stress and vaping

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Feb 14, 2012
Ok so yesterday I did it, I went 24 hrs without an analog, and I am now working on trying to do two days in a row. So while being ecstatic with the good news, is a bit of some sort of annoyance. I have been highly stressed and moody beyond belief and its starting to mess with my studying for school. I keep telling myself over and over I will not have a analog,and vapeing like crazy but I am not getting that relaxed low stress feeling and I am not sure if I am doing something wrong. As for carts I have a regular in 24, a menthol in 24 and vanilla in 16's, I have tried switching the flavors around to see if it has some way of helping me with the anxiety. I am not sure as to why the past two days I have been feeling so over stressed. I know as of late I have seriously cut back on my caffeine and gave up coffee altogether. Some of my friends think I am trying to do to much at once but I really do not think so. Any ideas how to not give under stress and ruin a good success streak?


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Dec 12, 2011
I think you're trying to do too much at once...especially during midterms (I know of few people who can make it through exams without caffeine)...When I started vaping, what happened for me, I started cutting down on caffeine without trying to. I would still drink the odd cola here or there, but it's not nearly as pleasurable or necessary as before. I think you should just focus on vaping, and the rest will come naturally with time...


Full Member
Feb 14, 2012
Uncle Willie,
I use most of the time the menthol 24mg or as a break the 16mg vanilla. I thought I would like the tobacco flavor as in the past when I used analogs, I liked regs, but I had a while back switched to menthol and now I like the mint and vanilla carts better.

I know its a minute to minute process. and the fact I have midterms bearing down on me doesn't help but seeing as I have not broke down so far, I hope thats a good sign and thanks for the vote of confidence. It is much much appreciated.


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Sep 2, 2011
Vancouver WA
Hi Serielda, and congrats on your 1st day analog free!!! Sounds like you might be new to vaping, and I was wondering if you are hitting the e-cig just like a regular cigarette? I had the same thing when I first started, but when I started hitting the e-cig slower and longer, I started actually getting the nicotine, which calmed the nerves. If you have a manual battery, try pressing the button for a couple of seconds first, and then draw soft and slow (about 5 seconds or so) and see if that helps after a few tries. Good luck and don't give up - there are a ton of super nice, very knowledgeable people on here!!! You're sure to find what you need.


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Jan 15, 2012
Yes, it can be done.

But you must be aware that there was other stuff in cigarettes, most notably MAOIs, a class of antidepressants. The trouble with that is they increased and prolonged the effects of nicotine on the "reward" chemical system of your brain, to put it grossly simplified. Hence, that relaxed, blissful feeling. The point is that anxiety and depression are akin in terms of brain chemistry, and it is expected that once you stop getting that other stuff, your anxiety may get a bit out of control.

Yes, there is such thing as trying too many changes at once. Our brains are very sensitive pieces of equipment and can get out of whack easily. You might want to try things step by step.

Then, again, at the risk of being shunned, it may be that you actually have anxiety disorder. It's quite common. IF anxiety starts affecting your life seriously, you might want to talk to your doctor about it, and there may be other things that can help. In fact, there was once a strong belief that many smokers are in fact self medicating.


Full Member
Feb 19, 2012
I know when I have assignments due my PV barely leaves my hand, in fact ive been known to have one dangling from my mouth with another in my hand, I kid you not. Vape as much as you need, but you might actually want to drop lower than 24 & 16mgs, I know that sounds counter intuitive, nicotine on its own has similar effects to caffeine and may be making the assignment jitters worse, I'm currently writing a paper on the cultural implications of the Benin bronzes to Victorian society which is very dry and complex I have 3 PV's on the go atm, all loaded with 6mgs and from the vapour clouds hanging round my head it wouldn't surprise me if Lando Calrissian showed up to found a gas mining colony ;)

Uncle Willie

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May 27, 2011
Meet Me in St Louie Louie
Uncle Willie,
I use most of the time the menthol 24mg or as a break the 16mg vanilla. I thought I would like the tobacco flavor as in the past when I used analogs, I liked regs, but I had a while back switched to menthol and now I like the mint and vanilla carts better.

I'd stick with the 24mg then .. as well, there are many that sneak a cig or two during the initial quiting process .. nothing to be ashamed of .. just stick with the PV, drink plenty of water and chill .. these things don't happen overnight .. we've all been there ..


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Jan 29, 2012
New England
Hi Serielda!

yes. I have experienced your symptoms both when withdrawing from nicotine, but also when i don't get my coffee...but yes, moody, difficulty concentrating, can be related to both. I found that even though i was "only' a ppd smoker, i needed to up my nic content to 36 mg, atleast for the first part of the day.

right now, I'm using up the rest of my 36mg liquids to start dropping to 24 mg all day. I've been off analogues for two weeks.

the reason i haven't been able to quit smoking is due to stress. it's not a good time to try to quit. but you can't always be sure that things are going to go smoothly, so I decided that if i use the e-cigs, then i won't be tempted to go back to analogs when I'm upset.

hope that helps.

we all have found our own way through this. so will you.

keep sharing!


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Feb 25, 2012
Springfield, VT
I'm at the end of Day 2 and can tell you what is working for me in case it can help.
My analog smoking was ritualistic. I smoked outside and part of the appeal of the e-cigs was that I could vape inside. Well, I found that my cravings were greatly reduced if I still went outside. I guess it tricks my brain into thinking it's a "real" cig. :laugh:
The other thing I do, and feel free to laugh at me, is when I get too tense I do 25 squats. Yes, my legs and .... were sore by the end of Day 1 but I've needed to do them less today.


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Feb 22, 2012
Whiterock, BC
Day two wasn't too long ago for me, as I'm only at day 6 now, and there's still 6.5 hours to go in this day. I have been offered my fave smoke, a hookah, and a "breather" at work more times than I would have liked. It's difficult, but you're doing great! Every minute you say no to a cigarette is another minute closer to not having to do this again.

The only things stopping me (today) from smoking are knowing that I'll have to start "quitting" again from step one, minute one, day one and repeat every minute since again. It doesn't get easier if you start over, but it gets easier if you keep going. Good luck, you really are doing wonderfully!!
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