Throat hit

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I keep reading about higher nic levels giving a better TH. But I actually believe that the TH comes from the flavor used.
I come to this conclusion as I've been using the same setup for 2+ years, and the TH varies with the juice flavor used.
regardless of nic content. I found that 12mg redbull has same TH as 26mg redbull, on the same setup.
Same with Grape, melon, 555, Turkish delight, Hilton (yuk), Apple, etc. As far as the hardest TH, for me would be redbull,
lightest would be apple, all other flavors fall in between. I found that I can increas TH on a flavor by adding a tad of hard hitting flavor. Even though the two flavors are different, they complement each other. IE; Grape and cherry, or grape cherry, and Redbull. Turkish delight, and redbull.
Ive tried several different brands of the same flavors, and TH is very similar with each brand, But varies with flavor used.

This is not comming from trying a 510, and an Ego, and an 808, but using the same equipement for 2 years, only change is fresh cartos from time to time, and a new batt when an old one dies.


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In my case, all the variables other than flavor have been removed. (as best I can) Using all hardware of the same part numbers, not changing to different part numbers, same single coil cartos, etc. The only variable is brand of juice. And between brands the same flavors have similar TH. Not changing anything but flavors. and nic content, the same flavor with lower nic gives me the same TH as that flavor with higher nic. so nic is also out.

Ah!! I forgot one variable, VG or PG. But between different brands the VG/PG content varies, yet the same flavor gives the same TH. Hmmm. Now some give more vapor, but vapor does not necessarily equal TH. YMMV.


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Dec 30, 2011
All over the place
But I actually believe that the TH comes from the flavor used.

I am kind of with Bluerooster on this, to a degree. I don't think zero nic can offer any kind of th, whether dca or dcc or any other juice delivery system or device with higher heat production. However, I have had nic levels at 4mg that matched another juice with 14mg. The only factors changed were the juices and the mg; but, in that case the mg should have awarded the higher nic juice with the most th...but, it didn't. I believe wholeheartedly that is a product of juice and ingredients (though I know nothing about the juice making process).

Th is subjective, but not to the individual.
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