Review Item Suggestions

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2010
As some of you may know, I have started doing vaping reviews. When I did my "1 year steeped Cappuccino Smooth" video, I had a lot of fun. About a month ago, I decided to start reviewing items, to have more fun and help people. Well, they have taken off better than I could have ever expected, and the fun keeps coming.

Anyway, I am looking for some more review ideas, and would like to know which FSUSA items that you would like me to see reviewed. There are a lot of new cartos, batteries, mods, etc. at FSUSA, and I am wondering which ones you would like me to review.

Can't wait to hear your thoughts. :)



Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2010
Thanks David. I am having a lot of fun with them. I am getting used to iMovie, and getting more comfortable in front of the camera.

Feel free to let me know when you are getting in something new, and if I can swing the cash, I will give it a review. As a metter of fact, I started this thread because I am going to get some Caramel Cream and Cherry Pipe soon, and figured that I could get a review item or two. :) Hopefully suggestions will start coming in soon. Actually, if you have anything that you've added recently, let me know, and I will grab it, if I can swing it. :)

For those that want to check any out, feel free to hit my youTube channel here: davsolomon's Channel - YouTube

Soon to be adding FSUSA to my selection of reviewable stores. :D
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