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>-< *THIS* close to running to the convenience store! :(

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Sep 30, 2012
South Carolina
UPDATE: I've going to do something kind of crummy.... Two of my friends asked me to get them atomizers too. One has paid, so that one is sacred, and I CANNOT touch it. The other one has not yet reimbursed me, so I'm opening it up and claiming it; desperate times call for desperate measures. I'll try to get him another one.

Rolland & XP 3 - No, the popped coils (if that's actually what I did) are on the 'mizers that came with my eGo-W.... they're different.... and I think I've been rolling the dice with them as I take them apart for cleaning and the coils are a little more brittle each time.... might have to stop doing that, though I got over 3 weeks out of each of them, so that seems to be within reason. And thanks, I'll monkey with the Stardust a little and see if it'll come back to life... but for now, I'm puffing on my "appropriated" 'mizer :laugh:

catoliver - thanks for the encouragement. It was a 911 moment, as my crazy neighbor (who knows better) rang my bell at naptime and as a result my little boy woke up JUST as I was laying him down, and has been on a crabby rampage all afternoon. Something had to give! So glad the stuff I ordered for them was already in so I could pilfer it haha!!

Oh thank God! Hey, a good friend would understand. Desperate times call for desperate measures. A nicotine deprived mother with a sleepy, crabby toddler is a CRISIS!

Glad you didn't need to go to the store for a pack.


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Dec 19, 2011
Wolfe Paradise
:confused: This is where i get to add my confusion to all this :D

Two ego pass through's one is a standard ego c pass through (standard 5 pin usb), the other is a ego pass through vv i won from ljs e-smokes (odd proprietary usb -- and i have seen more then my fair share of different ends)

Four different wall warts:
1) Motorola 5-pin charger: 5V 550mA (i take it this is not good to charge the ego-c?) I think this was from a old blue tooth device

2) kindle charger: 5V 0.86mA (take it this is ONLY good for the kindle)

3) cubed blackberry charger*: 5V 750mA (this is not good to charge the ego c or ego vv pass through?)

4) Boge Revolution 2 charger*: 5V 500mA (this is the only thing that takes what feels like days to charge either ego and is ok?)***

*When i was living in Calgary that old beat up blackberry served me while. Alas the stress of the move was too much on her, and she has passed on to Silicon Valley. Her present of her wall wart remains. I can still her ring tone, like it was yesterday......

**As a bottom feeder it really did not preform well (for me) but as a box mod usb it rocked. Alas i was using it to drip and juice got in there, ~poof~ she too went to Silicon Valley.

***I have used this charger to charge two stealth batteries i had won. Oddly enough the stealth ego's will take about two to three hours to charge, and give me six hours use (for 350mAh and a heavy vaper that is aces!), when i charge the stealth batteries up via computer usb port, charging is about fifteen to thirty minutes, and still gives about six hours vape time :blink:


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Oct 7, 2012
As long as the wall wart is 5V and has a mA output greater than the 420mA ego charger it is ok. The wall wart can provide up to X mA but the ego charger will only draw 420mA. This post explains it a little more.

I have a nook wall wart that is rated at 5v and 1 amp and I wouldn't hesitant to plug my ego charger into it if I needed although I haven't.

The usb 2.0 port on a computer can output up to 500mA, this doesnt mean it always puts out 500mA, just that it can. My optical mouse on the back says it is a 100mA device. When plugged into the 500mA max usb port it only draws 100mA.
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Dec 19, 2011
Wolfe Paradise
As long as the wall wart is 5V and has a mA output greater than the 420mA ego charger it is ok. The wall wart can provide up to X mA but the ego charger will only draw 420mA. This post explains it a little more.

I have a nook wall wart that is rated at 5v and 1 amp and I wouldn't hesitant to plug my ego charger into it if I needed although I haven't.

thanks :D Where i like to sit the outlet is to close to the wall, so have to try something like the blackberry cube charger, but did not want to risk it ;) going to try it now and have a few vapes while it is charging


Vaping Master
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Jan 22, 2011
2) kindle charger: 5V 0.86mA (take it this is ONLY good for the kindle)

Double check this, I bet it is .86 A which is 860 mA

If those are all wall warts, any of them should work for an ego 420mA usb charger. Remember 5V and greater than 420.

S0me passthrus require more than 420mAh, not sure about the ego vv passthru, but it should say on it. The wall wart has to put out more than the device requires for it to work.

X P3 Flight Engineer

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Feb 27, 2012
Moncton, N.B. Canada
Yeah, I was speaking about using the wallwarts for the typical ego charger. From what i have read the passthroughs require a wallwart with 2A.

There are pass-throughs and also pass-through batteries. If it has a mAh listing, then it is a pass-through battery. The pass-through battery ones send the USB power to the battery and when you vape it while charging, the power comes from the battery. A simple pass-through only has the USB as a source of power.

Either one is best served by a 2A (2000mA) wall wart because of the extra power required to vape. The charger for a pass-through battery is all internal, so the mA rating is not usually known. The connection from the pass-through to the USB connection is only a power cord.

A 2A wall wart is usable by all rechargeable e-cigs because it only makes the 2A available to the device, it doesn't force that to the device.


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Oct 16, 2012
Fraser Valley, BC, Canada
What plugs into the wall is the voltage adapter (wall wart). What attaches to the eGo is the charger.

Wall adapters are rated in mA or A, batteries are rated by mAh. One ampere (A) equals 1000 milliAmperes (mA) (1.5A=1500mA)

The wall warts only function is to transform 110 volt AC to 5 Volt DC for the USB. Just like you said, it can be used for any USB.

The thing to look for is that the output rating of the wall wart should be more than the output rating of the charger. (charger output is 420 mA for most eGo batteries). The charger will not draw more than it's rated output regardless of the output mA of the wall wart.

The rating of the charger (mA) should be less than the mAh of the battery.

This means that the small 510 stick batteries may be damaged if charged by the 420 mA charger. (If you have any of these batteries.)

These are guidelines only. The Mini 350mAh batteries can be charged with the 420 mA eGo charger. The 180 or 200mAh 510 stick batteries should not be charged with the 420.

The USB on a computer can be used but if there is a malfunction it could damage the computer. This is why most people prefer using a wall wart rather than risk their computer.

I hope this makes sense, if not, ask away!

That was VERY helpful, and I'm printing it so i can refer back! Helps me better understand my other small electronics as well as my vaping stuff. MUCH appreciated :)


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Dec 24, 2011
Maberly, ON
It's been a good and bad day.

1. Juggy's package arrived: very very good.
2. Coil on last working tank/clearo gave up the ghost: very very bad
3. No idea when replacements will arrive: bad
4. Ditzy neighbor (who knows better) rang bell JUST as I was laying crabby toddler down for nap: BAAAAD
5. Crabby toddler is now on rampage and refuses to nap: bad!
6. Only other atomizing device I own is the clearo that tastes like hot plastic: *sigh* baaaad
7. Said clearo was rinsed clean BEFORE other coil went.... so now I'm frantically trying to warm-dry it for use: kinda crappy
8. Crabby toddler's mood is contagious, and combined with nic-craving (defcon 3), momma's kinda edgy: not good
9. Convenience store with familiar brand of darts is within eye-spy range of my front door: NOT good

Might be in trouble here......:facepalm:

3 things:

1. Rolland is correct - have backups of your backups of your backups;
2. In case of dire emergency, I have a tube of 4 mg nicotine lozenges in the medicine cabinet. I use them when I have to fly, as they actually work very well and quickly; and
3. Don't beat yourself up if you do slip. Just get back up and keep going :)


Super Member
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Oct 16, 2012
Fraser Valley, BC, Canada
3 things:

1. Rolland is correct - have backups of your backups of your backups;
2. In case of dire emergency, I have a tube of 4 mg nicotine lozenges in the medicine cabinet. I use them when I have to fly, as they actually work very well and quickly; and
3. Don't beat yourself up if you do slip. Just get back up and keep going :)

I ended up appropriating an atty I ordered for a friend. As one person here put it, I needed it NOW, he'll need it eventually. The good news is that I got my pack of ten replacement tank'mizers in today's mail (happy snoopy dance). the lozenges are a terrific idea! I think I might have to look into those.

Thanks for the advice and the encouragement :)


Ultra Member
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Mar 10, 2012
Thanks Rolland..... appreciate that kindness, 'cos I'm donning my jacket right away.... I'm so new, I hadn't had time to back up my back ups yet..... orders are placed, but not arrived.... and I might have let that clearo get too warm, as now I can't seem to pull ANY air through it! It's just locked right up! :facepalm: So yes..... I'm running for another pack of darts and praying for more vapemail to come. And then I'm reordering my orders that have yet to even arrive. I'm gonna back up my back-up's back-ups.... Addiction rears her ugly head!!.... *sigh*
First time I heard a cigarette called a dart!?
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