Switching Flavors?

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Full Member
Aug 1, 2012
Hi y'all!
So, yesterday I received my very first flavor samples I ordered from VaporBomb (yay!) I ordered small bottles for Artic Ice, Rootbeer and Orange, and got a complimentary Vanilla sample! Now, I have an Ego-T, with regular resistance Atty's and I was using a choco-mint flavor before getting this new ones. Now, the question is... Is there anything special that you do when switching flavors? I tried the orange flavored one and it took a while for the chocolatey-fresh flavor to dissapear... is there any technique of sorts to get rid of an old flavor?? Also, I noticed that with the rootbeer one, I got virtually no flavor whatosever and it flooded my atty after a few drags :S :( I still gotta try the vanilla one, and right now I mixed a little Artic Ice with orange and it's really nice, although I'm not getting as much flavor as I did with the choco-mint juice :/ Any suggestions?

Thanx to y'all, I'll see you in the other forums now that this is my 5th post here, YAY!!:thumbs:


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May 10, 2012
Blow out the atty, maybe soak it in vodka, sometimes menthols coffees cinamon and other flavors don't go away. I had a snickerdoodle loaked in an ego-t atty, and that was all I ever tasted again even soaking for 48 hours in Vodka LOL nothing got rid of snickerdoodle cookie flavor!

I will vape flavorless between flavors sometimes but generally I just live with the blended flavors till it goes away.


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May 16, 2012
some juices are water soliable (ya i know its spelled wront :p) and some arent... i find that the best way to completely clean out an atty take a few steps...

1. rinse them thourally in warm water. then paper towel dry
2. small bowl with PGA or everclear to dip and rinse them in. towel dry
3. dry burn coil. basically load clean dry atty in batt then hold down on switch for 3-5 seconds. repeat until you see the coils burn hot.
4. add a few non-flavored drops and vape them to get the burnt taste out.
5. drip away, you should have it performing like brand new without any flavor overlap or left over flavors!
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