The Devil is in the Details Contest!!

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
As anyone who has a received a Super6 can attest to, the detail work on the Super6 leaves no stone unturned. As many of you know, i have contracted out the larger bulk of the raw machining. In a perfect world, i'd just slap these parts together when i get them in and ship 'em out! But it's not a perfect enough world for me and once i get these raw parts in, the party has only begun as each unit will have several more hours of prep work into it before it is deemed worthy to be shipped out.

How do i accomplish this you ask? With a little help from my friends of course! Pictured below are some of my "friends". In every machinist's aresenal is an array of speciality tools, jigs and fixtures we custom make to make our job easier. Pictured below is 8 tools, jigs and fixtures that I custom made to make the finishing process on the Super6's easier. Each and every Super6 is touched in someway by all 8 of these before leaving the shop.

The Contest is "simple". (far from it, but you are going to have to work to win this prize).

1) You must name what part of the S6 all eight are used on (left to right, biggest to littlest)
2) And what their function is for on that S6 part

So for example:
From left to right:
Tool 1- Used on the Switch to hold it while drilling it out
Tool 2- Used on the Adapter to hold in while polishing it
Tool 3....all the way up to tool 8

Whoever can guess what S6 part all 8 tools/jigs are for and what function is being performed or aided by them wins a free Super6! Enter as many times as you want, but don't flood me just to guess. Keep track of things as the hints are given, and it can be solved!

You must either post your answer here or email it to If i am pm'd or emailed at my business addy, your entry will be null and void!

I also posted up a pic of the disassembled Super6 to give you a view of the parts.

Don't worry, i'll give some hints along the way:)

First Hint: The part S6 part names: Adapter, Adapter Center Post, Switch, Switch Brass Contact, Body, Spring Insulator


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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2009
Wilmington, NC
Tool1-Holds adapter and body in place for drilling,spinning
tool2-threads body and holds for spinning/buffing
tool3-threads onto adpter and holds for knurling
tool4-rounds edges of center post and finger groove on body end where button gets pressed
tool5-shapes where brass contact lays into
tool6-therads into swith body for finishing
tool7-holds it by atty end for spinning/buffing/knurling
tool8-smooths threads to accept center post and spring insulatot material is shaped to correct dimensions using this tool, rounds edges of center post screw

REALLLllLlLLLLLlly hoping I win!
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
hartford, ct
1. Metal thingie used to fix up other metal thingie
2. Metal thingie used to fix up other metal thingie
3. Metal thingie used to fix up other metal thingie
4. Metal thingie used to fix up other metal thingie
5. Metal thingie used to fix up other metal thingie
6. Gromit used to gromit things
7. Left handed conversion tool
8. Metal thingie used to fix up other metal thingie

I win!

2. Used th create threads on large battery hole
3. Used to clean the threads on large battery hole
6. Used to create threads on small something
7. Used to clean threads on small something.
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Hmm, going to have to put some thought into this first person to be right wins, what if multiple people get it right?

If by some chance i get two guesses that are right, the first one will win it. But don't just guess, keep an eye on the hints as they come, write it down and the answers will reveal themselves in time.

As a reminder, your format should look like this and i would suggest if you are serious about winning it, take a piece of paper and write it down like this and fill in your chart as the clues come out. Anyone can win this in time if they follow the clues that will be given!

From left to right/tallest tool to shortest (when looking at the overall tool picture)

Tool 1: Adapter tool. To hold it while polishing
Tool 2: Switch Tool. To hold it while tapping
Tool 3: Body tool. To position it for boring
Tool 4: etc etc etc..
Tool 5:
Tool 6:
Tool 7:
Tool 8:

You can't just guess the answers, it's pointless. Put some thought into it and follow the clues.

ANYONE will be able to solve this as the clues are put forth.
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RamShot Rowdy

Battery Police
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 6, 2009
Oklahoma, USA
OK, I'm making a guess:

Tool 1: Used to hold the brass switch contact for machining and/or polishing.
Tool 2: Used to hold the body for polishing.
Tool 3: Used to hold the adapter for polishing and possibly when installing the brass center post.
Tool 4: Used to make the plastic spring insulator.
Tool 5: Used during the installation of the brass center post.
Tool 6: Used to hold the adapter (510 Style) for polishing and possibly when installing the brass center post.
Tool 7: Used to hold the adapter (801/901 Style) for polishing and possibly when installing the brass center post.
Tool 8: Used to hold the button for machining and polishing.

LOL, who knows.

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
You could very well have a point, in the end, no one may solve it unless i give the answers. Matching up the tool with the part isn't hard, just compare the thread sizes, its what they do that would be the brain buster.

Let me rethink this, i'm heading out here in a bit, so i'm going to lock this thread and retweak the contest a bit so that the playing field is a little more equal and everyone has a fighting chance:)
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