"SmokelessImage" business cards?

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Hey guys, would it be a problem for me to get a (very small) supply of the Smokelessimage company business cards? I always make it a point to sit in the "smoking section" and also benches everywhere down here in Florida. And almost every single time, somebody will ask me questions about my Volt and then I have to dig up a piece of paper and jot down your
website and other info. It would be really nice to just have some more professional-looking company business cards to hand out.

Or if that's not possible, would it be alright for me to use your company logo on some of those free "Vistaprint" cards?

I don't want to break any copyright laws :ohmy:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 15, 2012
Rockville, MD

I wouldn't mind some more business cards - I have already gotten three friends to try your products and two to order starter kits, Yay for a analog free life


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 24, 2011
Middle Georgia
Just drop one in every order. That should not add to much to the overhead costs... It does two things - gives them a reminder of who to go back to and gives them something to share. I was vaping Joyes before I ventured over here and my vendor always dropped one in and I have passed out everyone I have received...

I always added my code to the back and a few used it - supplying me with an additional 5% discount on my next order - even when there were sales...


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2011
there should be 3-5 in every order.. if they are not included it was either an oversite or we were out :(
Just drop one in every order. That should not add to much to the overhead costs... It does two things - gives them a reminder of who to go back to and gives them something to share. I was vaping Joyes before I ventured over here and my vendor always dropped one in and I have passed out everyone I have received...

I always added my code to the back and a few used it - supplying me with an additional 5% discount on my next order - even when there were sales...


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 24, 2011
Middle Georgia
Okay, mine was the Out of Stock Option... It is good to know that you do it though. I will make a hint on my next order... Ya'll are having a sale for Easter - Right??? I got two more kits to order and 5 more packs of carts to order for more relatives - my one cousin has been sharing hers and now they want me to order them one. I gotta get these people on the internet!!!

He's My Everything

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 30, 2011
Washington, DC
Okay, mine was the Out of Stock Option... It is good to know that you do it though. I will make a hint on my next order... Ya'll are having a sale for Easter - Right??? I got two more kits to order and 5 more packs of carts to order for more relatives - my one cousin has been sharing hers and now they want me to order them one. I gotta get these people on the internet!!!

Great Job!!! You need to join the Smokeless Imagineers Club!!! :D (OK, it's not really a "club," I'm just being a goof) Be sure to tell your "pass it on" stories here:




Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 7, 2011
Southern Wisconsin
If anyone needs a few SI business cards, PM me your addy and I'll slip 5 or 6 in the mail. I've got about two or three dozen of them (yeah, I order that much...teehee). I don't get out much to give them out and usually just pass the word on thru Facebook when someone asks. I think I just converted another who was using the Halo. Knocking on wood that she does try the Volt. :)
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