw to close together the Ego gets very hot and the taste turns to a burnt flavour.

I want to get that punch in the lungs kind of feeling I got with smoking. The throat hit, the flavour. is my Ego on the fritz? do I need to clean it? am I dripping wrong? I am using a PG VG mix. Are there any tricks to the Ego to get a stronger throat hit, more taste, anything? I keep getting that oh no I need a real cigarette because Iam not getting that satisfying punch. I hope its just me, doing something wrong. Please help if you can



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 24, 2009
Calgary, AB Canada
First, are you dripping with the eGo-T atty? I'm thinking that would be difficult as it is designed to wick though the needle... so dripping would be near impossible to do with precision.

It's possible you need to up your nic strength if you are finding it unsatisfactory. While some people seem to do fine with 18mg, or even 24... there are those of us who need more. I prefer a 30-36mg, and find if I use 24 (I have nothing weaker) that I am chain-vaping. There have been a few hypotheses/amateur studies I've read that indicate that people tend to self-regulate their nicotine intake, so if you are chain vaping and not getting satisfaction it could be because you need something stronger.

WRT your eGo T atty losing performance, yes... it sounds like it's getting clogged. First try a good blow-out. I do mine from both ends of the atty on a paper towel until no more liquid comes out. After that, I'll take a couple hits without a tank. (This thing holds a LOT of liquid!) If I still feel it needs to be cleaned, I'll vape a tank or two of unflavoured.

That's ALL I have needed to do for atty maintenance. However, having said that... some liquids vape more effectively than others. The eGo-T is altogether a different beast. Try to avoid darker and/or thicker juices.

Lastly... I assume you are using a manual battery? (If not, I have completely different advice.) Sometimes it seems to wick better if you take a couple drags BEFORE you activate the battery. And don't drag too hard. Slow, easy draws.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2011
Surrey, BC, Canada
I drip with an old ego t atty. I figured it was pooched so I ripped the wicking part out. the strands had fallen down inside all over the atty. after I pulled that crap out and gave it a vg wash it works great.

I feel for you man. the same happened to me not long ago. my ry4 wasn't cutting it and I was in a bad way. I bought a couple new atty's and new juice. now I have decided to just keep one per juice and replace them. they do seem to lose punch after a bit. still cheaper than smoking. I am getting to like dripping cuz the hit and flavour is much better


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 1, 2010
Perhaps your atty is flooded? The desciption of the problem you are having sounds like a normal atty that is flooded. I am guessing you are dripping into the ego-t and using the tip that is not a tank that comes on the atty when it is new. Just blow through your atty into a paper towel until very little to no juice comes out. You can also let it sit on some paper towel for an hour or overnight.

You might also want to consider a LR atty with a drip tip. That will give you a better throat hit and more heat similar to smoking. You don't need to take as long of a draw on it. The draw back is the life expectancy on a LR atty is lower.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 27, 2009
Perhaps your atty is flooded? The desciption of the problem you are having sounds like a normal atty that is flooded. I am guessing you are dripping into the ego-t and using the tip that is not a tank that comes on the atty when it is new. Just blow through your atty into a paper towel until very little to no juice comes out. You can also let it sit on some paper towel for an hour or overnight..

The eGO-T atomizer you cannot drip with. End of story.

The eGO-T atomizer feeds through a pin that enters the tank cartridge, by dripping 99.9% of the juice bypasses the pin (and entry to the coil) and pools in the atomizer on the cover that covers the coil, where the vapor comes out of, not where the juice goes in. You can't even blow that out.

Its like trying to eat with one chopstick, its not going to work, and its going to make a mess.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2011
You can drip with the ego-T atty if you take the needleplate and wick out. It's just a bridgeless atty and it works fine. Not the best atty in the world, but similar to a regular 510 atty in flavor and vapor. The Ego Type A drip tips (.99 at Good Prophet) fit perfectly on the egot attys.


If you want to drip, go to Avidvaper.com and order Cisco LR 306 1.5 attys and an XL drip tip. Best flavor, throat hit, perfect warm full vapor I've tried. I use the eGoT 1000 batteries and they work well with them. The batteries last about 4 hours of continuous vaping with these LR attys. I vape mostly BWB juices now and the flavor is spot on.

Here's the link for the 19.99 special, he charges a few extra bucks for the XL drip tip, but it's worth it to not risk hot ejuice in your mouth.
Cisco LR306 1.5 ohm Atomizer + Drip Tip Special - Avid Vaper

I just ordered the long 306 drip tips from Good Prophet for .99 but not sure if they are the same delrin tips as Avids. Won't know until my package arrives. One of my Avid's eventually stretched a bit and leaks, so they apparently don't last forever.
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 8, 2011
Toronto Canada
I was given a drip thing with the ego t and I tried it. It vaped but no flavour or hit. I am using the tanks agaiin and still having that no throat hit no satisfaction feeling. I have no idea how to take this thing apart to clean it, and knowing me I will break it and deem it useless. I am going to try the max nic out there and see if I can get that punch. I am looking for a video on how to clean the ego t atty and so far nothing I really understand lol. I still havent had an analog, and hope I dont have to. I have been vaping non stop for 2 weeks, so I would imagine its pretty clogged, I dont know. When I dripped I didnt put more then 3 drops in, so I dont think its flooded. I am knew to this and have no clue about any of this


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 30, 2010
Manitoba, Canada
+1 for the LR 306's, very nice hit, definately does the trick for me when I get a strong craving. It's not something I use regularily though.

I took out the plate and (black)wick on my eGo-T atty, but it still tastes like crap and the draw is WAY to tight, even just to try and blow it out. I've cleaned it, soaked it, run a bunch of flavorless PG/VG through it, and now its going in the garbage. Will try again when the next version comes out, lol.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 8, 2011
Toronto Canada
Iam going to try using the high high MG and see if I can get that punch. the drip atomizer I got with the ego t leaks and I get more juice in my mouth then in my lungs. Thats with 3 drops. All I want is an e-cig I can use for 15 minutes, get that smoking satifaction and not need it again for an hour or so. The eGo t I am sucking on it 4-5 times a minute non stop for 16 hours. Its hard to draw like sucking a brick. Reminds me of those $18 native bagged cigarettes, you suck for 10 hours to get 1/2 mg of nicotine lol.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 1, 2010
I have blown out the ego-t to switch flavours. Just blow in the tank end and clean out the battery end. It can hold a bit of juice inside of it. I only have the one and don't use it that much as I find the flavour a little lacking.

Happyvaper has the cisco 1.5 LR 306. The LR 510 version might be a little easier to start for a new vaper.

You might want to consider some cartomizers as they are a little easier to use for new vapers imho. If it is not working grab another and throw the old one out. Jack has some LR ones that should give a better throat hit.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2011
I just ordered the long 306 drip tips from Good Prophet for .99 but not sure if they are the same delrin tips as Avids. Won't know until my package arrives. One of my Avid's eventually stretched a bit and leaks, so they apparently don't last forever.

Quoting myself here, how lame is that?

Anyway if anyone cares, my package from Good Prophets arrived and their long 306 delrin drip tips are shorter than Avid's XL, still keep juice out of my mouth, are less dorky looking, and are long enough to fit under the ego cone. Highly recommend them to 306 drippers, especially for .99


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 8, 2011
Toronto Canada
Quoting myself here, how lame is that?

Anyway if anyone cares, my package from Good Prophets arrived and their long 306 delrin drip tips are shorter than Avid's XL, still keep juice out of my mouth, are less dorky looking, and are long enough to fit under the ego cone. Highly recommend them to 306 drippers, especially for .99

I have the 510 but willing to try out new things and experiment. Do they ship to Canada?
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