Support the USPS!

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 12, 2010
Mill Valley, CA
As many of you may have read, the U.S. Post Office is planning to eliminate Saturday service as a cost-cutting measure. While this may or may not be acceptable to our pathetic excuse for a Congress, the fact is that the service has been burdened by mandated retirement pre-funding expenses since 2006, resulting in billions of dollar of losses. The USPS is the only agency (or company of any sort) that's been forced to do this, even though it takes NOT ONE DIME of taxpayer funds for operating capital.

Since none of us wants to lose our mail delivery, and considering UPS and FedEx are among the largest contributors to the congresspeople who sponsored this horrible legislation, please ask your ecig suppliers to use the mail instead of private delivery companies. Their service is better, packages arrive sooner and they have a much greater geographical reach. Try getting FedEx to deliver to most rural routes. Good luck.


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I'm In a rural area I receive mail that has been opened on a regular basis, complaints get no where. THE USPS here is far below par. Same with fed ex ... they just drop packages at a random house or say "unknown address" when I give specific instructions and have my house number (8 in. high numbers) on a 5 ft. tall boulder that sits at the corner of my driveway.
UPS has been rock solid for 10 yrs now. I send EVERYTHING I can through them.
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