Question about wicking

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Aloha all

please forgive my newbness, but I'm going crazy here. Short background, smoker trying to quit via ecigs. Disposables at first, now a Vamo V5 and trying my hand at microcoil building.

my evod, and protank mini work great now, with the microcoil/cotton wick (thanks RIP tripper), my issue is my Cobra. The coils look great (2.2 ohm, 30 ga/9 wrap microcoil), my issue is the vertical cotton wick. No matter what I try, I keep getting burnt hits. My coils are near perfect, glows from the middle out with no hot spots or legs...I saturate the wick before firing the device after reassembly...plenty of liquid in tank...and plenty of air flow. The first pull tastes great...however, after that, the second pull has degraded flavor and the third is already burnt. Not dragging too hard...nice, slow, even pull...but every wick i've used ends in burnt disaster...

Please help, and Thanks in advance!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2011
I'm relatively new to RBA's myself, so I hope I'm understanding the problem.

Some use stainless steel wicks for RBAs designed for vertical wicks. SS wicks might be doing the trick. I don't know.

This is what I do for such RBA. I use the syringe hole to put in the other end of the silica wick (whatever you choose, ie, cotton or ekowool) and I position the coil horizontally.


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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2011
seems like you have the coil a bit too tightly wrapped around the wick thus cutting off the flow to the wick inside the coil ( imagine a rubberband on your finger cutting off the bloodflow)

If you're referring to my images, actually no. It's very loose. You can move it in and out with ease. I could have used a thicker silica, but none is available right now. (Or I could have used a tinier diameter coil.)

Cotton is the best because it can be molded into any shape. Plus you can pre-wrap the coil on a drill bit. But I'm still not sure about the differences among various wicks, ie, juice flow, taste, etc. I'm still experimenting.

I used 28 wg in that coil, again, because I have yet to order other sizes. It's giving me 2.5 ohms in my multimeter, after many tries. 30 wg is probably the better choice for these.
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seems like you have the coil a bit too tightly wrapped around the wick thus cutting off the flow to the wick inside the coil...
Thank you all for the replies...
I thought that might be the case in the beginning...I've actually replaced the wick several times now, each time reducing the diameter. At this point, the wick is very thin and can slide up and down in the coil with very little effort. Seems like the link CreepyLady provided mentions ss mesh and not cotton wick.
... i ended up using cotton and it helped tremendously. but still, I think I now prefer drip RDAs over the tank models, it seems like there is always a bit of an issue with getting it to wick properly, especially for a newbie like me :p
I am using cotton at this point with my Cobra genesis. I may eventually try dripping, but I really prefer the convenience of filling a tank to vape and go rather than dripping throughout the day. If I do start dripping, it may be for in-home use only. For vaping on the go, I feel tanks like evod, protank, or genesis style is what I'll be using...which is why my frustration with the Cobra continues. The other tanks with bottom coil cartridges work fine (even getting bigger vape clouds with my beginners luck at building microcoils), it's just the Cobra, and having to "wick up" to the coils that isn't working...yet. Hopefully, someone can shed some light on what I may be doing wrong. Today I changed the wick (again)...this time the wick is around one inch long, and very thin. Still a burnt taste, but better than before.
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