vaping at 1.0 + ohms on mech mods?

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Vaping Master
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Nov 2, 2009
"Back in the day" I know, I know.............
But that was all we had and got buy just fine with them! Right now I'm using an Ikenvape i06 1.8 ohm atomizer on my Vmod, an Ikenvape 1.5 ohm 510 fusion carto in my carto tank on my Legacy and I have a 1.8 ohm build on my Trivveca dripper that is on top of my Tin box mod, all running standard batteries with no Kick or other electronics in them.
I've tried the sub ohm thing, not my cup of tea!


Full Member
Aug 9, 2013
I vape a mvp with 1ohm protank and i vape a mech with a 1.8 rba so they all work together ,, just do your homework and you will be fine ,,,,

on a side note i do find it funny that most vet vapers think all noobs are stupid ,, i never went ego i went straight mvp then mech ,, rba .2 ohm i vape alot of stuff ,, i did my homeowrk i watched lots of stuff ,, read even more stuff ,, and then started vaping ,, i just didnt want to chase money with money ,, cigalike , ego , vv, vv/vw , then mech and so on all in a months time ,, all noobs are different and we are ADULTS not kids ,, so if you dont do your homework and u get hurt its your own fault ,, but i am honest with ppl,, if you think you can handle a mech running a rba at .185 ohms then who am i to tell you know no ,, just like if you have the money to buy a Veyron go for it,, but you better know how to drive ,,,


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 2, 2009
I vape a mvp with 1ohm protank and i vape a mech with a 1.8 rba so they all work together ,, just do your homework and you will be fine ,,,,

on a side note i do find it funny that most vet vapers think all noobs are stupid ,, i never went ego i went straight mvp then mech ,, rba .2 ohm i vape alot of stuff ,, i did my homeowrk i watched lots of stuff ,, read even more stuff ,, and then started vaping ,, i just didnt want to chase money with money ,, cigalike , ego , vv, vv/vw , then mech and so on all in a months time ,, all noobs are different and we are ADULTS not kids ,, so if you dont do your homework and u get hurt its your own fault ,, but i am honest with ppl,, if you think you can handle a mech running a rba at .185 ohms then who am i to tell you know no ,, just like if you have the money to buy a Veyron go for it,, but you better know how to drive ,,,

It's not that we think anyone is stupid, but someone with 1-10 posts coming in here and asking how to build a .2 ohm coil, we have to be leery of. Do they know the "C" rating of the battery? Do they know how many amps they are drawing on said battery?
The problem lies in there is a lot of bad press about e-cigs and we are under fire from a lot of angles. So we get some, like the one a couple of years ago, with no idea what he was doing, making a mod out of copper pipe, using cheap Chinese batteries, and blows half his face off.
We would rather that not happen, to anyone! So yes, when a new member comes here asking about it we do feel the need to probe a bit and see what the member knows and how much of this they understand so they don't come back "Man, I blew off half my face! You guys SUCK! You told me this was perfectly fine and it blew up!"
You would also be surprised how many of them have no clue what a "C" rating is, much less ever heard of Ohms law!


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 17, 2011
brooklyn ny
to me a good VV VW device will extend the usable battery capacity by a lot and give a more constant vape from fresh battery to pretty low, on a mech by the time the battery is just a little more than half dead the vape becomes wimpy, so you switch out a half charged battery instead of keep on going, and when you put a fresh battery it's quite a bit sharper at first too.

to me the main reason to use a mech is when I want more power than a VV VW device can provide, so for me the main reason to use a mech is for high watt vaping, otherwise for up to 15-20 watts a nivel chip'd or evolve chip'd or a provari just lasts longer and is more consistent from a full to almost empty battery and gives more usable vape time between charges
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Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Jul 5, 2013
is there anything wrong with vaping anything at more than 1.0 ohms on mech mods? i know people get mods to be able to vape at sub-ohms...i'm just curious. also, without a kick, what volts/watts does a mech mod perform?

There's nothing at all wrong with using YOUR equipment the way you want, provided you don't endanger yourself or anyone else. Vaping at 1 ohm + is your right. You paid for the mech and atty, it's your call. If you like the vape you get from that more power to ya!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
  • Aug 13, 2011
    I have always used mechanical mods, started using them long before there was sub ohm vaping. Right now my Reo has a 1.7 ohm carto on it, and my old Maco has a 1.8 ohm coil in a RDA on it. To be blunt it's just as easy to set up a mechanical mod to produce a great vape at conventional resistances as it is at sub ohm resistances.

    Would you believe that cloud in my avatar is coming off a 2.7 ohm coil?
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    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 8, 2010
    Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
    Not at all, I personally like mech mods because I feel they get power to the coil quicker then my vv mods.

    Will someone explain this to me? Two other people "liked" it. So there's at least 3 people that think this. IDK what it means. I don't use mechs much.

    Last time I knew, speed of electricity through a conductor was, IDK, 1/2 lightspeed or something. Fast anyway. If you care about coil reaction time, can't you just turn the voltage of the vv up a notch? Maybe it's just performance differences or accuracy of the voltage setting.


    Full Member
    Aug 28, 2013
    is there anything wrong with vaping anything at more than 1.0 ohms on mech mods? i know people get mods to be able to vape at sub-ohms...i'm just curious. also, without a kick, what volts/watts does a mech mod perform?
    i always do my coil around 1.5 to 1.8 ohm. i did try something lower and even sub ohm but my throat seems not to like it. i like smoother draw with a mild throat hit. mech is cool and you can tinker with it to your liking. that's one of my reason. i like to tinker :2cool:


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 8, 2010
    Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
    Well, the way they wind the coils with sub-ohm, it needs more watts because they use thick wire. So it's not all "pure heat" like if you took normal skinny wire and made a .5 ohm coil. Yikes! (the coil would just pop anyway due to melting)

    So they can make a cool sub-ohm rig. Many of them are cloud chasers they have multiple coils and hot vapes. Sad really.

    My problem with it is that there's so little margin of error before it stresses a battery. But when I say that it starts a flame war so just pretend I didn't say it. ;)

    It's true...I don't find anything more amazing about coat-hanger coils and would rather have the battery life of higher ohms. To each their own with knowledge.


    I'm still here on ECF... sort of. ;)
    Supporting Member
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    Jan 25, 2011
    Because a new member began this thread? :blink:

    Being a new member does not necessarily mean they are a novice vapor. However, more and more novices have been skipping the cigalike and ego evolutionary ladder and going straight to sub-ohm RBA mechanicals as their first vaping device.

    They may have vaping friends who have encouraged them to start with these, or seen the You Tube videos of the cloud chasers and said, "That's what I want!" not knowing what all is involved with RBAs. Warnings on product descriptions that these are advanced items not to be used by inexperienced vapors are conveniently ignored.

    We even have members on this forum who recommend novice vapors to jump right into a Rebuildable. Now how wise is that? Please consider the level of experience of the novice before recommending an advanced delivery device. At the very least point them in the right direction to educate themselves first.

    Advice & Tips for Vapors Looking to Try Their First RBA

    Most novices don't have a clue what a hot spot or hard-short is, let alone know how to recognize one. They don't know the proper batteries to use and don't understand why a hot spring has collapsed in their mechanical mod. They haven't taken the time to research anything before purchase.

    There are e-cig store vendors selling sub ohm RBA's already set up to brand new vapors, and without any instruction or education about them at time of purchase. This is inexcusable in my book, and reeks of negligence on their part. They are doing no one a favor but only lining their greedy pockets with $$.

    It's just a matter of time before a catastrophic accident happens. It's up to the veteran leadership on this forum to advise and educate these newcomers so that they cause no harm to themselves or others from ignorant mistakes. This is in our best interest. A catastrophe will make headline news, and that's something that our vaping community does not need.

    Bringing this post forward as it is truly important information, and I like Bad's posts. It's all about the knowledge of what one is doing. As AttyPops mentioned, it's by far less about the coil size. It doesn't matter if one likes to vape on a coat hanger coil and the next person wants a cobweb coil. It IS about knowing the necessary information.

    It is RECKLESS for vendors and/or ECF members to be selling or recommending that new vapers use setups that do not match their level of experience.

    There's good reason why most of us climbed the e cig ladder!

    Sea Green Sky

    Full Member
    Sep 20, 2013
    Pasadena, CA
    Jesus christ this all seems so complicated. :(

    It does seems like it at first, especially with the 5,000 or so acronyms currently in use pertaining to vaping. I'm super new, I currently have a couple of eGo batteries and a handful of clearomizers, but have a couple of mods and RBA's and an RDA on order (yay).

    Here's a few salient points I've gleaned over the last few weeks (y'all please correct me where needed):
    * Watch a few YouTube videos on rebuilding RBA's & RDA's. It's really super simple.
    * Buy a quality RBA/RDA, don't buy cheap junk or you'll likely regret it.
    * Buy an ohm meter, don't just guess at the resistance - check it. I'm starting with around 1.8-2.0 ohms.
    * Buy quality batteries from a reputable reseller - there are counterfeit IMR batteries out there so beware. Buy IMR or at minimum protected batteries.
    * Buy a quality charger from a reputable reseller - there's cheap (and hazardous!) junk out there.


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
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    Nov 2, 2009
    It does seems like it at first, especially with the 5,000 or so acronyms currently in use pertaining to vaping. I'm super new, I currently have a couple of eGo batteries and a handful of clearomizers, but have a couple of mods and RBA's and an RDA on order (yay).

    Here's a few salient points I've gleaned over the last few weeks (y'all please correct me where needed):
    * Watch a few YouTube videos on rebuilding RBA's & RDA's. It's really super simple.
    * Buy a quality RBA/RDA, don't buy cheap junk or you'll likely regret it.
    * Buy an ohm meter, don't just guess at the resistance - check it. I'm starting with around 1.8-2.0 ohms.
    * Buy quality batteries from a reputable reseller - there are counterfeit IMR batteries out there so beware. Buy IMR or at minimum protected batteries.
    * Buy a quality charger from a reputable reseller - there's cheap (and hazardous!) junk out there.

    Find a place you are happy with, and order 1.5, 1.8, 2 ohm cartomizers and vape. Buy the same cartomizers punched, put them in a tank and be happy. It's only as complicated as you want to make it!
    I love the micro-coil on my Protank that is 1.0Ω. I use it on my Telescoping Natural.

    Hi. I am using a Zmax v2, at around 8.5-9.5 watts on a 9-12 wrap micro coil of 30 gauge kanthal for my mini protank 2 heads. Seems to work well. I especially love the RY4 from Crystal Eliquids, I believe they are called. Great juice! I haven't much experience with juices yet, as I only started in January, but people who reviewed it say it's the best RY4 they have come across, so that's good at least. lol

    What gauge kanthal, and how many wraps for you to get 1.0ohm? And you say you are using a Natural? I bought a cheap nemesis clone from FastTech, and the aqua coloured batteries rated for 20 amps. I don't seem to get much heat into my coils, and they take a while to heat up. Any ideas as to why? This is using high ohm coils too. Like 1.5-1.8. I just can't understand why it doesn't seem to be working well. I only have smoktech octapus, and igo-l rba's at the moment, but can't seem to get my coils to light up fast, as I see others do in their videos. Any ideas why?

    Thanks for any advice.


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 8, 2010
    Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
    "Sad really"? The OPINIONS in this thread...

    Maybe you failed to note that it was a reference to hot vapor, just for the sake of chasing clouds, rather than making it a cool (as in low temp) vaping rig.

    There's real concerns about that in our "hobby"...the hot vapor. Particularly for those of us with COPD or other issues. Yet, as you note, it's obviously OPINION. So meh.

    I hope that people will take harm reduction into account when building coils, as well as battery safety. I'm really not convinced that you have to have quad coils even if you're a cloud chaser. :/ Like I also each their own.

    /another OPINION. (if that wasn't obvious).
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