quick question for the experts

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Ultra Member
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Apr 1, 2013
No one really likes to be labeled and expert, well most don't at least, which is why you have not received many responses I'm guessing. I am no expert and I am not familiar with that tank, but I looked it up and it appears to come with .2 and .4Ω clapton coils. 40 watts isn't a lot to push at those coils, in wattage or TC, whatever the case may be. The .4Ω coil will work better, but you will be running on the low end of where you would ideally like to be, should work, just not sure how well.
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ECF Guru
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Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
I'm not familiar with the tank, either. I tend to agree with RandyF, that o.1 ohm coils might be pushing a 40 watt mod's limits. Clapton coils have a lot of mass, so they take more energy to fire and will have a longer ramp up time to heat up the coils.

You might need to consider getting a little more powerful mod, perhaps a 60 watt mod.

And I'm no expert, either. :blush:
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Ultra Member
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Feb 10, 2010
I always read that it's the amps of the battery and not the wattage that counts when you want to know if a certain ohm of an atomizer will work with the battery. At 0.2-0.4 ohm you need a 30 amps battery.

The TC40W is a 2600m mAh battery at 40 watts.
Rated resistance range: 0.05-1ohm (TC mode) 0.15-3.5ohm (VW mode)
Eleaf iStick TC 40W 2600mAh Mod Battery

Nowhere does it say the amps in the specs but as you can see above, it will work with pretty much anything. Maybe not optimal but it will work.


Super Member
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Oct 8, 2009
Naperville, IL
I'm no expert, but both my wife and I have the Cleito tanks. Like other posters said, this tank can use .2 or .4 ohms coils. Most Cleito users, us included, use the .4 coil. That coil is a clapton coil with range of 40w-60w. Cleito also have a SS316L replacement coil available and its range is 55w-65w. Your tc40w will work with the kanthal clapton coil, but at the lower end. Myself, I generally vape at 48-55w depending on the juice. My wife usually vapes at 40-45w...


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