The wait.. is killing me.. literally..

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Full Member
Sep 19, 2009
So of course I had to decide to order late on a Saturday night, brilliant!!! I am hoping to recieve my shipment by Wednesday with any luck. :confused:

Steve at vaporking has been extremely helpful, after the sale. Helping me put together a sample pack, and ensuring to get me a variety of flavors/strengths.

The wait.. is killing me!!!! Literally, since the more I wait, the more analogs that I consume. :shock:

So, with that said. I want to thank everyone here for all the helpful info and direction in what and where to order. Steve is definitely number 1 for customer service. I don't see myself going anywhere else, unless I decide to try a different model.

Cheers everyone. I'll post my take on this phenomenon when my device finally arrives.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 27, 2009
Sunny Arizona
So of course I had to decide to order late on a Saturday night, brilliant!!! I am hoping to recieve my shipment by Wednesday with any luck. :confused:

Steve at vaporking has been extremely helpful, after the sale. Helping me put together a sample pack, and ensuring to get me a variety of flavors/strengths.

The wait.. is killing me!!!! Literally, since the more I wait, the more analogs that I consume. :shock:

So, with that said. I want to thank everyone here for all the helpful info and direction in what and where to order. Steve is definitely number 1 for customer service. I don't see myself going anywhere else, unless I decide to try a different model.

Cheers everyone. I'll post my take on this phenomenon when my device finally arrives.

That is great! And yeah - Steve is the bomb!!! Waiting is just the worst isn't it? But trust me! You will be smiling big time when it arrives! Be sure to join us at Vapor4Life - • The place for electronic cigarette reviews, news and chat and let us know what you think! And remember, on ecigs a quick primer puff followed by a nice, sloooooow and easy draw works best. I think you will love it! ;)

The Wiz

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 14, 2009
Whiskeyville USA
Folks...the big thing with making the switch over from analogs to e-cigs is to do it at your own pace.Some people have just put down the cigs and started vaping with no hesitations,others need to gradually quit by using both at the same time and weening off the analogs.Don't get discouraged to have a puff or two while vaping....Take it slow and easy and these will work IMO!!:)The Wiz!
:rolleyes: ive never been so anctious to quit smoking analogs lol :p

I hear ya man, ordered min last night and almost wearing holes in the carpet pacing around, smoking WAY to much since this is my FIRST 3 day weekend in years.

Turned a bro at work onto this site since his girl loves darjim blacks and is bummed to hell a bout the recent flavor smoke ban. He is SUPER excited to check it out, I think more for me to get off of the chimney style of smoking than I am.

Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
Welcome all of you to ECF
I am sitting here waiting for yet another I do understand your feelings!:p
Don't forget to wait the loooong first charge out! It's important to the life of your batteries. (and yes..we all snuck a quick puff while waiting and it didn't blow up or anything!)
Remember what the Wiz said and go at your own pace, it took me 4 days to "forget " to go outside for my cigarette! Make having a cigarette hard to do..put them in another room, make yourself go outside, put your lighter and ashtray some where that it's just a pain in the neck to have one and vape instead! But if you need one, have it!
Good Luck to you all and come back to tell us what you think of Vaping!:)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 17, 2009
Oregon Usa
x2 on the "your own pace" thing. My first thought when I tried vaping was I will never touch an analog cig again.

But I didn't have my second battery charged the first day so I had a couple cancer sticks.

The second day I was having dizzy spells. A couple analogs that day took care of it. I assume the dizziness was nicotine withdrawls because they went away.

A few days later and I have no craving for analogs. I like the taste of vaping better. I like the conveniance better. No ashtrays, No looking for my lighter, No running to the store in the middle of the night because the wife forgot to buy me my $50 carton of smokes.

If someone would have told me two weeks ago I could drop cigarettes this easy after 35 years of smoking I would have called them a liar ;P
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