Scared to try again...

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Full Member
Feb 27, 2012
New Jersey
I recently purchased my own PG/VG mixtures. A 50/50 mix as well as a 100% bottle of each. I also purchased nicotine mix as well (60mg). This way I can experiment on my own with nic levels and make it a little more cost effective. In the mornings I vape at 16mg at what I purchased ..and throughout the day, I vape at 6mg, as I feel its mostly fun and decreases my chance of too much nicotine intake. Not sure if this is the right way to do it, but I am not yet ....comfortable with mixing my own just yet and I wanna use up what I purchase. Also when I let people try at work, I am mostly vaping at 6mg for them to taste. No one at my job is vaping but me, so I am their role model at the I really want to "tough" it out. Not one single cig in one month..but I gotta watch my second hand smoke, while I am showing off because it has me "mind trippin" at the same time, and may be contributing to my "withdrawals"...imho


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 16, 2012
First, just because you haven't heard of something, has no bearing on whether it exists or not. Human beings react differently to many things.

I'm sure ddmwicks is reacting to something, it's just a matter of figuring out what that is. I was able to determine that I have difficulties with VG. It took some experimenting to find out how much VG my body would tolerate. I found that I can do a 70PG/30VG mix occasionally. An 80/20 mix is just fine and that is what I use as my standard vape.

Don't be afraid. Take it slow and easy. Try some of your new liquid, set it aside and see how you feel. Keep at it until you are comfortable vaping whatever it is your vaping. Don't make any big jumps or changes. Take it easy.

It's well worth the effort because ultimately you will not be smoking cigarettes. Good luck.
I always vape Marl Red and add menthol to it, never got into fruity flavors or anything like that. There are allot of 10ml bottles in my house of juice all different flavors that my wife has tried. her last order came in on sunday...So on Sunday I decided i needed to start trying these and added pina colda to my tank with my marl red "tasted good"...vaped from 6pm-11pm, went to sleep. 4am I wake up, throat almost closed up, nose running, eyes watery, head ache,....complete infection, tossed carto, cleaned tank, dunked head in the jacuzzi about 50 times and by 2pm was good as more pina colda for me!!!


New Member
Feb 28, 2012
Wow!! Thanks for all the responses. Definitely feel ready to try again! For those who have asked, I actually read about the exact side effects to the PG I had right here in different areas of this forum, and there are a lot. Mostly under Health and Safety I believe. Everyone who had my same problems switched to 100% VG, some organic and it seemed to make the difference. Also found that many people who had to go 100% VG suggested these two companies... Alien Visions and Virgin Vapors. I ordered some from both. As for nic level, well I had started at 18mg (was never a heavy smoker) and when I thought I was vaping too much or overdoing on the nic I went down to the 8 when it didn't help, 6. Now that I know that isn't the problem take some of your advice and up the level with the VG. I guess just ruling out what doesn't work truly is the only way!! Thanks again all... I'm going for it!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 2, 2012
I'm in the same boat. My husband vapes PG all day long without any problems. I vape PG and my face gets all flushed, I get jittery and it makes me generally feel ill. I recently switched to 100% VG and have None of those issues. I also enjoy the tastes with 100% VG and the huge amount of vapor that's produced.

It's normal to feel afraid, but it's two different types of juice. (as a side note, I get my 100% VG from


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Sep 24, 2009
ECF Towers
A Swedish study published in 2010 strongly suggests a connection between airborne concentrations of propylene glycol in houses and development of asthma and allergic reactions, such as rhinitis, in children.[37] -- wikipedia

This is interesting because it directly conflicts with reports from tests in hospitals in the 1940s. For example one clinical trial ran for several years in a children's hospital, with wards treated with PG aerosol and untreated control wards monitored.

The results reported included that one PG treated ward, in a period of one year, had a 95% lower incidence of bacterial and viral infections, including colds and flu, than the control ward. There was no mention of any unwanted side effects such as asthma and rhinitis, which presumably would have been the type of symptoms recorded in such a trial.
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