Stevia sweetner

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Jun 25, 2010
Easton, PA
Uh...not sure what you think Stevia would need to be mixed with (water?) but the liquid Stevia is ready to go. It doesn't need to be mixed with anything additional.

By the way if you are not familiar with Liquid Stevia is does vary from brand to brand as far as taste goes (Stevia can have a licorice aftertaste to it), and it is VERY VERY sweet. 2 drops of liquid Stevia is equal in taste to about 1 tbsp sugar or 1 packet Splenda, give or take of course.


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Feb 13, 2011
Asotin, WA
Just be careful with it... I usually use a drop or two for 10ml... never more than three. You'll know if you have too much, it will turn bitter. I've been using Now Brand from GNC but just received a free sample bottle from Stevita (Stevita brand). I can't really tell the difference in sweetness but the Stevita brand is more pure. Now brand lists alcohol as an ingredient. Stevita only lists distilled water and grapefruit extract (as a preservative).

Good luck!


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Jun 25, 2010
Easton, PA
I use the SweetLeaf brand and it's very good, no aftertaste (or so little that I can't detect it).

SweetLeaf SteviaClear Liquid Stevia is:

Convenient and economical to use
Calorie and Carb FREE
Chemical, Alchol, & Glycerin FREE
Pure Stevia extract in water
Safe for diabetics
Can be used in cooking, baking, hot or cold beverages, and your experiment of choice!*


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Feb 13, 2011
Asotin, WA
Thank you so much, i looked around at groceries stores today and couldnt find any...

So ExMarbRed and LadyPheonix, where do you find the Stevita and the SweetLeaf brand? Local stores? or must be online...

Home -

Look around on the site... you can get a free sample by dropping them an email. Just make sure you request the plain liquid. They also sent a sample of their water flavoring in a packet. Haven't tried it yet. I ordered this and then didn't get it for about three weeks, had actually forgot about it and then it showed up. The sample bottle is probably a lifetime supply for juice. ;) But I've found it pretty good in my morning coffee as well... so maybe it's only a couple years worth after all. :)

Good luck!


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Dec 25, 2010
So i have requested the Stevita Clear Liquid Stevia... the day i sent the request, guess what.. i found the sweetleaf brand suggested by ladyPhoenix at a local store and bought it.

The only thing i need now is my juice, all my inventory is sweetened and now i have to place new order without for one without sweetner. will see how that goes.

Thanks again guys!!


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Mar 3, 2011
Hey ExMarbRed,

Got a reply from stevita, they said they don't have samples of their liquids. I asked for the plain liquid stevia. Did i ask for the wrong one?

That was the response I got from them also when I requested the liquid.... was worth the try though..... :)

Thanks to ExMarbRed for the heads up, even if Stevita didn't cooperate.......


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Dec 25, 2010
That was the response I got from them also when I requested the liquid.... was worth the try though..... :)

Thanks to ExMarbRed for the heads up, even if Stevita didn't cooperate.......

Oh definitely, ExMarbRed (and everyone else) was so helpful. I do have sweetleaf suggested by ladyPhoenix, still experimenting with it, i think it does change the flavor a bit, but maybe i put too much, need to test it out some more.


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Feb 13, 2011
Asotin, WA
Sorry to hear that CB... I just received mine about a month ago so they must have changed policy recently. I didn't even get any response from them and like I said by the time it finally showed up I had forgotten about it. Must have been 3-4 weeks.

I'm sure the one you have is fine... I just liked that the Stevita brand was so pure. If you use too much it will start to get bitter. I've found no more than 1-3 drops per 10ml is about right for me.
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