Two Time Loser Giving Vaping Another Try

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Jun 21, 2010
Charlotte, NC
I too am a two time loser with e-cigs. The third time it stuck so just stick it out and it will stick for you too. I also remember when egos were the big rage and I bought a couple myself. You can do it this time just transition in a way that is the most comfortable for you. I did it by alternating e-cigs and analogs. I smoked for 35 years, GOOD LUCK!!


Full Member
Apr 4, 2013
The Netherlands, Europe
Hi there thayamax, I think its great you're trying again. If you don't try, you won't win, right? Myself i'm new to vaping, i started last week. I'm also still smoking some analogs (about 3 a day) which is very little compared to the 25-30 I normally puff away on a day. I'm trying the same approach as you and i'm confident this is a good way to ween off the "real" cigs.

Look at it like this: every analog you didn't smoke, is a mini victory. Thats how i see it! Goodluck!
Holy ....... this is almost exactly my story! I started out about 15 months ago with a cheap rechargeable lookalike that I used for about an hour before going back to analogs. 2 months later I bought a basic eGo-T and cut down for a while but never lost the craving. Last October I bought the same eGo VV you have and quit for a few days before gradually smoking more analogs, albeit only 2-4/day. Then 2 weeks ago I finally stepped up my game with a VV/VW mod and ordered a bunch of juice from MBV and haven't smoked since!

One thing I would recommend is trying to stay away from smokers for the first week or so. In the past, I would stay off analogs for the first part of the day but once I was hanging out with other smokers, the craving would return and I would end up bumming 1 or 2 smokes. But keep it up and good luck! It only gets easier with each passing day of being smoke-free!


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Apr 4, 2013
United States
Hey thayamax. Good luck and congrats on deciding to come back to vaping. For me, when I first heard about ecigs a few years ago I didn't think they would work for me because I though they wouldn't be able to match what I enjoyed about smoking...a lot of it for me was the throat hit and blowing out and seeing all that smoke. And i thought it was kind of lame.

The decision to try ecigs came when I (and my wife) had had enough trying to secretly smoke without my wife finding out...I always eventually got caught. After the last time, it was either I quit cold turkey (which never worked for me) or vape. Since my first little ecig (and learning that it was called vaping) I've moved from egos to now a big battery mod, which is great. I feel like the most difficult thing about vaping is finding the equipment and juice that suits you. There's some trial and error that goes on, but today, there are so many great options that there's enough out there to satisfy anyone and a growing and knowledgable vaping community. If you want to keep it simple, I think Ego style batteries are great.

Well, anyways, i just wanted to say congrats and the vaping community is a very supportive and you're not alone. Don't give up and best of luck.


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Jul 31, 2012
SF Bay Area
If your finances allow, spring for a couple of newer batteries. The Vision Spinner 1300mah being a good choice. Attach that Vivi Nova or one of those Evods. Load it with 24 to 36 ml juice and it WILL work! The Spinner/Vivi Nova combo completely quashed my 40 year PAD+ Camel Filter habit from day one.
Crave an analog? Hit that 36mg.


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Feb 5, 2013
Columbus, Ohio
I also tried these "New Fangled Things" more than once, starting in 2010, They have come a long way since. Today there are many choices out there now. I have tried many combinations and am about to go into another configuration.

My mainstay right now is ViVi Novas with Heathers Heavenly Vapors Legend and Dragon's Fire. I highly reccomend them both:)

You will also want a good APV to fully realize the flavor and Vapor. My choice is Provari:) They are expensive, but in My opinion, well worth it and they are American Made:toast:

In any case, stick to it and I guarentee You WILL HAVE SUCCESS:)


Full Member
Dec 26, 2011
Im in the same boat as you. Sick of lack of wind over the analogs. I also have a Vivi Nova on an ego passthrough battery.
I personally have had to make a huge conscious effort to fully switch from analogs to vaping. Its been hard for me. But im 5 days strong. This forum has helped by keeping me vaping-interested, and going outside to vape has helped as ive been an outside only smoker. Without making the conscious effort to switch, ive had two habits for the past year-- id vape inside and smoke outside lol. I suppose it was a good year for getting accustomed to the vaping way of life in a transitional sense. Good luck!


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Feb 21, 2013
vancouver bc
Congratulations for trying again!

Although I had not tried vaping before, I also made the decision to not tell myself I "couldn't" have a cigarette because in the past when I failed that would send me right back to smoking ... I think for some people a lower key approach is more successful. Not only did I slowly transition off cigarettes, but for the first three weeks I was vaping I would still never take a step without a pack of cigarettes on my person - for me it was easier to choose not to have one as long as I knew I could if I wanted to! It took about five weeks after I first started vaping but I am now heading towards my 10th day without a cigarette … Do whatever works for you!

One thing you might wish to consider is to try a reasonably small and achievable behavior modification – for me it was trying to gradually cut out the cigarettes I was smoking while I did something else (I could still have a smoke but would try to sit down & have it rather than have one while doing something else. It is nice to see yourself achieving something if the number you smoke is not yet as low as you would like, and it will definitely help in terms of changing your habits.). The only-vaping-while-on-the-computer change alone was major - especially since I was spending so much time on ECF! This place is very supportive - don't hesitate to ask for help when you are having a rough time. Lots of good suggestions here - the one already mentioned about having a higher nic ejuice available is something that really helps me.

Good luck!


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Mar 7, 2013
Southeast Michigan
Thank you all soooo much for your kind words of support and your suggestions. I work in a small group home and am able to smoke a lot at work when things are quiet, which is much of the time. We just have to step out the side door and smoke. I spend an inordinate amount of time at home on the computer, and I would smoke one after another.

I got laid off for 2 years and that's how my smoking habit went up to nearly 4 packs a day....I was always home on my computer and smoking constantly. I've been back to work for almost a year now, but everyone who works there smokes. That makes it so hard not to smoke at work. Lately I've been bringing my ecig to work along with my analogs, but the analogs are still winning there. I do vape much more with my passthrough at home on my computer, though, and only light up occasionally.

I appreciate all your support. I should have posted years ago. You guys are great.


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Dec 21, 2011
Panama City, FL
Congratulations! I truly wish you success this time around!

I don't mean to pry, but I have a question... how did you manage to end up smoking 4 packs a day? I'm simply astounded that anyone can even find the time to do this. Did you have a job where you could constantly smoke while working?

Before starting vaping, I smoked for 38 years and have never went above 1.25 packs a day... and that was really above the norm for me. Since coming to ECF, I've been totally blown away by how much some people here have smoked. You're the highest PAD smoker I've seen yet! Wow!

I used to wonder how people could find time to smoke 3 or 4 PPD too. But when I look at how I could chain smoke if we were at a bar that allowed smoking (even if not drinking myself) or spending time outside... well, I'm just glad I never smoked in the house due to my non smoking hubby. I could have easily inched up to smoking that much if I was able to smoke constantly without having to get up and go outside. I am a non stop vapor too. I filled a vivi nova when we were going out about 4-4.5 hours ago, and need a refill now. Good thing I keep the mg/ml low! :p

Thayamax- Just think of all those smokers at work as possible future converts. As you begin to vape more and smoke less, they are bound to get curious. Hopefully you can win a few over to our team. :D
I have had the same experience vaping as you did. I've gone back to analog several times while vaping but since I've discovered cartos and tanks I've been smoking less and less. I just picked up an e-Vic today with some new juice (What - A - Melon by Junkie Juice 12mg) from a local shop and my goal for tomorrow is zero cigs. Unfortunately the company I work for requires those of us that vape go to the smoking area when using our PV's, so the temptation is always there but I'm determined!


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Feb 21, 2013
vancouver bc
everyone who works there smokes. That makes it so hard not to smoke at work. Lately I've been bringing my ecig to work along with my analogs, but the analogs are still winning there.

A suggestion that I found really helpful was to vape before having a cigarette. Later you can work on vaping longer & delaying your cigarette longer, but initially you might find that even just vaping & delaying lighting up for something easy like 1 minute might be enough to start interrupting the habit cycle at work.

Good luck & it sounds like you are well on your way at home.


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Apr 20, 2011
...Wish me luck. Hopefully, the third time is the charm. :)

The one thing I can say is; don't set a time table for quitting. It will take as long as it takes. Just keep the goal in the back of your mind. It took me a good four months to quit analogs once I set out on the task. There are a lot of habits associated with smoking besides the act of smoking itself. Sometimes a week just doesn't cut it.

Good luck,


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Aug 30, 2010
New York
Congratulations! I truly wish you success this time around!

I don't mean to pry, but I have a question... how did you manage to end up smoking 4 packs a day? I'm simply astounded that anyone can even find the time to do this. Did you have a job where you could constantly smoke while working?

Before starting vaping, I smoked for 38 years and have never went above 1.25 packs a day... and that was really above the norm for me. Since coming to ECF, I've been totally blown away by how much some people here have smoked. You're the highest PAD smoker I've seen yet! Wow!

I'm astonished by this too! :) I smoked about 15 -20 cigarettes a day and I felt like I was smoking all day long. In NY, cigs are $10 a pack. It would cost a fortune to smoke that much!

I know of one person who claims to smoke 5 packs of cigarettes a day. Ironically, he owns a funeral home! :)

Good luck to the OP! I kept falling off the wagon too. I still smoked 2-3 a day for months after buying my ecig, but that's a lot healthier than 20! :)


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Aug 30, 2010
New York
Don't put too much pressure on yourself. If you have to have a cig at work because everyone else is, then just do it. I was smoking and vaping (sometimes at the same time, alternating puffs --I know, what a fiend!) in the beginning. I kept trying new flavors and new types of ecigs/cartos ect. I did this for months. I was always ashamed when I read the stories on the forum about how people got their ecig and never touched another cigarette. After about 4 months and many 1000's of dollars spent, I bought a Go-Go ecig and that really satisfied me. Soon, I was only having my morning cigarette. A few weeks later, I woke up and reached for the Marlboros and thought, "I don't need it." And that was that. Everyone has to quit their own way. Every cigarette you don't smoke is a victory. :)

Good luck, I think you are going to do it this time! :)
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