Should I get a Nemesis?

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ECF Veteran
Jan 12, 2008
It's called Shinyitis, and it happens to the best of us :D

Yep, and I definitely came down with a bad case of it recently. LOL. Here I went almost three whole years not buying a single new mech mod and using my MCV Overdose literally every single day, and then in the past three weeks I suddenly acquired two new mods and am contemplating more. Oh well, you only go around once. :)

There are far better and much cheaper alternatives to the Nemesis.

Thanks! Appreciate the input. You are probably absolutely right. But the Nemmy seemed to be the best I could find to meet my specific personal preferences, and that I could get quickly and easily. And so far it seems to be meeting my needs.

I have never understood the love affair with the Nemesis. My buddy is in deep with them. All he ever talks about with vaping. He has quite a few and I've "rented" one for a few months. They feel fiddly to me. On the flipside, he doesn't get into parallel mechs, pinoy stuff, or clones. So we agree to disagree a lot. :D

That's what he grew up on and continues to love.
The important thing I guess is that he loves them and doesn't smoke.

I have only had mine for a couple days now, so take this with a grain of salt. But for my specific needs, so far I am finding the Nemesis to be pretty non-fiddly. Granted, I mostly stick with one very simple (and un-cool :) ) setup--just running a Nautilus. From some videos I watched, it seems like the Nemmy gets fiddly when you are switching around to different attys, battery sizes, kicks, etc. But I found it a breeze to get it set up for my Nautilus, and from there it is just "set it and forget it." It just stays perfectly adjusted as long as I'm not changing my setup. And it is less fiddly than my beloved Overdose, which normally needs multiple re-adjustments throughout the day.

Anyway, different strokes for different folks. But for my specific needs and preferences, the Nemmy seems to be working out so far.


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Jan 1, 2015
On the River, GA
Once you find the setup you like, you'll tend to have multiples :D
My current favorite RDA is the Goon, I have 3 clones with dedicated mods for them. I have two other rdas with Goon style decks, love them too, one is on the mod it came with, the other is on my Tesla Nano :)


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ECF Veteran
Jan 12, 2008
Well, one final update. I think my bout of Shinyitis is over. (For now at least. LOL.) At the moment, I am now a very happy camper/vaper. Thanks again to everyone for your input! It was all very helpful!

As I mentioned in my original post, I started thinking about getting the Nemmy because I broke the button on my Mystic Atmos Zeus mod less than two weeks after I got it. The Zeus is a very unknown mod. It seems that Mystic Atmos only made 500 of them, like 3 years or so ago. I had never heard of it and didn't go looking for it. I found one by chance when I hit up some local vape shops trying to find something to tide me over while waiting for the new top cap to my Overdose to arrive in the mail (and possibly a mod worthy to take over from the OD as my daily driver). Anyway, I found the Zeus gathering dust at a shop, and I was loving it. On top of just loving the mod, mine had a very low serial number, which I thought was cool. This mod is a hidden gem--almost flawless IMO, other than that button breaking so easily when I dropped it. Hope that was just a fluke.

So even after I ordered the Nemmy I was still hoping to find a replacement bottom cap to fix my Zeus so I would at least have it as a working mod again. I tried contacting Mystic Atmos on the off chance I could buy spare parts from them, but got no answer. Then I got the idea of at least trying to find a clone and seeing if I could use the button from that. But I found something even better--a place trying to unload an authentic Zeus for $99. I decided to order it, and I figured if the serial number on the new one was higher I would use the working bottom cap on my "old" Zeus or vice versa.

But guess what serial number I got on the new one--001! Very cool in my book. :) I take this as a sign that this Zeus was made to be my number one vape.

So right now I'm very content with (what I am going to call) Zeus One as my primary mod and my Nemesis as my secondary/beater/back-up-with-spare-parts mod. I'm very happy with both of these, and I think they will last me a while. Thanks again, everyone!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 12, 2008
Now we need pics :D

Well, you are in luck! (Aside from me being a terrible photographer.) I was hoping someone would ask. :)


The top pics show Zeus One, including the "001." L to R in bottom pic: My new Nemmy; Zeus One; my trusty Overdose, which is getting a well-deserved rest; and my old Chi You, which first started me on mechs.
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