Thanks for all the good information - made my first purchase

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Full Member
Apr 21, 2010
Just wanted to say thank you to all the participants of this forum. I actually started investigating eCigs over a year ago, but got so confused by all the choices, it fell off my radar. Then while picking up my cherry red buck cigars (which are more like a beige cigarettes without all the chemicals and I love the taste) from my local tobacco store, they had the Envy Delight disposal ecig, so I gave it try. And I really liked it. Except for the price $10ish for about two packs worth of puffs and the manual button.

Well after researching the choices on this forum, I ended up purchasing the M4XX Ultimate Gold Edition starter kit (includes all 3 battery sizes 401/402/403) from litecigusa. And everyone was right - Shawn was more than helpful when once again I got confused (doesn't take much) and helped me round out my order w/some eliquid choices, extra cartridges and a syringe.

I decided on the M4XX Ultimate Gold Edition starter kit so that I could place ecigs around my house in my normal smoking (now vaping) locations.

Can't wait to get started!! I'm especially excited about not having to expose my dear Airedale (dog) to 2nd hand smoke.

Y'all have a Great New Year!!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
Welcome to ECF, terradale! Congrats on making your first purchase from LiteCigUSA. Shawn really is a great vendor and so easy to deal with. He's always been very helpful with me and I've been pleased with every purchased I've made from him.

Let us know how you like your choice once you get it and don't be afraid to ask questions. The only dumb question is the one you didn't ask.


Full Member
Apr 21, 2010
Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm really looking forward to the experience. I've never been a big smoker, just a long time smoker. I figured out awhile ago that my habit is tied in to my thought process.

Whenever, I need to think - I light up to ponder. I'm more guilty of lighting up -> taking a few drags -> solve my problem -> and then the cigarette sits in the ashtray smoking away on its own -or- I snuff it out whilst smoking outside and run back into the office. I have lots of 3/4 to half cigarettes sitting around.

Now that I'm working out of my home and don't need to smoke outside, the smoke is really starting to annoy me. I'm looking forward to regaining my sense of smell. Altho, I'm sure in a couple of weeks I'll have to clean the house thoroughly because of the stench.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 5, 2010
Jville, AL
Now that I'm working out of my home and don't need to smoke outside, the smoke is really starting to annoy me. I'm looking forward to regaining my sense of smell. Altho, I'm sure in a couple of weeks I'll have to clean the house thoroughly because of the stench.

Welcome. Fortunately for me, we have always had the "no smoke in the house" rule so I didnt go through the be big cleaning phase so many others have. (I remembered helping my grandmother move and how you could see outlines of where alll the picture frames were hung on her walls when we took them down...........yuck) I knew I HAD a bad habbit but refused to let it ruin the inside of my home so always smoked outside.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 23, 2010
Welcome terradale,
Ya done good getting away from cigarettes. Your body will begin thanking you very soon. Your Airedale Terrier will love you even more too. Those are such great terriers, but I love dogs anyway. Got a 24# Boston Terrier that I swear is more human than some people I've met.
Experiment with different juices and flavors and keep it interesting.
Best wishes for a healthful transition.


Full Member
Apr 21, 2010
I'm back with my experience & questions (questions in bold)

Received my M4XX (all three batteries - 401/402/403) Ultimate Gold Edition starter kit 2dys after ordering from litecigusa - couldn't ask for better fulfillment.

- So excited. Packaging is wonderful. I love boxes, and this comes in a very nice box with a magnetic flap for continued storage and use.
- Fumbled around for my reading glasses to read the instructions pamphlet. (Tiniest print ever. Dayam I thought I'd be young forever.)
- Read (squinted) that I should charge the 3 batteries for 8hrs each. Did so.
- Love the look'n feel of the M4's and am so glad that I selected the Ultimate Gold starter kit. Have 2 ecigs to work from.
- BUT, can't get vapor from either of one. I didn't realize how much smoke (à la vapor) would validate my experience. Where's the vapor?
- Read somewhere on this forum that the M4's don't really produce much vapor, but after 3 days - something of substance kicks in.
- I can feel/taste the nicotine hit - but no vapor? Its gotta be me? As mentioned before I also have an Envy Delight disposal, which is a manual ecig experience and I easily get vapor and a satisfying hit from that. I just find it awkward to smoke, hitting the manual button and all.
- So I'm 100% sure I am doing something wrong, because I have 2 beautiful ecigs to work with. Please help... where's the smoke/vapor and satisfying hit?
- As a side note and a newbie and something that I didn't experience w/the disposal ecig - is the swooshing sound of air when I inhale one of my M4's. No biggie... I'm sure I'll get use to it. Hell, I got use to stinky/smokey analogs for all these years. I did get on the phone with a friend who smokes and was telling them about the wonders of ecigs. Altho, during the convo, I kept asking - can you hear me smoke (in lieu of vaping). Response - kind words of 'well kind of, must be the cell phone connection'. (Interpretation - they thought I was crazy.)

Where's my vapor?

Then on top of that, I neglected to include the add'l blank cartridge in my order - my bad. Shawn suggested it and I thought it was included in my order. (Really should use the reading glasses more often). So I have these two eliquid flavors and syringe. Can I reuse the complimentary cartridges? Is this what dripping is about?

Also, I feel silly ordering just blank cartridges, which leads me to the question, what's most folks minimum order? I guess the answer lies within if I could use the complimentary cartridges in the short term.

Thanks for making it this far. All advice very much appreciated.
Hey terradale and fellow Tennessean,
I just got my ecig in Saturday and had some similiar concerns. The prefilled cartridges might be a little dry as it was in my case and luckily a had some juice. Drip some juice in the opposite end of the mouth piece of the cartridge (maybe 5-6 drops) and 1-2 drops straight on the upside down (U) shaped coil thing the cartridge fits in to. I am a two day veteran so if I was you I would wait till a seasoned veteran confirms my advice but that worked for me. I sincerely hope you work through the difficulties and keep vapeing.


Full Member
Apr 21, 2010
Thanks epiphany! OT and have to ask - are you getting walloped by snow right now? Being up in the mountains of E TN I'm getting use to the snow. Half the time, there is no mention that we'll even get snow. If the prediction is rain during the winter months, we get snow. So I just prepare and don't go out, thank dog I work at home. Right now I have about 5 inches and the brunt of the storm hasn't even made it up the east coast yet. Be careful.

Back on topic. I'll try that if I don't hear otherwise. Have syringe (feel kind of dangerous with it) and eliquids standing by to try.


Full Member
Apr 21, 2010
Hey terradale and fellow Tennessean,
I just got my ecig in Saturday and had some similar concerns. The prefilled cartridges might be a little dry as it was in my case and luckily a had some juice. Drip some juice in the opposite end of the mouth piece of the cartridge (maybe 5-6 drops) and 1-2 drops straight on the upside down (U) shaped coil thing the cartridge fits in to. I am a two day veteran so if I was you I would wait till a seasoned veteran confirms my advice but that worked for me. I sincerely hope you work through the difficulties and keep vapeing.

Hey epiphany,
Just an update to let you know that I tried your suggestion of 'dripping' the cartridge and it worked great with the atomizer attached to M402 battery. Unfortunately, notsomuch with the m403. So I'm switching out that atomizer between the M401 and M403, whilst hitting the M402 (w/the good vapor) and giving the M401/M403 three days to see if they'll kick in.

In addition, the disposal manual Envy Delight is still working for me - so puff on that every so often too. To date gives me the best hit and vapor out of the others I have hanging around the house.

Other newbie observations:
- Love the taste. I opted for Cherry & Dr Pepper eliquids. Haven't use the Cherry much, probably due to lower nicotine. Dr Pepper is awesome.
- Still reverting to analogs in the morning.
- Cleaned my pretty ashtrays and leave the ecigs at my usual smoking stations (if you will) sitting in them for convenience.

For the last year I've been changing my smoking habits, so am use to the subtle effort & differences it takes to change. Was RYO (Roll your own) for a bit, which I really enjoyed because it easily got me off the chemicals and in to flavors. Now whenever I even try to smoke a regular/store brought brand cig - I can't handle the chemical hit and am shocked that I was even accustomed to it.

Albeit, RYOs are so time consuming. So instead of investing in premium RYO equipment, I'd rather give ecigs the investment money because of the residual 2nd hand smoke affects.

Hope your newbie experience it going well.
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