Quick intro and hi!

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Full Member
Mar 13, 2012
Greer, SC
I am a SAHM of two and a non smoker who has been vaping for about a year. My husband started my interest when he bought a pipe pv and although I was revolted by the idea of him smoking (he's also a non smoker), we both really enjoyed the flavors and the experience of it as something to relax with at the end of the day.
A year later and I'm very much into the vaping experience now. I love experimenting with new systems although my pv of choice is The ego-t. I used to be on all kinds of medicines for stress and depression, but those are all gone. I sleep better, I've lost weight and I feel like I can deal with things better. I usually use a 0-6mg juice, but I also like the occasional higher mg. I'm interested in seeing of there are any other non smokers here that have never used analogs.
As a positive side effect we've been able to help at least one relative completely quit analogs (she's been analog free since 12/10/11!!).
Where I volunteer there are other smokers converting due to a smoke free workplace policy, so I don't stick out at all.
I'm a huge tech geek so that's what got me interested in all the different things out there. This is an amazing community and I love the information I've found so far! Thanks for having me :)


Full Member
Mar 13, 2012
Greer, SC
Mods still scare me lol! I have been sticking with "tried and true" mainstream kind of systems. Read so many reviews here and did a lot of research. I liked that I could tear down and revive my ego attys and even more psyched with the ego C system now.
Some of the mods I've seen on here are so stinking cool I'm inspired to run to Radio Shack and get pieces to tinker with, but batteries still make me a little nervous. I'm probably going to get a VV battery to go on my ego next and see how that feels :)


Ultra Member
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Verified Member
Mar 10, 2012
Colorado, USA
Mods still scare me lol! but batteries still make me a little nervous. I'm probably going to get a VV battery to go on my ego next and see how that feels :)

Well, thing is your ego IS a battery, too. same kind, in fact. Kay1959 said it well - a single battery VV is just as safe as your ego


Vaping Master
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Jul 18, 2010
NE Ohio
Generally for someone who doesn't smoke I wouldn't recommend vaping as it's usually a alternative for smoking.

Making statements about not using medications, weightloss and such, because of vaping, but you've replaced them with nicotine. So I am a bit curious, since you said you are both non-smokers why you would choose to use a nicotine liquid?


Full Member
Mar 13, 2012
Greer, SC
Generally for someone who doesn't smoke I wouldn't recommend vaping as it's usually a alternative for smoking.

Making statements about not using medications, weightloss and such, because of vaping, but you've replaced them with nicotine. So I am a bit curious, since you said you are both non-smokers why you would choose to use a nicotine liquid?

Honestly, I use the nicotine liquid because I like the feeling. I notice I get a little sleepy, and the flavors are great for satisfying any sweet cravings I have. It's all but eliminated any post-dinner dessert cravings. I find I'm more able to unwind without the unpleasant side effects of alcohol. I've never felt addicted to anything, but I do notice that I generally feel more relaxed when I have a nice tasty evening vape. I also have a bunch of 0mg juices I like. It's not always about the nicotine! Occasionally if I vape too hard on something with nicotine I will feel a little lightheaded, not unlike having a glass of wine. There havent been any lasting negative side effects at all.

I am reading more as seeing that people are generally frowning upon people like me who have never smoked, being vapers. I feel that as an adult I've made a conscious and informed decision. I put far fewer chemicals in my body now that I vape. I think in general the side effects are few compared to the medication I used to be on. I suffered from depression and insomnia for a few years, and now I am sleeping better and feeling healthier. I hated taking medication, and the withdrawals from it were hell.

I can't say it's for everyone, and I'm not an expert by any means, but it's what's working for me and I was hoping to find other "closet vapers" that might share my experience. If that's not welcome here, then I'm just as content to return to the realm of lurking :).

Warren D. Lockaby

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2011
South Carolina, USA
I am reading more as seeing that people are generally frowning upon people like me who have never smoked, being vapers. I feel that as an adult I've made a conscious and informed decision. I put far fewer chemicals in my body now that I vape. I think in general the side effects are few compared to the medication I used to be on. I suffered from depression and insomnia for a few years, and now I am sleeping better and feeling healthier. I hated taking medication, and the withdrawals from it were hell.

I can't say it's for everyone, and I'm not an expert by any means, but it's what's working for me and I was hoping to find other "closet vapers" that might share my experience. If that's not welcome here, then I'm just as content to return to the realm of lurking :).

Hi, & WELCOME to ECF! I want to tell you, I find the experience you shared to be enlightening and valuable. It is rather unique, at least among the experiences I've seen during the few months I've been here, but your story's uniqueness only heightens its value IMO.

You have found a relaxation technique through which you've been able to eliminate your dependence upon certain medications *you did not like to take*, and at least part of that technique involved vaping. Seems to me this is profound stuff & deserves more research; it also seems "more research" is exactly what you're doing, and I think that's great!

I can only speak for myself, but if anyone is 'frowning' on you for the conscious, adult decision you've made to improve your life, I wouldn't worry too much about their frowns. Unless they just started vaping yesterday they must surely know *some people* are frowning on them for the very same reason.

Personally one of the guiding principles of my life is, "Whatever Works!" If something's working for me & isn't a threat to anyone else I will do it, and if folks have a problem with that they need to claim it as *their problem* because it was born in their own heads, certainly not in mine.

I hope you keep us informed. Blessings, & Happy Vaping! :vapor:


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 9, 2011
... If that's not welcome here, then I'm just as content to return to the realm of lurking :).

don't be crazy, of course your welcome here. what you have done is no different the drinking coffee in the morning instead of taking pills. nicotine is not bad for you, it is addictive but so is coffee, video games, work, exercise, did i mention coffee.

hell if someone took away my pv collection i would be very upset, but i could get through my day. if someone took away coffee i would stab them in the eye repeatedly

welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 27, 2010
Jacksonville, FL
I actually recommended vaping to my 20 year old son who was considering going back on ADD meds (he hasn't taken them for years) to improve his concentration in college. Nicotine has been shown to improve mental alertness, concentration, and cognition.

We are careful in recommending vaping to non-smokers, however, because we don't want vaping to be banned because "it may lure non-smoking youth into nicotine addiction" or be "targeted to youth because of the flavors".

If an adult wants to vape, you should vape away, and we welcome you to our group! All of us vape because we "get something out of it" and we don't want the health consequences of cigarettes...so it makes all the sense in the world that some non-smokers will choose vaping to get the same pleasures the ex-smokers do!
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